Yangthang Rinpoche

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Domang Yangthang Rinpoche (Tib. མདོ་མང་གཡང་ཐང་རིན་པོ་ཆེ་, Wyl. mdo mang g.yang thang rin po che) (b. 1923) was born into the Yangthang clan in Sikkim.  He was recognized as the incarnation of Tertön Dorje Dechen Lingpa of Domang Monastery in East Tibet.  His main teacher at the monastery was Domang Soktrul Rinpoche, the principal disciple of his previous incarnation. His other teachers include Dudjom Rinpoche, Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche and Dodrupchen Rinpoche. In 1959, when the Communist Chinese invaded Tibet, Rinpoche left Domang, but was later captured and imprisoned for twenty-two years.  After his eventual release, he returned to Dhomang to find his monastery completely dismantled. He then obtained permission to return to Sikkim, where he has lived ever since, continuing his activities on behalf of the teachings and beings.