Six levels of meditative concentration

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Six levels of meditative concentration (Tib. བསམ་གཏན་ས་དྲུག་, samten sa druk, Wyl. bsam gtan sa druk) — the main factors for pursuing the undefiled path, these six have been taught as the basis for the path of seeing.

  1. The capable preparatory stage of the first meditative concentration (Wyl. bsam gtan dang po'i nyer bsdogs mi lcogs med)
  2. The mere actual first meditative concentration (Wyl. bsam gtang dang po'i dngos gzhi tsam po ba)
  3. The special actual first meditative concentration (Wyl. bsam dang po'i dngos gzhi khyad par can)
  4. The second meditative concentration (Wyl. bsam gtan gnyis pa)
  5. The third meditative concentration (Wyl. bsam gtan gsum pa)
  6. The third meditative concentration (Wyl. bsam gtan bzhi pa)

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