Vajrakilaya Overpowering the Forces Of Mara

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Vajrakilaya mandala, courtesy of

Vajrakilaya Overpowering the Forces Of Mara (Tib. ཕུར་པ་བདུད་དཔུང་ཟིལ་གནོན་, purpa düpung zilnön, Wyl. phur pa bdud dpung zil gnon) — the Vajrakilaya practice of the Longchen Nyingtik Palchen Düpa cycle.

When Jigme Lingpa was in his sixties he ‘translated the signs’ of the four specific sādhanas of Palchen Düpa—Yamāntaka, Hayagrīva, Yangdak Heruka and Vajrakīlaya—at the request of Dodrupchen Jikme Trinle Özer, Jigme Losalchen, and Tsewang Lhamo, the Queen of Derge. This is the sādhana of Vajrakīlaya.


  • Vajrakīlaya: Overpowering the Forces of Māra, from the Oceanic Gathering of Awesome Ones (དཔལ་ཆེན་བཀའ་འདུས་རྒྱ་མཚོ་ལས། ཕུར་པ་བདུད་དཔུང་ཟིལ་གནོན་, dpal chen bka' 'dus rgya mtsho las/ phur pa bdud dpung zil gnon)


  • Dodrupchen Jikme Tenpe Nyima, A Necklace for Those who Wield the Kīla, A Guide to Vajrakīlaya: Overpowering the Forces Of Mara (phur pa bdud dpung zil gnon gyi zin bris phur thogs mgrin pa'i rgyan). It was written in the wood dragon year of 1904.
  • Khenpo Chemchok Döndrup Tsal, A Concise Guide to the Practice of Vajrakilaya (phur ba'i zin bris bsdus pa)

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