The Vedas (Skt. veda; Wyl. rig byed, meaning knowledge) are the ancient sacred scriptures of traditional Indian culture and the primary texts of Hinduism.
There are four collections (Skt. saṃhitā):
- Rig Veda (Skt. ṛgveda; Wyl. nges brjod kyi rig byed), from ṛg meaning 'praise'.
- Sama Veda (Skt. sāmaveda; Wyl. mchod sbyin gyi rig byed), from sāman meaning 'song'.
- Yajur Veda (Skt. yajurveda; Wyl. snyan tshig gi rig byed), from yajus meaning 'prose mantra'.
- Atharva Veda (Skt. atharvaveda; Wyl. srid srung gi rig byed), from atharvāṇas meaning knowledge.