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རབ་ཏུ། (Wyl. rab tu ) Pron.: rabtu

  • Skt. भृशम्, bhṛśa, Pron.: bhrisha. From Sanskrit: strong, vehement, mighty, powerful, frequent, abundant | often | below | rarely as an independent word | •ibc. and (#{am} ind.) | strongly, violently, vehemently, excessively, greatly, very much | harshly, severely | quickly, without hesitation | often, frequently | eminently, in a superior manner | a •partic. tutelary deity [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW
  • Skt. प्रकरणम्, prakaraṇa, Pron.: prakarana. From Sanskrit: production, creation | treatment, discussion, explanation | treatise, monograph, book, chapter (•esp. introduction or prologue) | a subject, topic, question, matter, occasion, opportunity | 'on this occasion' or 'in this connection' | 'nor do you know what is the matter' | a kind of drama with a fictitious plot (such as | treating with respect | doing much or well | N. of •wk. [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW
  • Skt. सुष्ठुः, suṣṭhu, Pron.: sushthu. From Sanskrit: aptly, fitly, duly, well, excellently, exceedingly [suśṭhu khalu], 'most certainly' [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW