Dawa Chödak Rinpoche

Dawa Chödak Rinpoche is a senior student of Dudjom Rinpoche, Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche and of Kunzang Dorje Rinpoche. Lama Dawa has perfected the siddhis to do the Divine Mirror Divination (Ta) practice. Through this practice, he has been able to benefit countless individuals with his abilities to see the past, present and future.
Birth and Family
He was born on Guru Rinpoche’s day near Mukhti Narayan, a sacred pilgrimage spot in Northern Nepal. After his birth, he was taken to the great mahasiddha Golok Sert’hong Rinpoche, who recognized him as the reincarnation of Nakchu Gelong Konchok, a siddha who left handprints in the caves of Mount Kailash. Golok Sert’hong Rinpoche made many auspicious predictions and named him Dawa Chhodak, in honor of the great Buddhist Masters, Chandrakirti and Dharmakirti.
Dawa Chhodak Rinpoche was raised in his father’s monastery in Dolpo, a remote region on the border of Tibet and Nepal. His father, Kathak Rigzin Dorje Rinpoche, a yogi from the Taklung Kagyü lineage, began Lama Dawa’s religious education at an early age in the traditional manner. In 1960 Dawa Chhodak Rinpoche and his family relocated to Northern India where they met Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche. From the age of thirteen, he began his studies, training and practices in the Dudjom Tersar lineage under Dudjom Rinpoche. From him, he received the empowerments and transmissions of the Rinchen Terdzö, the Nyingma rGyud Bum, Nyingma Kama, as well as the Dudjom Tersar. Lama Dawa completed many retreats under the guidance of Dudjom Rinpoche and became one of Dudjom Rinpoche’s heart disciples, receiving all the outer, inner and sacred transmissions and oral instructions.