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Yojana (Skt.; Tib. དཔག་ཚད་, paktsé, Wyl. dpag tshad) — a measure of length used in the traditional teachings.

  • In the Abhidharma teachings, one yojana is equivalent to 16,000 cubits (approx. 7,4 kilometers).
  • In the Kalachakra tantra, one yojana is equivalent to 32,000 cubits (approx. 14,8 kilometers).

A measure of distance sometimes translated as “league,” but with varying definitions. The Sanskrit term denotes the distance yoked oxen can travel in a day or before needing to be unyoked. From different canonical sources the distance represented varies between four and ten miles. [1]


  1. 84000 Translating the Words of the Buddha.