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ཧྲུད་པ། (Wyl. hrud pa ) Pron.: hrüpa

  • Skt. रूक्षम्, rūkṣa, Pron.: ruksha. From Sanskrit: prob. fr. | 2. | rough, dry, arid, dreary | emaciated, thin | rough to the taste, astringent | not greasy or oily (as food or medicine) | hard, harsh, unkind, cruel (as a person or speech) | unpleasant, disagreeable, not soft (to the sight, smell) | dismal (as a house) | soiled, smeared, dirtied | having the smell of an elephant in rut | hardness, harshness | the smell of the rut of an elephant | a kind of grass [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW