Four variables

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Four Variables (Skt. aniyata; Wyl. gzhan ‘gyur bzhi) — a set of four mental states which are part of the fifty-one mental states, so-called because their nature (virtuous, non-virtuous or neutral) varies according to one's motivation and other accompanying mental states. They are:

  1. Sleep (Skt. middha; Wyl. gnyid)
  2. Regret (Skt. kaukṛtya; Wyl. ‘gyod pa)
  3. Conception (Skt. vitarka; Wyl. rtog pa)
  4. Discernment (Skt. vicāra; Wyl. dpyod pa)

Alternative Translations

  1. .
  2. remorse
  3. reasoning, investigation
  4. analysis