Sixteen Aspects of the Four Noble Truths

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Buddha turning the Wheel of Dharma for the first time

Sixteen Aspects of the Four Noble Truths (Wyl. bdag med rnam pa bcu drug or bden chung bcu drug)

1. Suffering (Skt. duḥkha)
2. Impermanence (Skt. anitya)
3. Emptiness (Skt. śūnyatā)
4. Selflessness (Skt. anātmaka)

5. Cause (Skt. hetu)
6. Origination (Skt.samudaya)
7. Intense Arising (Skt. prabhava)
8. Condition (Skt. pratyaya)

9. Peace (Skt. śānta)
10. Cessation (Skt. nirodha)
11. Perfection (Skt. praṇīta)
12. True Deliverance or Renunciation (Skt. niḥsaraṇa; Tib. nges 'byung)

13. Path (Skt. mārga)
14. Appropriate (Skt. nyāya)
15. Effective (Skt. pratipatti)
16. Truly Delivering (Skt. nairyāṇika)