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རི། (Wyl. ri ) Pron.: ri

  • Skt. पर्वतः, parvata, Pron.: parvata. From Sanskrit: fr. | knotty, rugged (said of mountains) | according to | a mountain, mountain-range, height, hill, rock | often personified | an artificial mound or heap | of grain, salt, silver, gold presented to Brāhmans | the number 7 (from the 7 principal mountain-ranges) | a fragment of rock, a stone | the stones for pressing Soma | a (mountain-like) cloud | a tree | a species of pot-herb | a species of fish (Silurus Pabda) | N. of a Vasu | of a Ṛishi (associated with Nārada and messenger of the gods, supposed author of | where he has the | Kāṇva and Kāśyapa | of a son of Paurṇamāsa (son of Marīci and Sambhūti) | of a minister of king Purū-ravas | of a monkey | of one of the 10 religious orders founded by Śaṃkarācārya's pupils (whose members add the word | to their names [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW