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རྩིབས་ལོགས་སྒྱེས། (Wyl. rtsibs logs sgyes ) Pron.: tsib lok gyé

  • Skt. पराशरः, parāśara, Pron.: parashara. From Sanskrit: m. a crusher, destroyer | a partic. wild animal Bhagavatīg. | N. of a Nāga | N. of a son of Vasishṭha or of a son of Śakti and grandson of Vasishṭha (according to MBh. the father of Vyāsa) | said to be the author of RV. | of a son of Kuṭhumi | of the author of a well-known code of laws | of sev. writers on medicine and astrology | N. of a poet | [-kśetra-māhātmya] n. [-tantra] n. [-dharma] m. [-purāṇa] , n. [- mādhavīya] n. [-vaṃza-varṇana] n. [-vijaya] m. [ -saṃhitā] f. [-sampāta] m. [-siddhanta] m. [-sūtra-vṛtti], f. [-smṛti] f. [-smṛti-saṃgraha] m. n. N. of wks. | m. = [pārāśarin] L. | m. N. of a Liṅga Skanda | [vara-tīrtha]n. N. of a Tīrtha Śiva [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW