Eight female bodhisattvas

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The eight female bodhisattvas are also referred to as the [Eight offering goddesses]. They are:

  1. Lasya (Skt. Lāsyā; Tib. Gegmoma) the consort of Kshitigarbha
  2. Gita (Skt. Ghirtī; Tib. Luma) the consort of Vajrapani
  3. Malya (Skt. Mālyā; Tib. Trengwama) the consort of Akashagarbha
  4. Nritya (Skt. Nirtī; Tib. Zik Garma) the consort of Avalokiteshvara
  5. Dhupa (Skt. Dhupā; Tib. Dukpöma) the consort of Maitreya
  6. Pushpa (Skt. Pūṣpā; Tib. Metokchen) the consort of Sarvanivaranavishkambhin
  7. Aloka (Skt. Alokā; Tib. Aloke) the consort of Samantabhadra
  8. Gandha (Skt. Gandhā; Tib. Drichabma) the consort of Mañjushri

Symbolically they represent the pure state of sense objects.