Three Turnings

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Buddha Turning the Wheel of Dharma for the first time

The Three Turnings of the Wheel of Dharma (wyl. chos 'khor rim pa gsum).

Brief Explanation of the Three Turnings

Very simply, the first turning is mainly concerned with abandoning negative actions of the body, speech and mind.
The second turning is primarily about abandoning clinging to the self of individual and of phenomena.
The third turning is about abandoning clinging to emptiness.

According to Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, the three turnings can be related to the following quote from the Prajñaparamita sutras:

“Mind is devoid of mind. The nature of mind is clear light.”
  • "Mind" refers to the first turning where mind is spoken of as if it is inherently existent.
  • " devoid of mind" refers to the intermediate turning and the teachigns on emptiness.
  • "The nature of mind is clear light" refers to the final turning and the teachings on buddha nature.

The Nyingma View of the Three Turnings

According to the Nyingma School, the first turning is of provisional meaning, whereas the second and third turnings are both of definitive meaning.

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