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རི་བྱི། (Wyl. ri byi ) Pron.: ri ji

  • Skt. अगस्तिः, agasti, Pron.: agasti. From Sanskrit: according to | a mountain, and | thrower | N. of a Ṛishi (author of several Vedic hymns | said to have been the son of both Mitra and Varuṇa by Urvaśī | to have been born in a water-jar | to have been of short stature | to have swallowed the ocean, and compelled the Vindhya mountains to prostrate themselves before him | to have conquered and civilized the South | to have written on medicine | the star Canopus (of which Agastya is the regent, said to be the 'cleanser of water', because of turbid waters becoming clean at its rising | Agasti Grandiflora | also | the descendants of Agastya [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW