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Saṅgabhadra (Wyl. dge 'dun bzang po; or 'dus bzang, which is most likely just a spelling mistake). Belonging to the orthodox Kashimiri Vaibhashika, he was the teacher of Vasubandhu. After Vasubandhu had written his auto-commentary on the Treasury of Abhidharma, where he refuted many positions of the Vaibhashikas, Saṅgabhadra wrote a commentary on the Treasury himself, the Abhidharmakosa Sastra Karika Bhasya, trying to defend the Vaibhashika's position. He travelled to Nalanda to debate Vasubandhu, but Vasubandhu left for Nepal, most likely unwilling to debate his former teacher out of deference, and Saṅgabhadra passed away shortly after.

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