Nyatri Tsenpo
Nyatri Tsenpo (Wyl. gnya' khri btsan po) is said to be the first king of Tibet. According to the Omniscient Longchenpa his family lineage derives from the Shakya clan. When he was born as the only son of a king in distant Eastern India, in Ujani (todays Ujjain). But the extraordinary stigma he was born with were seen by his father as negative and he decided to have him killed. Since nobody could kill the baby, they put in a sealed brass vase they threw in the Ganges. It was found by a farmer from Vaishali, who raised him in the middle of the forest. When he told the boy of what happened to him, the prince ran away by mounts and valley until he reached Tibet near the Yarlung Valley. There people gathered and asked him who he was and where he was coming from. Not understanding their language he showed and looked at the sky. They understood he was a king (tsenpo) coming from the sky. They sat him on a throne (tri) that four men carried around on yokes (nya).