Ten strengths

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A.The ten strengths (top chu [Tib.]) of the realization of a buddha are,

1) knowing what is correct and incorrect (gnas dang gnas ma yin pa mkhyen pa);
2) knowing the results of actions (rnam smin mkhyen pa);
3) knowing the aspirations of beings (‘gro ba mos pa sna tshogs mkhyen pa);
4) knowing all the elements (khams ji rnyed pa sna tshogs mkyen pa);
5) knowing the different capacities of beings (dbang po rno rtul rnam pa sna tshogs mkhyen pa);
6) knowing the all the paths (kun tu ‘gro ba’i lam sna tshogs mkhyen pa);
7) knowing the all the different ways to establish meditative concentration (bsam gtan gyi bkod pa sna tshogs ji rnyed pa mkhyen pa)
8) knowing previous lives of oneself and others (rang gzhan gyi sngon gyi gnas sna tshogs pa ji rnyed mkhyen pa);
9) the knowledge of transference, death and future rebirth (‘chi ‘pho ba dang ma ‘ongs pa’i skye ba ji rnyed mkhyen pa);
10) knowing that the defilements are exhausted or knowing the path and result (zag pa thams cad zad pa nyid du gyur pa’i lam dang ‘bras bu mkhyen pa).

B. The strenghts developed by bodhisattvas are,

1) reflection (bsam pa’i stobs);
2) superior reflection (lhag bsam);
3) acquisition (sbyor ba);
4) discriminative awareness (shes rab);
5) aspiration (smon lam);
6) vehicle (theg pa);
7) conduct (spyod pa);
8) transformation (rnam par ‘phrul pa);
9) bodhichitta (byang chub kyi sems); and
10) turning the wheel of the Dharma (chos kyi ‘khor lo bskor ba).