Migtsema: A Prayer to Jé Tsongkhapa

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Tsongkhapa Lobzang Drakpa

Mikmé Tsema: A Prayer to Jé Tsongkhapa

mikmé tsewé terchen chenrézik
drimé khyenpé wangpo jampal yang
düpung malü jomdzé sangwé dak
khangchen khépé tsukgyen tsongkhapa
lobzang drakpé shyapla solwa dep

Great treasury of non-referential compassion, Avalokiteshvara,
Powerful lord of flawless wisdom, Manjushri,
And destroyer of all the hosts of mara, Vajrapani, Lord of Secrets—
Crowning glory amongst all the learned masters of the Land of Snows,
Tsongkhapa Lobzang Drakpa, at your feet I pray!