དམངས་རིགས། (Wyl. dmangs rigs) n. Pron.: mang rik
- Skt. śūdra. or kṣudra [Four castes, Varṇa]
- Skt. शूद्रः, śūdra, Pron.: shudra. From Sanskrit: whose only business | to | was to serve the three higher classes | in | the Śūdra is said to have been born from the feet of Purusha | in | he is fabled to have sprung from the same part of the body of Brahmā, and he is regarded as of higher rank than the present low and mixed castes so numerous throughout India | a pure Śūdra | a man of mixed origin | N. of a Brāhman | N. of a people | below. [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW