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Revision as of 14:45, 13 March 2011 by Domschl (talk | contribs) (1 revision: Bulk-import of new Tib/Eng dict records with Sanskrit from Mahavyutpatti and English from Monier-Williams)
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སྒྲིན་པོ། (Wyl. sgrin po ) Pron.: drinpo

  • Skt. पटुः, paṭu, Pron.: patu. From Sanskrit: or | sharp, pungent, acrid, harsh, shrill, keen, strong, intense, violent | or | smart, clever, skilful, crafty, cunning | or | great or strong in, fit for, able to | or | capable of | or | or | saline | or | cruel, hard | or | healthy | or | eloquent | or | clear, manifest | Trichosanthes Dioeca or its leaf | Momordica Charantia | Nigella Indica | a kind of perfume | a species of camphor | N. of a man | of a poet | of a people | of a caste | a mushroom | salt, pulverized salt [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW