Three kinds of laziness

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Three kinds of laziness (wyl. le lo gsum) - factors that are incompatible with diligence.

  1. the laziness of lethargy or inactivity(snyom las 'dzin pa'i le lo)
  2. the laziness of attachment to negative behaviour (bya ba ngan pa zhen gyi le lo)
  3. the laziness of self-discouragement or despondency (sgyid lug bdag nyid brnyas pa'i le lo)

Overcoming the Three Kinds of Laziness

Patrul Rinpoche says:

"Spurred on by the hook of impermanence, you can overcome the laziness of inactivity. The laziness of attachment to negative behaviour can be overcome by thinking about the joys of the sacred Dharma. The laziness of self-discouragement can be overcome by encouraging yourself and bolstering your self-confidence."