Choné Tengyur

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The Choné Tengyur (Tib. ཅོ་ནེ་བསྟན་འགྱུར, Wyl. co ne bstan 'gyur), in 209 volumes, was created in Choné in Amdo at the suggestion of the prince Jamyang Norbu (1703-1751), and completed during the life of his widow in 1773. It was edited by Choné Lama Drakpa Shedrup (Tib. ཅོ་ནེ་གྲགས་པ་བཤད་སྒྲུབ་) and the catalogue was compiled by Jamyang Shepa Könchok Jikmé Wangpo. Most of the woodblocks were destroyed during conflict in 1929. The only surviving copy was acquired by Austro-American researcher Joseph F. Rock and is currently in the possession of the Library of Congress.

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