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==External Links==
==External Links==
*{{84000|http://read.84000.co/translation/UT22084-062-010.html|The Rice Seedling (Śālistamba)}}
*{{84000|http://read.84000.co/translation/UT22084-062-010.html|The Rice Seedling (Śālistamba)}}
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cs4bknJAgSU Oral teaching by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche]


Revision as of 21:24, 24 February 2019

Rice Seedling Sutra (Skt. Śālistamba-sūtra; Tib. སཱ་ལུའི་ལྗང་པའི་མདོ་, Wyl. sA lu'i ljang pa'i mdo) (Toh. 210) — a short sutra of the Mahayana in which the bodhisattva Maitreya explains the meaning of a very brief teaching on dependent arising that the Buddha had given earlier that day while gazing at a rice seedling. In the sutra, the Buddha said "bhikshus, whoever sees dependent arising sees the Dharma. Whoever sees the Dharma sees the Buddha." It is these words of the Buddha that Shariputra was requesting Maitreya to explain.

This is most probably one of the oldest mahayana texts (1st or 2nd cent. BC) and inspired Chandrakirti's treatises, especially his Introduction to the Middle Way.[1]

Tibetan Text

Modern Translations

In English

  • N. Ross Reat, The Śalistamba Sūtra (Dehli: Molital Baranasidas, 1993)
  • Dharmasāgara Translation Group, The Rice Seedling, translated under the patronage and supervision of 84,000 (see external link below)

In French

  • Philippe Cornu and Patrick Carré, Soûtra du diamant et autres soûtras de la voie médiane, (Paris: Fayard, 2001) (translated from Tibetan and Chinese versions)


  1. Philippe Cornu, Dictionnaire Encyclopédique du Bouddhisme, page 532.

Further Reading

  • Geshe Sonam Rinchen, How Karma Works: The Twelve Links of Dependent Arising (Snow Lion, 2006)
  • The Dalai Lama, The Meaning of Life, translated and edited by Jeffrey Hopkins (Wisdom, 2000)
  • N. Ross Reat, The Śalistamba Sūtra (Dehli: Molital Baranasidas, 1993)

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