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མངལ། (Wyl. mngal ) Pron.: ngal

  • Skt. गर्भः, garbha, Pron.: garbha. From Sanskrit: 'to conceive' | the womb | the inside, middle, interior of anything, calyx (as of a lotus) | 'having in the interior, containing, filled with' | an inner apartment, sleeping-room | any interior chamber, adytum or sanctuary of a temple | p.445 | a foetus or embryo, child, brood or offspring (of birds) | a woman's courses | 'offspring of the sky' | the fogs and vapour drawn upwards by the rays of the sun during eight months and sent down again in the rainy season | the bed of a river (•esp. of the Ganges) when fullest | on the fourteenth day of the dark half of the month Bhādra or in the height of the rains (the Garbha extends to this point, after which the Tīra or proper bank begins, and extends for 150 cubits, this space being holy ground) | the situation in a drama when the complication of the plot has reached its height | the rough coat of the Jaka fruit | fire | joining, union | N. of a Ṛishi (called Prājāpatya) | also •Hib.: cilfin | 'the belly' ; •Angl.Sax.: hrif | •Germ.: kalb | Engl.: calf [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW