Seven Treatises on Valid Cognition

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The Seven Treatises on Valid Cognition were written by Dharmakīrti as a detail commentary on the works of Dignāga, they became the fundamental works (mūla) to be studied on logic.

The principle text, containing the 'body' of the system is the

  1. Inference
  2. Valid cognition
  3. Sense perception
  4. Logic

The remaining treatises, considered the 'six feet' of this text, are:

  • The two abridgments of the Pramāṇa-vārtika called:
  1. Pramāṇa-vinišcaya
  2. Nyāya-bindu

These both contain three chapters dealing with: sense perception, inference, and logic.


  • Hetubindu, a short classification of logical reasons
  • Sambandha-parīkṣā, an examination of the problem of relations
  • Codanā-prakaraṇa, a treatise on debate
  • Santānāntara-siddhi, a treatise on the reality of other minds, directed against the position of Solopsism (the theory that only the self exists).

All these works, aside from the Nyāya-bindu, are lost in the original Sanskrit but remain as translated works in the Tibetan Tengyur (Wyl. bstan 'gyur).

Source: Buddhist Logic Volume 1 - TH. Stcherbatsky: p37