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འགྲས། (Wyl. 'gras ) Pron.: dré

  • Skt. वक्रः, vakra, Pron.: vakra. From Sanskrit: crooked, curved, bent, tortuous, twisted, wry, oblique | curled, curly (as hair) | having an apparently backward motion, retrograde (said of planets) | crooked in disposition, cunning, fraudulent, dishonest, evasive, ambiguous | hostile, cruel, malignant, inauspicious | a nose | the planet Mars | the planet Saturn | a •partic. drug | N. of Rudra | of the Asura Bāṇa | of a prince of the Karūshas | of a Rākshasa | N. of a people [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW