Treasury of the Natural State

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Longchen Rabjam

Treasure of the Natural State (Tib. གནས་ལུགས་མཛོད་, Neluk Dzö, Wyl. gnas lugs mdzod) — one of the Seven Treasuries of Longchenpa. It is a source for teachings on the unique samaya commitments of the Great Perfection.


It has five chapters:

  1. The Theme of Ineffability
  2. The Theme of Spontaneous Presence
  3. The Theme of Openness
  4. The Theme of Oneness
  5. The Individuals to Whom These Teachings May Be Entrusted



  • Longchenpa, The Exposition of the Quintessential Meaning of the Three Categories, A Commentary on the Precious Treasury of the Way of Abiding (sde gsum snying po'i don 'grel gnas lugs rin po che'i mdzod ces bya ba'i 'grel pa)
    • English translation: The Commentary Upon The Treasury of Natural Perfection: An Exposition of the Inner Meaning of Dzogchen Instruction, translated by Keith Dowman, in Old Man Basking In the Sun: Longchenpa's Treasury of Natural Perfection, (Vajra Publications, 2006)
    • English translation: The Exposition of the Quintessential Meaning of the Three Categories, A Commentary on the Precious Treasury of the Way of Abiding, translated by Richard Barron, in The Precious Treasury of the Way of Abiding (Padma Publishing, 1998).
    • English translation: The Commentary Upon The Treasury of Natural Perfection: An Exposition of the Inner Meaning of the Three Series of Dzogchen Instruction, in Natural Perfection, Longchenpa's Radical Dzogchen, translated by Keith Downman (Wisdom Publications, 2010).
  • Khangsar Tenpé Wangchuk, (rdzogs pa chen po gnas lugs rin po che'i mdzod kyi tshig 'grel dpal ldan bla ma'i zhal lung kun mkhyen dgyes pa'i mchod sprin)
    • English translation:The Precious Treasury of the Fundamental Nature, translated (along with the root text by Longchenpa) by Padmakara Translation Group, (Shambhala, 2022)

Further Reading

  • Gregory Alexander Hillis, The Rhetoric of Naturalness: A Critical Study of the gNas lugs mdzod, University of Virginia, 2002

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