Aspiration to be Reborn in the Pure Realm of Sukhavati
(Redirected from Prayer of Sukhavati)

The Aspiration to be Reborn in the Pure Realm of Sukhavati (Tib. རྣམ་དག་བདེ་ཆེན་ཞིང་གི་སྨོན་ལམ་, Wyl. rnam dag bde chen zhing gi smon lam) aka Dechen Mönlam or Dé Mön (བདེ་སྨོན་, bde smon), by Karma Chakmé Rinpoche (aka Raga Asé) is perhaps the most famous aspiration prayer to be reborn in Sukhavati, the heaven of Amitabha, in the Tibetan tradition.
- Lala Sonam Chödrup, Illuminating the Path to Liberation, A Commentary on the Aspiration of Sukhavati
- Rigdzin Gargyi Wangchuk, (bde chen zhing gi smon lam gyi 'bru 'brel bde ba'i dga' ston)
Structural Outline
- From the Collected works of Patrul Rinpoche - Volume 2, pp. 405-410, མཁས་གྲུབ་ཀརྨ་ཆགས་མེད་ཀྱིས་མཛད་པའི་རྣམ་དག་བདེ་ཆེན་ཞིང་གི་སྨོན་ལམ་ས་བཅད་, mkhas grub kar+ma chags med kyis mdzad pa’i rnam dag bde chen zhing gi smon lam sa bcad
- Jens Hansen, 'The Aspiration of Sukhavati' Translation under the direction of Saljay Rinpoche, 2012
- Tadeusz Skorupski, 'A Prayer for Rebirth in the Sukhāvatī' in Buddhist Forum, vol. 3, London: SOAS, 1995, pp. 375-409
- Khenpo David Karma Choepel, 'Prayers for Rebirth in Sukhavati', Dharma Ebooks Publications, 2022
- Peter Schwieger, Ein Tibetisches Wunschgebet um Wiedergeburt in der Sukhāvatī, St. Augustin : VGH Wissenschaftsverlag, 1978.
- Anna Pensante, Preghiere per la rinascita in Sukhavati, Dharma Ebooks Publications, 2023