Haribhadra (Tib. Senge Zangpo, wyl. seng ge bzang po) - a great pandita who was a master of the prajnaparamita teachings. He received instructions directly from Maitreya and composed the Sphutartha, which is the most celebrated commentary on Maitreya's Abhisamayalankara.
- Sphutartha
- Light Ornament: A Great Commentary on the 8,000 Verses
- Easy-to-Comprehend Commentary on the Difficult Points of the Condensed Sutra
- Eight Chapters on the 25,000
Further Reading
- Lobsang N. Tsonawa, Indian Buddhist Pandits from The Jewel Garland of Buddhist History, Dharamsala: Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, 1985.