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བཞག་པ། (Wyl. bzhag pa ) Pron.: shyakpa

  • Skt. मण्डनम्, maṇḍana, Pron.: mandana. From Sanskrit: adorning, being an ornament to | N. of various authors and other men (also with | adorning, ornament, decoration [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW
  • Skt. संनिहितम्, saṁnihita, Pron.: sannihita. From Sanskrit: deposited together or near, contiguous, proximate, present, close, near, at hand | deposited, fixed, laid up | prepared to, ready for | staying, being | a •partic. Agni [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW
  • Skt. निक्षेपः, nikṣepa, Pron.: nikshepa. From Sanskrit: putting down | •esp. of the feet | throwing or casting on | or | a deposit, pledge, trust, anything pawned | abandoning, throwing or sending away | wiping, drying [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW