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Chatral Rinpoche

Chatral Sangye Dorje’s Masters include the following ones: [1]

  1. Nyima Gyaltsen, the Asey Bigo Tulku
  2. Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö, the incarnation of Jamyang Khyentse
  3. Shechen Kongtrul Pema Drimé Lekpé Lodrö, the Kongtrul incarnation of Zhechen
  4. Gyurme Tenpa Namgyal, the supreme incarnation of Getse
  5. Jigdral Chogkyi Langpo, The Fourth Moktsa Tulku
  6. Jigmey Dechen Dorje, the sixth incarnation in the Drimey Shingkyong tulku line
  7. Pema Trinley Gyatso, the incarnation of Chaktsa Tulku
  8. Katok Situ Chökyi Gyatso, the Situ Panchen
  9. Dudjom Rinpoche, the great tertön Dudjom Jikdral Yeshe Dorje
  10. Thupten Chökyi Dorje, the Fifth Dzogchen Rinpoche
  11. Adzom Gyalse Gyurme Dorje, the son of the Dharma King Adzom Drukpa
  12. Melong Dorje, the incarnation of Tokgo Tulku
  13. Pema Tendzin, the incarnation of the Dzamira Tulku
  14. Jowo Tashi Rabten, the great treasure master of Tsophu
  15. Apang Tertön, Orgyen Trinlé Lingpa
  16. Tulku Dorje Dradül, the great treasure Tertön Dungse Dorje Dradul
  17. Ngawang Chokyi Drakpa, the regent of Mindroling
  18. Khenchen Jampal Dewé Nyima, the sublime incarnation Jampal Dewé Nyima
  19. Thupten Chökyi Langpo, the sublime Drubwang incarnation
  20. Sangsang Ngedon Gyatso, the incarnation of Dungkar Tulku
  21. Pema Namgyal, the Dungse Gar Long-Yang
  22. The sublime incarnation Chokyi Dorje
  23. The sublime incarnation of Gongri Rinpoche
  24. Incarnation of Mugsang Tulku
  25. Orgyen Tenpel, the great scholar of Gotsa
  26. The master Khenpo Lekshé Jorden Dulwey De
  27. The great scholar Khenpo Nüden Khyentse Lodro
  28. The great khenpo Norbu Wangyal
  29. The master scholar Khenpo Ngawang Norbu
  30. Khenpo Lodro of Palyul
  31. Drimey Özer, the great khenpo of Rishur
  32. The teacher Gelek Gyatso of Garwa
  33. The Nyungney teacher Rinchen Dargye
  34. Lama Pema Silo from Abey
  35. Lama Karma Dondrub from Akyab
  36. Lama Chodrak from Hashur
  37. Lama Palden of Trakya, Trakya Lama Rinpoche Palden
  38. The incarnation of Deshur Lama
  39. The life-long retreat lama at Dungkar
  40. Sera Khandro Dewé Dorje, the Sera Jetsun
  41. Shuksep Jetsünma, Lochen Chönyi Zangmo
  42. Khenpo Ngawang Palzang


  1. This list is according to the biography of Chatral Sangye Dorje written by Khenpo Tendon Özer and translated by Erik Pema Kunsang