Seven Treatises on Valid Cognition
The Seven Treatises on Valid Cognition (Wyl. tshad ma sde bdun) were written by Dharmakīrti as commentaries on the works of Dignāga.
- Commentary on Valid Cognition (Skt. Pramāṇavārttika; Wyl. tshad ma rnam 'grel)
- Ascertainment of Valid Cognition (Skt. Pramāṇaviniścaya; Wyl. tshad ma rnam nges)
- Point of Reason (Skt. Nyāyabindu; Wyl. rigs thigs)
- Point of the Axioms (Skt. Hetubindu; Wyl. gtan tshigs thigs pa)
- Inquiry into Relations (Skt. Saṃbandhaparīkṣā; Wyl. 'brel ba brtag pa)
- Reasoning of Debate (Skt. Vādanyāya; Wyl. rtsod pa'i rigs pa)
- Proof of Other Minds (Skt. Saṃtānāntarasiddhi; Wyl. rgyud gzhan grub pa)
Further Reading
- TH. Stcherbatsky, Buddhist Logic Volume 1, p37