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འདབ་མ། (Wyl. 'dab ma ) Pron.: dab ma

  • Skt. पत्त्रम्, pattra, Pron.: pattra. From Sanskrit: and | Śāk. | the feather of an arrow | a bird | any vehicle, a chariot, car, horse, camel | a leaf, petal (regarded as the plumage of a tree or flower) | the leaf of a •partic. fragrant plant or a | •partic. | plant with fl leaf of a book, paper | a letter, document | 'having committed to paper' | any thin leaf or plate of metal or gold-leaf. | the blade of a sword or knife | a knife, dagger |  ; •Lat.: penna | older: pesna | for: pet-na | •Germ.: Feder | •Eng.: feather [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW