The Ornament of the Mahayana Sutras

The Ornament of the Mahayana Sutras (Skt. Mahayanasutralankara; Tib. tekpa chenpö do de gyen) - One of the five treatises of Maitreya.
The text has twenty-one chapters (le’u):
- Chapter One
- Establishing the Mahayana
- Refuge
- Gotra (rigs)
- Bodhicitta (sems bskyed)
- Accomplishment/Practice (sgrub pa)
- Suchness (de kho na nyid)
- Power (mthu)
- Complete Maturation (yongs su smin pa)
- Awakening (byang chub)
- Aspiration (mos pa)
- yongs su tshol ba
- Explication (bshad pa)
- Practice (sgrub pa)
- gdams ngag rjes su bstan pa
- thabs dang ldan pa’i las
- The paramitas and means of attraction (bsdu ba)
- mchod pa dang bsten pa dang tshad med pa
- byang chub kyi phyogs dang mthun pa
- Enlightened Qualities (yon tan)
- spyod pa dang mthar thug pa
- Asanga, Universal Vehicle Discourse Literature Mahayanasutralamkara (Treasury of the Buddhist Sciences), American Institute of Buddhist Studies, 2004