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ལྷ་བཅས། (Wyl. lha bcas ) Pron.: lha ché

  • Skt. सहदेवः, sahadeva, Pron.: sahadeva. From Sanskrit: with the gods | N. of a Ṛishi | with the | of a man | with the | of the youngest of the five Pāṇḍava princes (son of Mādrī and reputed son of Pāṇḍu, but really son of the Aśvins, and twin-brother of Nakula | of a son of Haryaśvata | of a son of Harsha-vardhana | of a son of Haryavana | of a son of Soma-datta | of a son of Jarā-saṃdha | of a son of Divā-kara | of a son of Devāpi | of a son of Divārka | of a son of Su-dāsa | of a son of Su-prabuddha and uncle of Gautama Buddha | of a Rājaputra (mentioned together with Yudhi-shṭhira) | of an author | also with [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW