Five buddha families

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Five buddha families (Skt. pañcakula; Wyl. rigs lnga; Tib. rik nga) —

  1. buddha family (Skt. Tathāgatakula; Wyl. de bzhin gshegs pa'i rigs)
  2. vajra family (Skt. Vajrakula; Wyl. rdo rje'i rigs)
  3. jewel family (Skt. Ratnakula)
  4. lotus family (Skt. Padmakula; Wyl. pad ma'i rigs)
  5. action family (Skt. Karmakula)

Further Reading

  • Chögyam Trungpa,
    • Journey Without Goal: The Tantric Wisdom of the Buddha, The Collected Works of Chögyam Trungpa, Volume Four (Boston & London: Shambhala, 2003), Ch. 9 'The Five Buddha Families'.
    • The Lion’s Roar: An Introduction to Tantra, The Collected Works of Chögyam Trungpa, Volume Four (Boston & London: Shambhala, 2003), Part Two, Ch. 7 'The Five Buddha Families and Mahamudra'.

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