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[[Category:Shrine and Ritual]]
[[Category:Shrine and Ritual]]

Revision as of 10:05, 16 March 2011

Pearl-like Ringsel of Gonpo Tseten Rinpoche

Five types of sacred relics (Tib. ringsel)

  1. chos kyi sku'i ring bsrel
  2. de bzhin gshegs pa'i sku gdung gi ring bsrel
  3. sku bal gyi ring bsrel
  4. chos kyi ring bsrel
  5. yungs 'bru tsam gyi ring bsrel

These are mentioned in Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Thayé's rten la nang gzhug 'bul ba'i lag len lugs srol kun gsal dri bral nor bu chu shel gyi me long