Two-fold benefit

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The two-fold benefit (Skt. dvārtha; Wyl. don gnyis) — in general:

  • the benefit of self (Skt. svārtha; Tib. rang dön; Wyl. rang don), and
  • the benefit of others (Skt. parārtha; Tib. shyendön; Wyl. gzhan don).

In particular, according to Maitreya's Uttaratantra Shastra, all of the qualities of a buddha can be condensed into the two-fold benefit of self and others, which are further subdivided into eight qualities (Tib. དོན་གཉིས་ཀྱི་ཡོན་ཏན་བརྒྱད་, Wyl. don gnyis kyi yon tan brgyad) :

Benefit of self:

Benefit of others:
