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མིག་གི་འབྲས་བུ། (Wyl. mig gi 'bras bu ) Pron.: mik gi drebu

  • Skt. तारकः, tāraka, Pron.: taraka. From Sanskrit: causing or enabling to pass or go over, carrying over, rescuing, liberating, saving | (Śiva) | a particular prayer | belonging to the stars | a helmsman | N. of a Daitya (conquered by Indra with the assistance of Skanda) | the children of that Daitya, viii, 1553 | xiii | of an enemy of Vishṇu | of a friend of Sīmanta | a float, raft | a star | the pupil of the eye | the eye | a metre of 4 x 13 syllables [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW