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Bhurkumkuta, courtesy of Nyingjei Lam

Ucchusma (Skt. Ucchuṣma; Tib. སྨེ་བརྩེགས་, Metsek, Wyl. sme brtsegs) — a wrathful form of Vajrapani who is associated with the purification of defilements and pollution of samaya (Damdrip Nyepa Kunsel).


The Tibetan kangyur preserves one kriya tantra dedicated to Ucchusma:

  • The Mantra Praising the Wrathful King Bhurkuṃkūṭa (Skt. krodha bhurkuṃkūṭa rāja stotra mantra; Wyl. sme brtsegs bstod sngags, or more fully khro bo'i rgyal po sme brtsegs la bstod pa'i sngags, D 756).

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