Eighteen unshared attributes

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Eighteen unshared attributes (wyl. ma 'dres pa bco brgyad) - One of the twenty-one sets of immaculate qualities of the Buddha's dharmakaya, these are eighteen qualities that are unique to the buddhas and not possessed by the shravakas and pratyekabuddhas:

  1. Their physical conduct is without error (Tib. sku las 'khrul ba mi mnga' ba)
  2. Their speech is without fault (Tib. gsung la ca co mi mnga' ba)
  3. Their minds are never lacking mindfulness (Tib. thugs la nyams pa mi mnga' ba)
  4. Their minds are only ever resting in meditative equipoise (Tib. mnyam par ma bzhag pa'i thugs mi mnga' ba)
  5. They do not entertain varied ideas about their perceptions (Tib. 'du shes sna tshogs mi mnga' ba)
  6. They never experience neutral states lacking full discernment (Tib. ma brtags pa'i btang snyoms mi mnga' ba)
  7. They never lack the willingness to upohold the lineage of the Three Jewels and to benefit beings (Tib. dkon mchog gi gdung 'dzin cing sems can la phan par byed pa'i 'dun pa nyams pa mi mnga' ba)
  8. They never lack the enthusiastic diligence to work for others' welfare (Tib. gzhan don la spro ba'i brtson 'grus nyams pa mi mnga' ba)
  9. They are never without the mindfulness that ensures they never forget to see all things and events exactly as they are (Tib. chos kun ji bzhin gzigs pa mi brjed pa'i dran pa nyams pa mi mnga' ba)
  10. They are never without the wisdom that discerns precisely all things and events (Tib. chos rab rnam par 'byed pa'i shes rab nyams pa mi mnga' ba)
  11. They never lack total freedom from the two obscurations (Tib. sgrib gnyis las rnam par grol ba nyams pa mi mnga' ba)
  12. They never lack wisdom of complete liberation (Tib. rnam par grolba' ye shes gzigs pa nyams pa mi mnga' ba)
  13. All the actions of their body are preceded by and undertaken with wisdom (Tib. sku'i las thams cad ye shes sngon du 'gro zhing ye shes kyi rjes su 'brang ba'am 'jug pa)
  14. All the actions of their speech are preceded by and undertaken with wisdom (Tib. gsung gi las thams cad ye shes sngon du 'gro zhing ye shes kyi rjes su 'brang ba'am 'jug pa)
  15. All the actions of their mind are preceded by and undertaken with wisdom (Tib. thugs kyi las thams cad ye shes sngon du 'gro zhing ye shes kyi rjes su 'brang ba'am 'jug pa)
  16. They see into the past with wisdom vision that is without attachment and without impediment (Tib. 'das pa'i dus la ma chags ma thogs pa'i ye shes kyi gzigs pa 'jug pa)
  17. They see into the present with wisdom vision that is without attachment and without impediment (Tib. da lta'i dus la ma chags ma thogs pa'i ye shes kyi gzigs pa 'jug pa)
  18. They see into the future with wisdom vision that is without attachment and without impediment (Tib. ma 'ongs pa'i dus la ma chags ma thogs pa'i ye shes kyi gzigs pa 'jug pa)
--Based on Mipham Rinpoche's Khenjuk