Bodhicharyavatara Chapter 1 Outline

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Overview of chapter one: The Excellence and Benefits of Bodhichitta

I. The Basis Required for the Generation of Bodhichitta

A. The Human Body as a Basis for the Generation of Bodhichitta (4)

B. The Mind as a Basis for Bodhichitta (5)

II. The Benefits of Bodhichitta

A. The General Benefits of Generating Bodhichitta

1. Bodhichitta Is Superior to All Other Virtues (6–8)

2. A Change of Name and of Status (9)

3. The Benefits of Bodhichitta Shown by Means of Examples

  1. a) The Example of Alchemy (10)
  2. b) The example of the jewel (11)
  3. c) The Example of the Fruit-Bearing Miraculous Tree (12)
  4. d) The Example of the Heroic Bodyguard (13)
  5. e) The Example of Fires at the End of Time (14a–b)
  6. f) The Benefits of Bodhichitta Explained in Other Texts (14c–d)

B. The Specific Benefits of Bodhichitta in Aspiration and the Specific Benefits of Bodhichitta in Action

1. Classification of Bodhichitta of Aspiration and Action (15–16)

2. The Benefits of Bodhichitta of Aspiration and Action (17–19)

3. Proving the Benefits of Bodhichitta by Scripture and Reasoning

  1. a) Proving the Benefits of Bodhichitta by Scripture 20)
  2. b) Proving the Benefits of Bodhichitta with Reasoning
    1. i) Proving with Reasoning the Benefits of Bodhichitta in Aspiration (21–26)
    2. ii) Proving with Reasoning the Benefits of Bodhichitta in Action (27–30)

C. The Greatness of a Person Who Possesses Bodhichitta (31–36)