Capable preparatory stage

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Capable preparatory stage (Tib. ཉེར་བསྡོགས་མི་ལྕོགས་མེད་, Wyl. nyer bsdogs mi lcogs med) - a state of advanced shamatha meditation, characterized by mental and physical pliancy, which serves as the basis for the first dhyana and beyond. It is the best mind of the desire realm. It is called 'capable', or more literally 'not unable', since this mind can serve as the support to obtain all the qualities and remove all the obscurations.

Khenpo Pema Vajra says:

"[The ninth stage of shamatha] is genuine shamatha, but if you still do not have the bliss of physical and mental pliancy, you have not yet reached the actual preparatory stage for the dhyana meditations. Once pliancy is attained, there is a foundation for developing the wisdom of vipashyana. This is the preparatory stage which is known as ‘the capable stage.’ At this point, there are seven mental processes through which the main part of dhyana meditation is accomplished."