Ga Rabjampa Kunga Yeshe

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Ga Rabjampa Kunga Yeshe

Ga Rabjampa Kunga Yeshe (Wyl. sga rab 'byams pa kun dga' ye shes) (1397-1470) - an emanation of Buddha Maitreya and the great pandita Smritijñanakirti. He was a student of Rongtön Sheja Kunrig and Ngorchen Kunga Zangpo. He founded Tharlam Monastery--the monastery of Gatön Ngawang Lekpa and Dezhung Rinpoche--in 1436.


Ga Rabjampa composed four volumes of writing, including:

  • A commentary on the Hevajra Tantra
  • A commentary on Chanting the Names of Mañjuśrī
  • A commentary on the Sarvadurgatipariśodhana Tantra
  • A commentary on the Seven Points of Mind Training
  • An overview of the Abhisamayālankara
  • A commentary on the detailed explanation of the branches (yan lag rgyas bshad) [of the Abhisamayālankara]
  • Writings on the three turnings of the wheel of Dharma, the twentifold saṅgha, dependent origination, the dhyānas and formless absorptions
  • An overview of the Ornament of Mahāyāna Sūtras
  • A commentary on the Sublime Continuum
  • An overview of the Vinaya
  • A commentary on the Vinaya Sūtra
  • An overview of the Abhidharmakośa
  • A summary of logic and epistemology (pramāṇa)
  • A maṇḍala rite for Guhyasamāja Mañjuvajra (gsang ‘dus ‘jam pa’i rdo rje)
  • A clarification of difficult points in the Hevajrābhisamayaṭīkā (kye rdor mngon rtogs rgya cher ‘grel pa)
  • An explanation of the body maṇḍala
  • A praise of Sakya Monastery called Ocean of Blessings
  • A praise of Anyen Dampa Khuwön called Beautiful Rosary of Jewels
  • A praise of Drung Tsultrim Gyaltsen called Rosary of Jewels
  • Other praises
  • A fulfilment and healing rite called Eliminating All Obstacles (bar chad kun sel)
  • Songs of realization
  • An aspiration prayer called The Heart of the Mahāyāna Path
  • An aspiration prayer for Mind Training called Stream of Elixir

Plus a large record of teachings received (gsan yig) in 133 folios.

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