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Contact (Skt. sparśa; Tib. རེག་པ་ or རེག་བྱ་, Wyl. reg pa or reg bya) — one of the fifty-one mental states defined in Abhidharma literature. According to the Compendium of Abhidharma, it belongs to the subgroup of the five ever-present mental states. Contact is also the sixth of the twelve nidanas.


In the Khenjuk, Mipham Rinpoche says:

  • Tib. རེག་པ་ནི་(ཡུལ་དབང་ཤེས་)གསུམ་འདུས་ནས་(སྔ་མ་ན་མེད་པའི་)དབང་པོའི་འགྱུར་བ་ཡོངས་སུ་གཅོད་པ(འམ་ཤེས་པ)་ཚོར་བའི་རྟེན་བྱེད་པའོ།[1]
  • Contact is the meeting together of the three (object, sense faculty and consciousness) and the positive determination (or cognition) of the (previously non-existing) faculty. It is the support of sensation. (▷RIGPA)
  • Contact is the meeting together of the three (object, sense faculty and consciousness) and the cognition of the faculty's (particular) event. It supports sensation. (Erik Pema Kunsang)


  1. Supplemented with Khenpo Nuden's commentary