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མེ་ཏོག (Wyl. me tog ) Pron.: metok

  • Skt. पुष्पम्, puṣpa, Pron.: pushpa. From Sanskrit: for | a flower, blossom | in names of plants oftener | the menstrual flux | a •partic. disease of the eye, albugo | a spot on the nails and teeth | (in •dram.) gallantry, politeness, declaration of love | N. of a Sāman | of a book, DivyĀv. | a kind of perfume | the vehicle of Kubera | blooming, expanding | a topaz | N. of a serpent-demon | of a son of Ślīshṭi | of a son of Śañkha | of a Bodhi-sattva(?) | of a mountain | of a book | prob. [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW