Dorje Drak Monastery

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Thupten Dorje Drak Ewam Chogar (Tib. ཐུབ་བསྟན་རྡོ་རྗེ་བྲག་རྡོ་རྗེ་བྲག་ཨེ་ཝཾ་ལྕོག་སྒར་, Wyl. thub bstan rdo rje brag rdo rje brag e waM lcog sgar) — one of the Six "Mother" Nyingma Monasteries. It was founded in 1610 by Rigdzin Ngakgi Wangpo (1580-1639). The monastery specialized in the Northern Treasures (Tib. བྱང་གཏེར་, changter; Wyl. byang gter) tradition of Rigdzin Gödem. It had approximately 200 monks before the Chinese invasion.

In Exile

Founded by Taklung Tsetrul Rinpoche in 1984 in Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, it is called Thupten Dorje Drak Ewam Chogar Chökhor Namgyal Ling.

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