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**English translation: ''The Vase of Fortune: Source of Wish-Fulfilling Attainments, A ritual framework for the two branches of The Practice of the Guru’s Heart'', provisionally translated by Ryan Conlon, 2019.
**English translation: ''The Vase of Fortune: Source of Wish-Fulfilling Attainments, A ritual framework for the two branches of The Practice of the Guru’s Heart'', provisionally translated by Ryan Conlon, 2019.
**Colophon: ''Having been revealed by Chokgyur Lingpa at the Gotod Obar cliff, this ritual framework for the two branches of the Heart Practice, which is also connected with the creation of siddhi pills that liberate upon taste, was finalised and first written down by the omniscient scribe Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo. However, as it was unreadable to others, the above mentioned agreed to write a second text, but the task was left gradually fell by the wayside. Once again, after begging insistently at his feat, I received, through his kindness, a clear copy of only the beginning part of the root treasure text and the required recitation text in its entirety. In adapting the root Heart Practice text to an already existing and special ritual framework for the two branches of the Heart Practice, I, [[Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Tayé|Tennyi Yungdrung Lingpa]], was forced—although I maintained an intention to help others—to add some of my own inventions, rather like attaching a lamb’s head to a sheep’s body. This was composed at practice place of the cliff of Tsadra Rinchen and copied down by attendant Sangak Tendzin. From the goodness of erecting in Okmin Tshurdo, this vase of fortune from which all attainments flow, this ritual framework for the two branches of the Heart Practice, the embodiment of all Bliss Gone Ones— that is, the form of the Oḍḍiyāna Guru, the only refuge of beings of the degenerate times— may external and internal unfavourable conditions and degenerations due to time be pacified, and, reaching up with the renewed glory of a golden age of goodness, may all forever engage in the greatness of the four baskets (Skt. piṭaka).''
**Colophon: ''Having been revealed by Chokgyur Lingpa at the Gotod Obar cliff, this ritual framework for the two branches of the Heart Practice, which is also connected with the creation of siddhi pills that liberate upon taste, was finalised and first written down by the omniscient scribe Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo. However, as it was unreadable to others, the above mentioned agreed to write a second text, but the task was left gradually fell by the wayside. Once again, after begging insistently at his feat, I received, through his kindness, a clear copy of only the beginning part of the root treasure text and the required recitation text in its entirety. In adapting the root Heart Practice text to an already existing and special ritual framework for the two branches of the Heart Practice, I, [[Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Tayé|Tennyi Yungdrung Lingpa]], was forced—although I maintained an intention to help others—to add some of my own inventions, rather like attaching a lamb’s head to a sheep’s body. This was composed at practice place of the cliff of Tsadra Rinchen and copied down by attendant Sangak Tendzin. From the goodness of erecting in Okmin Tshurdo, this vase of fortune from which all attainments flow, this ritual framework for the two branches of the Heart Practice, the embodiment of all Bliss Gone Ones— that is, the form of the Oḍḍiyāna Guru, the only refuge of beings of the degenerate times— may external and internal unfavourable conditions and degenerations due to time be pacified, and, reaching up with the renewed glory of a golden age of goodness, may all forever engage in the greatness of the four baskets (Skt. piṭaka).''
* ''bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi rdo rje mkha' 'gro'i las tshog las: zhi ba'i sbyin sreg sgrib gnyis kun sel'', Vajra DAkinI peaceful fire ritual (295-314)
*'''Eliminating the Two Obscurations, The Peaceful Fire Offering from the Collection of Activities of the Vajra Ḍāka of the Guru's Heart Practice: Dispeller of Obstacles''' (''bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi rdo rje mkha' 'gro'i las tshog las: zhi ba'i sbyin sreg sgrib gnyis kun sel'' (295-314)
* ''bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi rin chen mkha' 'gro'i las tshog rgyas pa'i sbyin sreg bde chen dpal 'bar '', Enriching fire offering for rin chen mkha' 'gro (315-334)
*'''Blazing Splendour of Great Bliss, The Enriching Fire Offering from the Collection of Activities of the Ratna Ḍāka of the Guru's Heart Practice: Dispeller of Obstacles''' (''bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi rin chen mkha' 'gro'i las tshog rgyas pa'i sbyin sreg bde chen dpal 'bar '' (315-334)
* ''bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las: padma mkha' 'gro'i las tshog dbang gyi sbyin sred khams gsum dbang sdud '', Fire offering for Padma mkha' 'gro (335-356)
* ''bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las: padma mkha' 'gro'i las tshog dbang gyi sbyin sred khams gsum dbang sdud '', Fire offering for Padma mkha' 'gro (335-356)
* ''bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las: karma mkha' 'gro'i las tshog drag po'i me mchod'', Wrathful fire offering for Karma mkha' 'gro (357-394)
* ''bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las: karma mkha' 'gro'i las tshog drag po'i me mchod'', Wrathful fire offering for Karma mkha' 'gro (357-394)

Latest revision as of 16:20, 7 October 2024

Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa

Chokling Tersar (Tib. མཆོག་གླིང་གཏེར་གསར་, Wyl. mchog gling gter gsar) — termas revealed by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa, often in combination with Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo and Jamgön Kongtrul. They include the Tukdrup Barché Kunsel, the Zabtik Drolchok, the Lamrim Yeshe Nyingpo, the Seven Profound Cycles, and the Three Classes of the Great Perfection.

Woodblocks of the Chokling Tersar were carved in the first decade of the twentieth century by the first Kela Chokling incarnation, Könchok Gyurme Tenpé Gyaltsen. More recently it has been published twice outside of Tibet. In 1977, Patshang Lama Sonam Gyaltsen published a twenty-four volume collection in Delhi of the terma of Chokgyur Lingpa. An expanded thirty-nine volume edition was produced by Lama Pema Tashi in Paro, Bhutan in 1982. Published as the treasury of revelations and teachings of Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa, it was supplemented with texts from Tibet representing the tradition of Neten Monastery. The outline provided here refers to this later edition. Descriptions of texts where no english title is available are taken from the Catalogue of the New Treasures of Chokgyur Lingpa.

Volume 1 (ཀ, ka)

  • zla nyinkha la rong sgo'i dkar chag ldeb, Catalogue of zla nyin kha la rong sgo (1-8)
  • lo rgyus chos kyi mdo byang ldeb, Short account of thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel (9-14)
  • zhal gdams snying byang yid bzhin nor bu ldeb, The basic root text of the bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel cycle (15-462)

Volume 2 (ཁ, kha)

  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi tshe sgrub kyi brgyud pa'i gsol 'debs dpag sam ljon shing, A lineage prayer for longevity practice belonging to bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel (1-4)
  • thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las chos sku snang ba mtha' yas tshe dpag med pa'i las byang dbang chog dang bcas pa 'chi med bcud 'dren, Practice manual taken from zhal gdams snying byang (5-44)
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las/ tshe sgrub kyi phrin las rgyas pa bdag 'jug dang bcas pa 'chi med bdud rtsi'i rol mtsho, tshe dpag med ritual and self empowerment (45-104)
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las/ tshe sgrub 'chi med rol mtsho'i lhan * thabs bdud rtsi'i rlabs phreng , Amplification (105-132)
  • thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi skabs gnyis pa rdo rje'i tshe sgrub pa'i zin bris, Notes for accomplishment of long life (133-162)
  • thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las/ rigs bdag snang ba mtha' yas kyi las tshogs bla tshe bslu ba'i mchog gyur gling pa ga kun skyobs dpal 'bar, Activity practice for ransom for long life (163-186)
  • gres byang, Extra chants for life ransom.
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi rigs bdag tshe dpag med kyi sgo nas bla tshe bslu ba'i 'bod rbadPT KHA 8, Exhortation for long life (189-190)
  • thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las/ bla ma longs sku 'gro 'dul ngan song dong sbrugs kyi phrin las dbang bskur gnas lung dang bcas pa gzhan phan shing rta, Ritual for empowerment and guidance of the dead (191-252)
  • thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las/ longs sku 'gro 'dul gyi las rim grol ba bcu gcig gi lag len gsal byed ngo mtshar rgya mtsho, Arrangement of spyan ras gzigs ritual (253-292)
  • ldog rnam bzhi, Four mind changings (293-294)
  • bcom ldan 'das mgon po 'od dpag med pa'i sangs rgyas kyi zhing yongs su sbyong ba'i cho ga bde ba can du bgrod pa'i shing rta ldeb, 'od dpag med ritual. Appendix from bar chad kun sel. Composed for ritual at the funeral for the mother of the first mchog gyur gling pa (295-336)
  • bcom ldan 'das mgon po 'od dpag tu med pa'i zhing sbyong gi cho ga dang rjes su 'brel ba'i gzhan phan phrin las kyi rim pa bde ba can du bgrod pas myur lam ldeb, ritual and guidance of the dead (337 - 364)
  • od dpag med kyi dbang bskur grangs gsog bya tshul, Instructions in conferring the condensed empowerment of 'od dpag med (365-366)
  • bcom ldan 'das sman gyi bla ma mchod cing sgrub pa'i cho ga nyung dur bsdus pa gzhan phan bdud rtsi'i zeg ma dang slob ma, Condensed ritual for Medicine Buddha and ritual for acceptance of students (367-392)
  • sman bla'i dbang bskur grangs gsog gtor dbang bya tshul ldeb, Instructions in conferring the condensed empowerment of Medicine Buddha (393-396)
  • sman chog phan bde'i bum bzang gi brgyud 'debs byin rlabs 'od 'bar, Medicine Buddha ritual lineage supplication (397-398)
  • bla ma longs sku ngan song dong sprugs las zur du bkod pa sman bla'i cho ga bsdus pa gter gzhung dgongs pa rab gsal phan bde'i bum bzang, Medicine Buddha ritual from spyan ras gzigs (399-428)
  • sman chog phan bde'i bum bzang gi smon lam 'dod 'jo'i ljon bzang, Medicine Buddha aspiration (429-434)
  • thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi bla ma longs sku'i dkyil 'khor las zur dkol sman chog bo d+hi sa ta'i dgongs bcud, Medicine Buddha Ritual from bar chad kun sel cycle according to the sUtra system (435-458)
  • bla ma longs sku ngan song dong sprugs kyi spyan ras gzigs rdo rje snying po la brten pa'i gson byang sreg thabs sgrib gnyis kun sel, gson byang ritual – purification of the living (459-464)

Volume 3 (ག, ga)

  • The Testament Prayer to Orgyen Rinpoche, by Chokgyur Lingpa (ཨོ་རྒྱན་རིན་པོ་ཆེའི་ཞལ་ཆེམས་གསོལ་འདེབས༔་,་ o rgyan rin po che'i zhal chems gsol 'debs) (1-4)
    • English translation: The Testament Prayer to Orgyen Rinpoche, Rigpa Translations, 2015.
    • Colophon: This Testament Prayer, which carries special blessings, appears in the biography of Orgyen Rinpoche which the great incarnate treasure-revealer Chokgyur Lingpa took from Karmé Damchen Drak.
  • The Supplication to the Lineage of Tukdrub Barchey Künsel, entitled Bestower of the Splendor of Accomplishments, by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Tayé (ཐུགས་སྒྲུབ་བར་ཆད་ཀུན་སེལ་གྱི་བརྒྱུད་པའི་གསོལ་འདེབས་དངོས་གྲུབ་དཔལ་སྟེར, thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi brgyud pa'i gsol 'debs dngos grub dpal ster) (5-6)
    • English Translation: The Supplication to the Lineage of Tukdrub Barchey Künsel, entitled Bestower of the Splendor of Accomplishments, translated by Rangjung Yeshe & Samye Translations (trans. Erik Pema Kunsang, checked against the Tibetan and edited by Oriane Sherap Lhamo and Libby Hogg), 2019.
    • Colophon: This was composed by Padma Garwang Trinley Drodül Tsal, a joyful servant of Padma, at Devikoti Tsari-like Jewel Rock [Tsandra Rinchen Drak], the upper retreat of Palpung, on an auspicious day in the waxing part of the second month. The scribe was Karma Gyurmey who is endowed with the fortune of karmic aspirations. May virtuous goodness increase.
  • The Fivefold Consecration by Chokgyur Lingpa (བྱིན་རླབས་རྣམ་ལྔ, byin rlabs rnam lnga dkar gtor bcas) (7-10)
    • English translation: The Fivefold Consecration, translated by Rangjung Yeshe & Lhasey Lotsawa Translations (trans. Erik Pema Kunsang, checked against the Tibetan and edited by Laura Dainty and Oriane Sherap Lhamo).
  • skyabs yul spyan 'dren bgegs gtor rlabs bsngo bcas, Invitation for Refuge (11-12)
  • The Seven Preliminary Points of the Practice; The Practice of the Main Part, The Embodiment of the Sugatas; The Seven Concluding Sections of the Sadhana, According to The Guru’s Heart Practice, Dispeller of All Obstacles, revealed by Chokgyur Lingpa and Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo (བླ་མའི་ཐུགས་སྒྲུབ་བར་ཆད་ཀུན་སེལ་ལས་ཕྲིན་ལས་སྔོན་འགྲོའི་ཆོས་བདུན།་དངོས་གཞིའི་ཆོས་བདུན་རྗེས་ཀྱི་ཆོས་བདུནའ༔་, bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las phrin las sngon 'gro'i chos bdun/ dngos gzhi'i chos bdun rjes kyi chos bdun) (13-70)
    • English Translation: The Seven Preliminary Points of the Practice; The Practice of the Main Part,The Embodiment of the Sugatas; The Seven Concluding Sections of the Sadhana, According to The Guru’s Heart Practice, Dispeller of All Obstacles, translated by Erik Pema Kunsang with Gyurme Avertin & Marcia Binder Schmidt, in Guru’s Heart Practices Texts for Dispeller of Obstacles, Rangjung Yeshe Publications (2022).
    • Colophon: I, Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa, discovered this from beneath the feet of the self-appeared Great Glorious One at the major sacred place Khala Rong-go when I was twenty years old in the year of the Male Earth Monkey. For seven years I kept the seal of secrecy. Later on, combined with the perfect coincidence of place and time, I correctly decoded it from the symbolic script of the dakinis. Khyentse Wangpo, the joyful servant of the Lake-Born Guru, wrote this from the original copy which the Terchen himself had written by his own hand from the yellow parchment. May it cause virtuous goodness.
  • Outer Offerings (phyi mchod rgyas pa) (71-72)
    • English Translation: Outer Offerings, translated by Erik Pema Kunsang with Gyurme Avertin & Marcia Binder Schmidt, in Guru’s Heart Practices Texts for Dispeller of Obstacles, Rangjung Yeshe Publications (2022).
  • Offering of Amrita Medicine (sman mchod chos sku sogs) (73-74)
  • sman mchod mtshan don, Names of recipients for amRta offering (75-76)
  • The Practice Manual for the Recitation of Approach and Accomplishment, [Dzabkyi Koljang] According to The Guru’s Heart Practice, Dispeller of All Obstacles revealed by Chokgyur Lingpa and Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo (བླ་མའི་ཐུགས་སྒྲུབ་བར་ཆད་ཀུན་སེལ་ལས༔ བསྙེན་སྒྲུབ་ཛཔ྄་ཀྱི་བཀོལ་བྱང་བཞུགས ༔, bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las/ bsnyen sgrub 'dzab kyi bkol byang) (77-96)
    • English Translation: The Practice Manual for the Recitation of Approach and Accomplishment, translated by Erik Pema Kunsang with Gyurme Avertin & Marcia Binder Schmidt, in Guru’s Heart Practices Texts for Dispeller of Obstacles, Rangjung Yeshe Publications (2022).
    • Colophon: This is a genuine secret of the profound treasures of the emanation of Prince Damdzin, the undisputed and timely incarnated great treasure revealer Orgyen Dechen Lingpa.
  • bla ma'i thugs 'grub bar chad kun sel gyi bzas pa'i skabs dzab khang dbye ba, Praise to the peaceful deities (97 - 104)
  • tshogs zhu lan/ tshogs kyi 'phrin las gdab pa , bar chad kun sel feast offering request (105 -106)
  • The Turquoise-Decked Chamber, Concise Amendment Liturgy for Tukdrup Barché Künsel by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Tayé (ཐུགས་སྒྲུབ་བར་ཆད་ཀུན་སེལ་གྱི་སྐོང་བ་བསྡུས་པ་གཡུ་ཞལ་མ་བཞུགས་སོ, thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi skong bsdus pa gyu zhal ma ) (107-110)
    • English Translation: The Turquoise-Decked Chamber, translated by Rangjung Yeshe & Samye Translations (trans. Erik Pema Kunsang, checked against the Tibetan and edited by Laura Dainty and Oriane Lavole), 2019.
    • Colophon: When the fortunate Pema Garwang Lodrö Tayé was traveling through the lands of Tibet and, on the tenth day of the eleventh month, performing several hundred gathering-offerings in the Turquoise-Decked Chamber, the middle storey of Samyé, this manifested to him as spontaneous self-liberation, like the dance of lightning through the sky, accompanied by virtuous omens. May it be of benefit!
  • Liberation Offering by Chokgyur Lingpa (tshogs bsgral 'gugs pa) (111-112)
    • English Translation: Liberation Offering, translated by Erik Pema Kunsang with Gyurme Avertin & Marcia Binder Schmidt, in “Guru’s Heart Practices Texts for Dispeller of Obstacles”, Rangjung Yeshe Publications (2022).
  • tshogs rol, Feast Enjoyment from the 17 tantras (113 - 118)
  • The Medium Practice — Trinley Dringpo, According to Lamey Tukdrup Barchey Künsel, The Guru’s Heart Practice, Dispeller of All Obstacles, revealed by Chokgyur Lingpa (བླ་མའི་ཐུགས་སྒྲུབ་བར་ཆད་ཀུན་སེལ་གྱི་ཕྲིན་ལས་འབྲིང་པོ་བཞུགས་སོ ༔, bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi phrin las 'bring po) (119-162)
    • English Translation: The Medium Practice — Trinley Dringpo, translated by Erik Pema Kunsang with Gyurme Avertin & Marcia Binder Schmidt, in Guru’s Heart Practices Texts for Dispeller of Obstacles, Rangjung Yeshe Publications (2022).
    • Colophon: By composing this sadhana to meet the needs of beginners, as the Guru had commanded, may Chokyur Lingpa lead them to the level of everlasting happiness. Mangalam!
  • phrin snying zur 'debs, Appendix to the short sAdhana for bar chad kun sel cycle (163-168)
  • Trinley Nyingpo, The Yoga of Essential Activity From Lamey Tukdrub Barchey Kunsel, The Guru’s Heart Practice, Dispeller of all Obstacles, revealed by Chokgyur Lingpa (bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las phrin las snying po'i rnal 'byor) (169-178)
    • English Translation: Trinley Nyingpo, The Yoga of Essential Activity From Lamey Tukdrub Barchey Kunsel, translated by Erik Pema Kunsang with Gyurme Avertin & Marcia Binder Schmidt, in Guru’s Heart Practices Texts for Dispeller of Obstacles, Rangjung Yeshe Publications (2022).
    • Colophon: I, Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa, revealed this from beneath the foot of Palchen Heruka at Danyi Khala Rongo on the 10’th day of the ninth month in the year of the Earth Monkey [7.11. 1848]. Having kept the seal of secrecy for eight years, on the 10th day of the tenth month at the Kartika constellation in the year of the Wood Hare [19.11. 1855], accompanied by perfect conditions of place and timing, the letters which I decoded from the secret script of the wisdom dakinis were written down by Khyentse Wangpo, the joyful servant of the Lotus-Born Guru. May there always be happiness!
  • The Concise Manual for Daily Practice, According to Lamé Tukdrup Barché Künsel revealed by Chokgyur Lingpa (བླ་མའི་ཐུགས་སྒྲུབ་བར་ཆད་ཀུན་སེལ་ལས༔ རྒྱུན་གྱི་རྣལ་འབྱོར་བཀོལ་བྱང་བཞུགས་སོ༔, bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las rgyun gyi rnal 'byor bkol byang) (179-182)
    • English translation: The Concise Manual for Daily Practice from The Guru’s Heart Practice, Dispeller of All Obstacles. Translated by Samye Translations (trans. Oriane Lavolé, ed. Peter Woods and Libby Hogg), 2023
    • Colophon: By supplicating constantly with devotion to the root guru inseparable from the great master Padma, all obstacles will be cleared and the accomplishments attained. Samaya, seal, seal, seal. This is the perfect essence of the profound Dharma treasures of the incarnated great treasure-revealer Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa.
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las: rigs bdag rdo rje sems dpa'i gsang snags thos pas grol ba, Liberation by hearing with Vajrasattva and padma'i snying po tantra (183-196)
  • Guru’s Heart Practice Dispelling All Obstacles: Sadhana of the Five Sisters of Long Life Who Guard the Teachings, revealed by Chokgyur Lingpa (བླ་མའི་ཐུགས་སྒྲུབ་བར་ཆད་ཀུན་སེལ་ལས༔ བཀའ་སྲུང་ཚེ་རིང་མཆེད་ ལྔའི་སྒྲུབ་ཐབས་བཞུགས་སོ༔་, bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las: bka' srung tshe ring mched lnga'i sgrub thabs) (197-218)
    • English translation: Guru’s Heart Practice Dispelling All Obstacles: Sadhana of the Five Sisters of Long Life Who Guard the Teachings, translated by Gyurmé Avertin, 2022.
    • Colophon: This text is only the essentials for recitation that I have extracted from the terma retrieved by the nirmanakaya Terchen Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa from below the vajra feet of the Great Glorious One at the Danyi Khala Rongo rockface. If I have committed any fault, I confess it and I dedicate the merit so that auspicious appearances manifest at all times and everywhere in the three worlds.May virtue abound!
  • Blessing of Fulfilment Offerings (bka' srung tshe ring ma'i bskang rdzes byin brlabs) (219-220)
    • English translation: Blessing of Fulfilment Offerings, translated by Gyurmé Avertin, 2022.
  • Tseringma Torma Offering - A Concise Torma Dedication to the Teaching and Treasure Guardians of the Guru’s Heart Practice, Dispeller of All Obstacles, by Jamyang Khyentsé Wangpo and Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Tayé (thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi bka' gter srung ma'i gtor bsngo bsdus pa, 221-224)
    • English translation: Tseringma Torma Offering and The Torma Offering to Tseringma According to the New Treasures–The Request for the Fulfillment of Desires, translated by Rangjung Yeshe & Lhasey Lotsawa Translations (trans. Erik Pema Kunsang, checked against the Tibetan and edited by Laura Dainty and Oriane Sherap Lhamo), 2019.
    • Colophon: In accord with the omniscient guru Jamyang’s command, Pema Gargyi Wangchuk Tsel (Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Tayé) wrote this down. May it bring virtuous goodness!
  • The Vase of Fortune: Source of Wish-Fulfilling Attainments, A ritual framework for the two branches of The Practice of the Guru’s Heart, revealed by Chokgyur Lingpa and written by Jamyang Khyentsé Wangpo and Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Tayé (བླ་མའི་ཐུགས་སྒྲུབ་ཡན་ལག་རྣམ་པ་གཉིས་ཀྱི་ཁོག་དབུབ་ཡིད་བཞིན་དངོས་གྲུབ་འབྱུང་བའི་བུམ་བཟང་ཞེས་བྱ་བ་བཞུགས་སོ། bla ma'i thugs sgrub yan lag rnam pa gnyis kyi khog dbub yid bzhin dngos grub 'byung ba'i bum bzang, 225-294)
    • English translation: The Vase of Fortune: Source of Wish-Fulfilling Attainments, A ritual framework for the two branches of The Practice of the Guru’s Heart, provisionally translated by Ryan Conlon, 2019.
    • Colophon: Having been revealed by Chokgyur Lingpa at the Gotod Obar cliff, this ritual framework for the two branches of the Heart Practice, which is also connected with the creation of siddhi pills that liberate upon taste, was finalised and first written down by the omniscient scribe Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo. However, as it was unreadable to others, the above mentioned agreed to write a second text, but the task was left gradually fell by the wayside. Once again, after begging insistently at his feat, I received, through his kindness, a clear copy of only the beginning part of the root treasure text and the required recitation text in its entirety. In adapting the root Heart Practice text to an already existing and special ritual framework for the two branches of the Heart Practice, I, Tennyi Yungdrung Lingpa, was forced—although I maintained an intention to help others—to add some of my own inventions, rather like attaching a lamb’s head to a sheep’s body. This was composed at practice place of the cliff of Tsadra Rinchen and copied down by attendant Sangak Tendzin. From the goodness of erecting in Okmin Tshurdo, this vase of fortune from which all attainments flow, this ritual framework for the two branches of the Heart Practice, the embodiment of all Bliss Gone Ones— that is, the form of the Oḍḍiyāna Guru, the only refuge of beings of the degenerate times— may external and internal unfavourable conditions and degenerations due to time be pacified, and, reaching up with the renewed glory of a golden age of goodness, may all forever engage in the greatness of the four baskets (Skt. piṭaka).
  • Eliminating the Two Obscurations, The Peaceful Fire Offering from the Collection of Activities of the Vajra Ḍāka of the Guru's Heart Practice: Dispeller of Obstacles (bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi rdo rje mkha' 'gro'i las tshog las: zhi ba'i sbyin sreg sgrib gnyis kun sel (295-314)
  • Blazing Splendour of Great Bliss, The Enriching Fire Offering from the Collection of Activities of the Ratna Ḍāka of the Guru's Heart Practice: Dispeller of Obstacles (bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi rin chen mkha' 'gro'i las tshog rgyas pa'i sbyin sreg bde chen dpal 'bar (315-334)
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las: padma mkha' 'gro'i las tshog dbang gyi sbyin sred khams gsum dbang sdud , Fire offering for Padma mkha' 'gro (335-356)
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las: karma mkha' 'gro'i las tshog drag po'i me mchod, Wrathful fire offering for Karma mkha' 'gro (357-394)
  • A Seed of the Great Sal Tree - A Concise Composition of Notes on the Approach and Accomplishment for Lamey Tukdrub Barchey Kunsel, The Guru’s Heart Practice, Dispeller of All Obstacles by Jamgon Kongtrul (bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi bsnyen sgrub zin bris mdor bsdus su bkod pa sA la chen po'i sa bon, 395 - 408)
    • English Translation: A Seed of the Great Sal Tree - A Concise Composition of Notes on the Approach and Accomplishment for Lamey Tukdrub Barchey Kunsel, The Guru’s Heart Practice, Dispeller of All Obstacles, translated by Erik Pema Kunsang with Marcia Binder Schmidt, in Dispeller of Obstacles, The Heart Practice of Padmasambhava, Rangjung Yeshe Publications (2014).
    • Colophon: Although I could have expanded upon this in great detail, due to fully possessing the excellent fortune of the ripening and liberating instruc­tions from both of the two great treasure masters, the lords of this pro­found teaching, I, Padma Garwang Lodro Thaye, merely aiming to write a convenient practice for beginners, composed this at the practice place of the third Devikoti, the Tsari-Like Jewel Rock. May virtuous goodness increase.
  • The Short Notes for Performing the Approach, Accomplishment & Activities by Chokgyur Lingpa (bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi phrin las snying po'i rnal 'byor gyi sgo nas bsnyen sgrub las gsum bya ba'i yig chung, 409-420)
    • English Translation: The Short Notes for Performing the Approach, Accomplishment & Activities, translated by Erik Pema Kunsang with Marcia Binder Schmidt, in Dispeller of Obstacles, The Heart Practice of Padmasambhava, Rangjung Yeshe Publications (2014).
    • Colophon: This was prepared as a celebration in response to the recent insistent requests of lamas, khenpos, and masters of Shendzong by Urgyen Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa during breaks in meditation at Tridu Ewam Chogar, while wandering through remote places in U and Tsang. It was composed on an auspicious day in one single sitting. The scribes were the retreat teacher Chogyal, who has mastered the five sciences, and Tsagang Lotsawa Rinchen Namgyal. May the virtue of composing this create the cause for all who encounter it to attain buddhahood in their very lifetime. Mangalam.
  • Notes on Completing the Recitation within Thirty-five Days - Based on Trinley Nyingpo, The Yoga of the Essential Activity The Short Practice Manual of Tukdrub by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo (thugs sgrub las byang bsdus pa phrin las snying po'i rnal 'byor la brten nas bsnyen pa las rung zla gcig zhag lnga tsam pa'i zin tho, 421-430)
    • English Translation: Notes on Completing the Recitation within Thirty-five Days - Based on Trinley Nyingpo, The Yoga of the Essential Activity The Short Practice Manual of Tukdrub, translated by Erik Pema Kunsang with Marcia Binder Schmidt, in Dispeller of Obstacles, The Heart Practice of Padmasambhava, Rangjung Yeshe Publications (2014).
    • Colophon: 'This was composed by Khyentse Wangpo. May it be virtuous.
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub rnam pa gnyis dang phur ba spyi khyab kyi tshog sgrub skabs nyer mkho'i gtong thun rdo rje'i rgyud mang (431-462)
  • The Aspiration of the Vajradhātu Maṇḍala (Ten Directions and Four Times), revealed by Chokgyur Lingpa (སྨོན་ལམ་ཕྱོགས་བཅུ་དུས་བཞིའི་མ།་, phyogs bcu dus bzhi sogs smon lam tshan bzhi (463-472)
    • English translation: The Aspiration of the Vajradhātu Maṇḍala, Rigpa Translations, 2014. Revised and edited for Lotsawa House, 2019.
    • Colophon: The great tertön Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa, who was an emanation of prince Murub Tsenpo, revealed this treasure publicly, below the peak of Drakri Rinchen Tsekpa (Precious Rocky Mountain), on the right edge of the most sublime place, Sengchen Namdrak (Great Lion Sky Rock). The terma was originally written down by Yeshe Tsogyal in formal Tibetan handwriting upon silk paper made from the Dharma robe of Vairotsana, and was immediately and perfectly transcribed by Pema Garwang Lodrö Thayé upon discovery. May virtue and well-being increase and spread!

Volume 4 (ང, nga)

  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las༔ dbang chog nor bu'i phreng ba , thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel empowerment ritual, revealed by Chokgyur Lingpa and Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo (1-28)
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las: lha dbang yongs rdzogs bkol byang, Concise deity empowerment for all deities, by Chokgyur Lingpa (29-39)
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las: rtsa ba'i dbang gi chog khrigs bklags chog tu bkod pa mu tig chun po, Ritual arrangement for thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel empowerment, by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Tayé (41-165)
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi don dbang 'bring po dang bsdus pa'i cho ga snying po'i snang ba, (167-201)
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las: phyi gsol 'debs kyi tshul du sgrub pa dang rjes su 'brel bar tshogs gnyis spel ba'i cho ga byin rlabs char 'bebs, Ritual for supplication, by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo (203-245)
  • The Lament of Rudra, revealed by Chokgyur Lingpa (རུ་ཏྲའི་སྨྲེ་བཤགས་བཞུགས་སོ་, smre bshags ldeb) (247 - 251)
  • The Cloud Banks of Nectar, Offering to the dharma protectors, by Chokgyur Lingpa (rtsa gsum rgya mtshor sman mchod 'bul ba'i tshul bdud rtsi'i sprin phung) (253-255)
  • dam bca' nyer brgyad pa, Confession of the 28 Samayas (257-260)
  • The Cloud Bank of Blessings, Supplication to the ocean-like hosts of the Three Roots and the dharma protectors by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo (rtsa gsum chos srung rgya mtsho'i tshogs la gsol ba 'debs pa byin rlabs sprin phung) (261-264)
  • dbang blang ngag 'don, Receipt of the four empowerments (265-266)
  • Cloud-Banks of the Two Accumulations, A Feast Offering Including The Six Vajra Lines Prayer to Be Practiced with Any Guru Sādhana, by Tersé Tulku Choktrul Rinpoche (གུ་རུའི་བླ་སྒྲུབ་སྤྱིའི་ཚོགས་མཆོད་རྡོ་རྗེའི་ཚིག་རྐང་དང་འབྲེལ་བ་ཚོགས་གཉིས་སྤྲིན་ཕུང་བཞུགས།, gu ru'i bla sgrub spyi'i tshog mchod rdo rje'i tshig rkang dang 'brel ba tshogs gnyi sprin phung) (267-268)
  • rtsa gsum tshogs mchod nyer bdus dngos grub char 'bebs dang skong bshags nyer bsdus kun bzang mchod sprin, Condensed feast offering by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo (269-270)
  • nyes bshags mdor bsdus dag byed bdud rtsi'i zegs ma, Confession of faults, by Jamgon Kongtrul (271-273)
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las: phyi gsol 'debs kyi tshul du sgrub pa dang rjes su 'brel ba'i dbang bskur byin rlabs sgo 'byed, thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel empowerment ritual (275-317)
  • The Prayer Which Removes All Obstacles from the Path (Barché Lamsel), revealed by Chokgyur Lingpa (གསོལ་འདེབས་བར་ཆད་ལམ་སེལ་བཞུགས༔་, gsol 'debs bar chad lam sel) (319-326)
    • English translation: The Prayer Which Removes All Obstacles from the Path (Barché Lamsel), Rigpa Translations, 2013. Revised 2016, 2017 & 2020. With many thanks to Hubert Decleer for his clarifications concerning place names, and to Erik Pema Kunsang for his pioneering translation of this text.
    • Colophon: Without any question, the great treasure revealer Orgyen Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa manifested specifically for this time. From below the foot of the Great Awesome One at the door of Danyin Khala Rong, he revealed the ‘Quintessential Manual of Oral Instructions: the Wish-fulfilling Jewel’ from ‘The Guru’s Heart Practice: Dispelling All Obstacles’—Lamé Tukdrup Barché Kunsel. This prayer forms the outer practice of this revelation. May this prayer become the cause for pacifying completely all the obstacles and degeneration for both the teachings and beings, and accomplishing all the aims of virtue and goodness! Maṅgalaṃ!'
  • The Seed of Supreme Enlightenment, The original liturgy for the preliminary practices, by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo (bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi sngon 'gro'i ngag 'don byang chub mchog gi sa bon) (327-336)
  • The Seed of Supreme Enlightenment, The expanded liturgy for the preliminary practices of Lamey Tukdrub Barchey Künsel, by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo ('bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi sngon 'gro'i ngag 'don gsal byed kyi brgyan pa byang chub mchog gi sa bon) (337-367)
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las: rang byung bklag pas grol ba padma'i snying po'i rgyud kyi tshig don gsal byed nor bu'i sgron gsal, Commentary to Padma snying po tantra (369-396)
  • The Essential Meaning, The short commentary on the Lotus Essence Tantra, by Pema Trinlé Nyingpo (padma'i snying po'i rgyud kyi mchan 'grel nyung bsdus blo dman 'jug bde don gyi snying po) (397-409)
  • The Bindu of True Meaning, The Visualization Stages for the Concise Practice Manual of Tukdrub, by Khenpo Karma Ratna Wangchuk (thugs sgrub rgyun gyi bkol byang gi dmigs rim nges don thig le) (411 -423)
    • English Translation: The Bindu of True Meaning, The Visualization Stages for The Concise Practice Manual of Tukdrub, translated by Erik Pema Kunsang with Marcia Binder Schmidt, in Dispeller of Obstacles, The Heart Practice of Padmasambhava, Rangjung Yeshe Publications (2014).
    • Colophon: Lobsang Nyima, the diligent practitioner at Yardrok Ganden, the seat of Künkhyen Padma Garwang of the incarnation lineage of Rechen Paljor Sangpo, the chief disciple holding the oral transmission of Künkhyen Bodongpa, made a request expressing the need for the visualization stages of the Concise Daily Practice of Tukdrub Barchey Kunsel. In accor­dance with this request, this was committed to writing by Khenpo Karma Ratna Wangchuk, a disciple of the great treasure revealer, on the tenth day of the Monkey month in the year of the Fire Ox, at a time when he was mostly distracting himself with the amusing dramas of high and low people at Rasa Trülnang in Lhasa. May it be a cause for the two stages to flourish.
  • The Way to Perform the Extensive Preliminary Practices (sngon 'gro rgyas pa btang tshul) (425-427)
  • The Great Gate for Accomplishing Unexcelled Enlightenment, The extensive commentary on how to perform the preliminary practices of Lamey Tukdrub Barchey Künsel, by the second Chokgyur Lingpa (bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi sngon 'gro'i khrid yig bla med byang chub sgrub pa'i sgo chen) (429-511)
    • English translation: The Great Gate: A Guidebook to the Guru's Heart Practice, Dispeller of All Obstacles, by Chokling Dewey Dorje. Rangjung Yeshe Publications; 3rd edition (2013). Translated by Erik Pema Kunsang & edited by Marcia Binder Schmidt.

Volume 5

  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi rnam 'phrul bcu gnyis sogs bla ma yi dam mkha 'gro rnams sgrub pa'i spyi chings rin chen spar khab , General summary of the practice of the thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel deities, by Chokgyur Lingpa (1-15)
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las: gu ru rgyal ba'i gdung 'dzin gyi phrin las snying po khrigs su bsdebs pa khams gsum dbang sdud , Edited guru rgyal ba'i gdung 'dzin ritual, by Chokgyur Lingpa (17-29)
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las: rig 'dzin rgyal ba'i gdung 'dzin gyi dbang gi cho ga padma'i chun po , Empowerment ritual, by Tsewang Norbu (31-52)
  • thod sgrub 'khor lo bri thabs , Mantra description of brain chakra, by Khyentse (53-54)
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi zhal gdams le'u drug pa'i bla ma 'jam dpal smra ba'i seng ge'i sgrub thabs gsal bar byed pa blo gros dpal ster , smra ba'i seng ge sAdhana (55-61)
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las: bla ma smra ba'i seng ge'i phrin las dbang bskur las tshog dang bcas pa'i gsal byed blo gros kha 'byed , Empowerment and feast offering, by Lodro Thaye (63-93)
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi sgos sgrub bla ma smra seng gi bsnyen yig ye shes mchog sbyin , Recitation manual for smra ba'i seng ge, by Chokyi Lodro (95-102)
  • thugs sgrub smra ba'i seng ge'i sngags don rab gsal sgron ma , Meaning of the mantra for smra ba'i seng ge, by Karma Rinchen Dargye (103-110)
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las 'jam dpal pha rol rgol 'joms kyi brgyud pa'i gsol 'debs , pha rol rgol 'joms lineage prayer, by Pema Garwang Wangchuk (111-112)
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las 'jam dpal pha rol rgol 'joms las tshogs dang bcas pa rdo rje pha lam , Activity practice for pha rol rgol 'joms, by Chokgyur Lingpa (113-145)
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las 'jam dpal pha rol rgol 'joms kyi sgom bzlas gnam lcags 'khor lo , Meditation and recitation for pha rol rgol 'joms, by Khyentse Wangpo (147-158)
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las 'jam dpal pha rol rgol 'joms kyi skong ba nyes pa'i gyul rgyal , Fulfillment of pha rol rgol 'joms, by Pema Garwang Wangchuk (159-161)
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las 'jam dpal pha rol rgol 'joms kyi gtor dbang zur bkol gnam lcags zhun thigs , Empowerment of gtor ma for pha rol rgol 'joms, by Pema Garwang Trinlé Drodul Tsal (163-172)
  • 'jam dpal pha rol rgol 'joms kyi bsnyen zin bdud dpung tshar gcod , Recitation notes for pha rol rgol 'joms, by Chokyi Lodropa (173-186)
  • srung bzlog bsad pa'i man ngag , Instruction in slaying ritual of enemies, by Khakhyab Dorje (187-195)
  • rgyal dbyangs bdud las rnam par rgyal ba'i rngams sgra , Victory song for conquering the demons, by Yonten Gyatso (197-198)
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las bla ma smra ba'i seng ge 'jam dpal pha rol rgol 'joms kyi cha lag 'chi ba bslu ba'i cho ga chi bdag gdong zlog , Life ransom ritual for pha rol rgol 'joms, by Chokgyur Lingpa (199-225)
  • 'chi bslu bsdus pa 'chi bdag zhags gcod pha lam ral gri me 'bar ma , Life ransom (227-232)
  • las gshin bka' gtad , Entrustment, by Pema Garwang (233-235)
  • thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las mi kha srung zlog mnan sreg sogs kyi lag len gsal byed smra ngan dpung 'joms , Ritual arrangement for reversing the harm of slander, by Pema Garwang Lodro Thaye (237-255)
  • thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las: rdo rje gtsug tor byad 'grol srung ba bcas khyer bder phyungs ba gdengs cho ga ral gri , Ritual arrangement for pha rol rgol 'joms, by Pema Garwang Trinlé Drodul Tsal (257-271)
  • thugs sgrub 'jam dpal drag po'i bsgom rim nyung gsal snying po , Meditation instructions 'jam dpal drag po, by mkhan ming pa (273-278)
  • 'jam dpal pha rol rgol 'joms kyi gtor bzlog 'chi bslu/ mgo gsum bcas kyi 'don zin rab gsal nor bu'i me long , Recitation notes for pha rol rgol 'joms, by Mangala (279-298)
  • The Heart of the Matter, A Lineage Prayer for the Excellent Vase of Jewels Wealth Practice, by Karmé Khenpo Rinchen Dargyé (ནོར་སྒྲུབ་རིན་ཆེན་བུམ་བཟང་གི་བརྒྱུད་འདེབས་དོན་འདུས་སྙིང་པོ་བཞུགས་སོ་, nor sgrub rin chen bum bzang gi brgyud 'debs don 'dus snying po) (299-300)
  • 'gugs pa'i zur 'debs , Additional text for summoning, by Karmé Khenpo Rinchen Dargyé (301-302)
  • bla ma nor lha'i byin 'bebs rdzogs ldan sprin gyi dngos grub nor bu'i gru char , Bountiful Clouds of Siddhis Trickling Down a Gentle Rain of Jewels, A Descent of Blessings for the Guru's Wealth Deity, by Karmé Khenpo Rinchen Dargyé (303-305)
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las nor sgrub rin chen bum bzang , bla ma nor lha practice manual, by Chokgyur Lingpa and Pema Garwang Lodrö Thayé (307-349)
    • Partially found in following arrangement: The Concise Excellent Vase of Jewels, A Wealth Practice of Kyechok Tsülzang from The Guru’s Heart Practice, Dispeller Of All Obstacles, revealed by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa, compiled by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Thayé and arranged by the Fourth Tsikey Chokling Rinpoche (བླ་མའི་ཐུགས་གྲུབ་བར་ཆད་ཀུན་སེལ་གྱི་ནོར་སྒྲུབ་རིན་ཆེན་བུམ་བཟང་བསྡུས་པ་ཞེས་བྱ་བ, bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las nor sgrub rin chen bum bzang)
    • English translation: The Concise Excellent Vase of Jewels, A Wealth Practice of Kyechok Tsülzang from The Guru’s Heart Practice, Dispeller Of All Obstacles, translated by Samye Translations 2023, (trans. Laura Swan and Oriane Lavolé, ed. Libby Hogg and Stefan Mang).
    • Colophon: This was arranged on a Friday, on Medicine Buddha day, the eighth day of the Tibetan month, in the waxing moon phase of the second month of autumn (based on the traditions of Kalachakra, medicine, and Tibetan, Indian and Mongolian astrology), in the female Water Sheep year, at Pal Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling. It was arranged by the fourth Tsiké Chokling incarnation, the mantradharin Mingyur Dewé Dorjé, a descendant of the divine Tsang clan who holds both the family and spiritual lineages of the Chokling Tersar. Sarva mangalaṃ—may all be auspicious!
  • Cloud-Banks of Everything Desirable, The Wealth-Deity Smoke Offering from The Guru’s Heart Practice, Dispeller of All Obstacles, by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Thayé (བླ་མའི་ཐུགས་སྒྲུབ་བར་ཆད་ཀུན་སེལ་ལས། བླ་མ་ནོར་ལྷའི་བསང་མཆོད་དགོས་འདོད་སྤྲིན་ཕུང་ཞེས་བྱ་བ་བཞུགས་སོ། །, bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las: bla ma nor lha'i bsang mchod dgos 'dod sprin phung) (351-354)
  • Gathering the Siddhis of Fortune, A Fulfilment Practice for Lama Norlha, by Karmé Khenpo Rinchen Dargyé (བླ་མ་ནོར་ལྷའི་སྐོང་བ་ཕྱྭ་གཡང་དངོས་གྲུབ་འཁྱིལ་བ, bla ma nor lha'i skong ba phya gyang dngos grub 'khyil ba) (355-356)
    • English translation: Gathering the Siddhis of Fortune, A Fulfilment Practice for Lama Norlha, translated by Samye Translations 2023, (trans. Laura Swan and Oriane Lavolé, ed. Libby Hogg and Stefan Mang).
    • Colophon: At the behest of Namgyel, the caretaker of the Lhodrang mountain cave, this was composed in the Zhamar Dharma Camp by the vinaya-holder Ratna. May it be auspicious! Sarvasiddhi puṣṭim kuru oṃ. Mangalaṃ.
  • thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las: bla ma nor lha'i las tshogs rnams khol phyungs gsal byed kyis brgyan pa rin chen spungs pa , A Clarifying Ornament Called Heap of Jewels, Extracted from the Compendium of Activities of the Guru's Wealth Deity, from Accomplishing the Guru’s Wisdom Mind, Dispeller Of All Obstacles, by Pema Garwang Lodrö Tayepé Dé (357-374)
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las: nor sgrub rin chen bum zang dang 'brel ba'i bkra shis gter bum sgrub thabs rin chen drwa ba , The Jewel Net, a Sādhana for the Treasure Vase of Auspiciousness Connected with the Excellent Vase of Jewels Wealth Practice, from Accomplishing the Guru’s Wisdom Mind, Dispeller Of All Obstacles, a Khyentsé tradition text [?] (375-433)
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las: bla ma nor lha la brten nas mtshun bcos dge legs 'dod 'byung , Wish-fulfilling Excellence and Goodness, Creating Harmony Through the Guru's Wealth Deity, from Accomplishing the Guru’s Wisdom Mind, Dispeller Of All Obstacles, by Pema Künkhyab Yeshe Nyingpo (435-458)
  • bla ma nor lha'i pha mtshun gyang 'gugs , Summoning the Spirit of Abundance (phatsun?) for the Guru's Wealth Deity, by the old monk [?], (459-460)
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las: bla ma nor lha skyes mchog tshul bzang gi dbang chog nor bu'i chun po , A Bundle of Jewels, the Empowerment Ritual for the Guru's Wealth Deity Kyechok Tsulzang, from Accomplishing the Guru’s Wisdom Mind, Dispeller Of All Obstacles, by Tsewang Norbu (461-481)

Volume 6

  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las: rig 'zin bdud kyi gshed chen gyi las byang rgyas pa bdud 'joms mtshon 'khor
  • bdud kyi gshed chen kI la ya'i phrin las bdud 'dul snying po
  • khrag 'thung bdud kyi gshed chen gyi bskang zlog drang srong dmod pa
  • The Extremely Secret Unelaborate Daily Sādhana for the Heart Practice of the Great Demon-Slayer, by Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö (ཐུགས་སྒྲུབ་བདུད་ཀྱི་གཤེད་ཆེན་གྱི་ཡང་གསང་སྤྲོས་མེད་རྒྱུན་ཁྱེར་བཞུགས, thugs sgrub bdud kyi gshed chen gyi yang gsang spros med rgyun khyer)
  • thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las guru drag mthing bdud kyi gshed chen bla phur sbrags ma'i srung bzlog rgyun gyi nyams len yang zab rdo rje'i go cha
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las bla ma drag po kI la ya'i las sbyor gtor bzlog gnam lcags 'khor lo rdo rje'i lcags ri chen po
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi zhal gdam snyig byang yid bzhin nor bu'i le'u brgyad pa las gsungs pa'i bla ma drag po rig 'dzin bdud kyi gshed chen las sbyor gnam lcags 'khor lo rdo rje'i lcags ri chen po'i man ngag yig chung gnam lcags ur mo'i 'khrul 'khor
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las: rig 'dzin bdud kyi gshed chen gyi dbang gi cho ga mtshon cha'i chun po
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las dpal yang dag heruka'i rim gnyi rgyun gyi rnal 'byor
  • thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las zhal gdams snying byang las 'pho ba 'od gsal thugs rje'i lcags kyu
  • [no title]PT CHA 11
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las rig 'dzin 'dzam gling rgyan gcig gidbang gi cho ga in+dra ni la'i chun po
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las zab don thos grol zur rgyan dang 'pho ba'i mtshams sbyor bcas nyung ngur bsdus pa
  • thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las: rig 'dzin padma 'byung gnas kyi phrin las dbang bskur dang bcas pa ye shes 'od kyi thig le
  • Sphere of Refined Gold by Jamgon Kongtrul (bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las: rig 'dzin padma 'byung gnas kyi rdzogs rim 'od gsal rdzogs pa chen po'i khrid yig thig le gser zhun) (307-334)
    • English Translation: Sphere of Refined Gold, translated by Erik Pema Kunsang with Marcia Binder Schmidt, in Dispeller of Obstacles, The Heart Practice of Padmasambhava, Rangjung Yeshe Publications (2014).
  • thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las: rig 'dzin padma 'byung gnas la brten pa'i ngo mtshar chos drug gi lag len gsal byed du ma rang grol
  • thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las: rig 'dzin pad 'byung phrin las ngo mtshar chos drug las zab don thos grol khol du phyungs ba
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las: khyad par 'phags pa'i rig 'dzin gyi dbang gi cho ga me tog chun po
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las srid pa spyi mdos
  • gres byang
  • thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las: sde brgyad khengs mdos khol phyungs bltas chog tu bkod pa rtsub 'gyur rnyogs ma gting dwangs
  • gnas chen byin 'bebs zin bris
  • lha srin dam bsgrags 'don zin nyung ngu
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las: lha srin dam bsgrags bka' nan rab brjid rdo rje'i ri dbang

Volume 7

  • rig 'dzin rdzu 'phrul mthu chen gyi bla ma brgyud pa'i gsol 'debs hUM lnga'i sgra dbyangs srid gsum 'gengs byed
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi cha lag rig 'dzin rdo rje gro lod kyi sgrub thabs dam sri gdug pa tshar gcod
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las/ rig 'dzin rdo rje gro lod kyi sgrub thabs dam sri gdug pa tshar gcod bklag chog tu bkod pa
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las/ rig 'dzin rdzu 'phrul mthu chen rdo rje gro bo lod kyi phrin las snying por dril ba
  • rig 'dzin rdzu 'phrul mthu chen gyi tshe 'gugs dngos grub dpal 'bar
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi cha lag rdo rje gro lod kyi gtor bzlog rdo rje'i thog 'bebs
  • bzlog pa grangs bsags
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi zhal gdams snying byang le'i bcu gnyis par gsungs pa'i bka' bsgo bgegs bskrad byin rlabs kyi rim pa
  • thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las/ gdon bgegs bskrad cing byin rlabs bya tshul khro chung thog 'bebs
  • thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las/ rig 'dzin rdzu 'phrul mthu chen rdo rje gro lod rtsal gyi dbang chog byin rlabs thog 'bebs
  • khrag 'thung padma drag rtsal gyi las byang / gdug can mthar byed
  • zil gnon padma khrag 'thung gi dmar chen gtor bzlog gi las rim bdud 'joms mtshon cha
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las/ rig 'dzin rdo rje drag rtsal gyi dbang gi cho ga rdo rje'i chun po
  • dpal chen skal ldan 'dren mdzad kyi las byang rig 'dzin rol pa'i dga' ston
  • rig 'dzin skal ldan 'dren mdzad kyi las byang dpal chen 'bar ba'i thig le
  • dpal chen skal ldan 'dren mdzad kyi bskang ba shel brag ma
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las zhal gdams snying byang yid bzhin nor bu'i le'u bcu bzhi pa las/mchog gi dngos grub mngon du byed pa bdud rtsi sman gyi lag len ngag 'don nyung ngur bkrol ba yid bzhin nor bu'i bum bzang
  • thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las dpal chen skal ldan 'dren mdzad kyi sman sgrub 'chi med snying po
  • bdud rtsi sman sgrub zur rgan
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las rig 'dzin skal ldan 'dren mdzad kyi dbang gi cho ga vaiDUr+ya'i chun po
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las/ bla ma drag po rak'a thod phreng gi brgyud pa'i gsol 'debs rdo rje'i smin phreng dang skong bsdus sri skeg gyul 'joms
  • bla ma drag po gsang bdag raSha thod phreng gi brgyud 'debs rin chen phreng ba
  • thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi las tshogs sri'i bar chad bsrung bzlog gi rim pa gnam lcags ur mo
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi zhal gdams snying byang yid bzhin nor bu'i le'i bco lnga pa las gsungs pa'i raSha thod phreng rtsal gyi sgrub thabs
  • thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las/ rig 'dzin rak'a thod phreng gi phrin las dang dbang bskur bklags chog tu bkod pa bdud 'joms zhun thig
  • thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las/ rig 'dzin raSha thod phreng gi srung bzlog las rim kyer bder bkod pa bdud 'joms rdo rje'i go mtshon
  • bzlog byang
  • thun gtor
  • gsang bdag seng ge sgra sgrogs raSha thod phreng gi bskang ba gzung 'dzin dam sri tshar gcod
  • rtsang bzlog pha lam rdo rje rab 'bar
  • rdo rje srin po khrag 'thung rje btsun raksa thod phreng rtsal gyi rgyal dbyangs gyul rgyal lha yi rnga chen
  • thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las sri bzlog rdo rje'i mthon char gyi tshe 'gugs byin rlabs lcags kyu
  • sri bzlog bkra shis bcu gsum rdo rje'i sgra dbyangs

Volume 8

  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel raSha thod phreng gi sgo nas sri bzlog gi cha lag me hom gyi sbyor ba rdo rje'i me char
  • thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel sri bzlog rdo rje mtshon char las mnan chog gtor bzlog dang 'brel ba'i 'don cha gab pa mngon phyungs
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel sri bzlog gi bskyed rim gnad 'gags mdor bsdus
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las zhal gdams snying byang le'u bco lnga par gsungs pa'i srin rgyal raSha thod phreng gi sgo nas sri bzlog pu ri bcas chog gi gzungs gzhug 'bul ba'i lag len rab brjid rdo rje'i lhun po sri tshogs gdug pa'i glad 'gem
  • sri bzlog rdo rje'i mtshon char gyi bzhes 'bod drang srong dmod pa'i dug mda'
  • raSha thod phreng heruka'i gri 'dul gdug pa tshar gcod
  • gri 'dul gsar rnying gi zin tig nyung ngu
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las/ rig 'dzin bde chen rgyal po'i dbang gi cho ga padma'i chun po
  • bdag 'dzin bdud bzhi thol skyes rbad gcod bka' gter byin rlabs gnyis 'dres yum chen thugs kyi thig le
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi bde chen rgyal po'i rim pa gsum pa'i bde chen rgyal po'i rim pa gsum pa'i rdzogs rim phyag rgya chen po'i don khrid ye shes snang ba ldeb
  • rdo rje theg pa'i dam tshig gi nyes ltung phyir bcos pa'i cho ga rig 'dzin dbugs dbyung gi thig le
  • rdo rje theg pa sngags kyi gso sbyong bdud rtsi'i rol mtsho
  • rigs drug gnas sbyang bsdus pa
  • gso sbyong bdud rtsi'i rol mtsho yi reg zegs the tshom kun sel
  • rdo rje theg pa'i sngags kyi gso sbyong dang 'brel ba'i sgrub chen bya tshul 'don zin reg zegs mthong bas khong chud

Volume 9

  • rdo rje theg pa sngags kyi gso sbyong gi smin byed dbang gi mtshams sbyor bdud rtsi'i rol mtshor 'jug pa'i byin rlabs rgyun bzang
  • rdo rje theg pa sngags kyi gso sbyong bdud rtsi'i rol mtsho'i smin byed dbang gi mtshams sbyor rig 'dzin dgyes pa'i zhal lung
  • sngags gso'i dbang gi mtshams sbyor bsdus pa
  • sngags kyi gso sbyong gi zin bris bsdus don snying po gnad kyi phreng ba
  • zhi khro spyi bstod kyi 'grel chung nyag gcig kun khyab chos nyid thig le
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi cha lag khrus kyi cho ga zla ba'i bdud rtsi
  • Rain of Virtue and Wisdom, from the Collection of Activities of the Vajra Ḍāka of the Guru's Heart Practice: Dispeller of Obstacles, (bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi rdo rje mkha' 'gro'i las tshogs rab gnas dge legs ye shes char 'bebs)
  • thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las 'byung bzhi'i 'jigs srung bltas chog tu bsdebs pa phan bde kun khyab
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi 'phros don las tshogs char 'bebs las tshogs rlung non sad srung ser srung rdo rje'i gur khang bser skyems bcas ldeb
  • char 'bebs man ngag dgos 'dod 'byung ba'i chu gter char bsang 'dod rgu char 'bebs bcas
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi sad srung rdo rje me 'bar sprin gyi go cha
  • thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi las tshogs sa bdag snying gter dge legs 'dod 'jo
  • thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi klu bum bca' thabs bdud rtsi'i rlabs phrengPT TA 13
  • White and Red Sur Offerings That Are Very Easy to Apply, by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa (གསུར་མཆོད་དཀར་དམར་ཤིན་ཏུ་ཁྱེར་བདེ་བཞུགས་སོ, gsur mchod dkar dmar shin tu khyer bde)
  • gsur mchod mdor bsdus
  • bsang brngan bca' thabs ldebPT TA 16
  • An Ocean of Everything Ever Wished For: A Sang and Gift Offering, Ancillary Practice of the Ocean of Siddhis, From the Cycle The Guru’s Heart Practice, Dispeller of all Obstacle, by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa (༁ྃ༔ བླ་མའི་ཐུགས་སྒྲུབ་བར་ཆད་ཀུན་སེལ་ལས༔ དངོས་གྲུབ་རྒྱ་མཚོའི་ཆ་ལག་བསང་བརྔན་འདོད་དགུའི་རྒྱ་མཚོ་བཞུགས༔, bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi dngos grub rgya mtsho'i cha lag bsang * brngan 'dod rgu'i rgya mtsho)
    • English translation: Provisional translation by Gyurme Avertin, 2024.
    • Colophon:On the immediate level, this practice will pacify circumstances and your intentions will be fulfilled; ultimately it will lead you to the attainment of perfect and complete buddhahood. I, Pema, compiled this practice for the benefit of the whole of Tibet and Kham. Samaya. Seal. Seal. Retrieved by Chokgyur Lingpa from Namkha Dzö.
  • gzhi bdag rten bkol bca' zin
  • gzhi bdag rten bkol stabs bde'i 'don zin
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi dngos grub rgya mtsho'i cha lag gzhi bdag rten la bkol ba
  • gzhi bdag so so la bum gter sba thabs ldebPT TA 21
  • rtsa gsum chos skyong dang bcas pa rnams la gtor ma bsngo ba phrin las myur mgyogs
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las/ rgyun gyi gtor 'bul mos ldan dga' byed
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi bka' srung nor bdag kun 'khyil mched gsum gyi bka' gtad bya tshul mdor bsdus don yod nor bu'i shags pa
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi bka' srung tshe ring mched lnga'i sgrub thabs
  • thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las/ bka' srung tshe ring mched lnga'i thun mong gtor ma'i dbang bskur bkra shis bcud 'bebs
  • thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi bka' srung tshe ring ma'i gyang 'gugs padma'i lcags kyu
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las/ bka' srung tshe ring mched lnga'i srog gtad dang / rjes 'brangs brtan ma/ gter srung khyung btsun ma'i bak' gtad kyi cho ga bkra shis don kun 'grub pa'i dbyangs snyan

Volume 10

  • thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las/ bka' srung tshe ring mched lnga gtso 'khor yongs rdzogs la brten pa'i mkha' 'gro'i sun bzlog dang brtan bzhugs kyi cho ga bkra shis 'chi med bdud rtsi'i snang ba
  • sun bzlog bsdus pa
  • thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las/ ka' srung bkra shis tshe ring mched lnga brtan ma dang bcas pa'i rten mdos kyi cho ga bkra shis phan bde'i dpal sbyin
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi bka' srung tshe ring mched lnga'i sgrub thabs bod khams bde ba'i phrin las dam can brtan ma bcu gnyis kyi mdos chen phan * bde nor bu'i shing rta
  • bskang ba'i 'gres byang
  • mdos kyi 'gres byang
  • thugs rje chen po padma gtsug tor dri ma med pa'i sgrub thabs theg dgu dang 'brel ba:
  • padma gtsug tor gyi bka' srung rdo rje phyag drug pa'i phyi sgrub
  • thugs rje chen po padma gtsug tor gyi las byang khol phyung du bkod pa padma dra ba'i rgyan
  • thugs rje chen po padma gtsug sgrub gtor gyi sgrub thabs snying por dril ba gzhan phan zla snang
  • thugs rje chen po padma gtsug sgrub gtor gyi dbang chog gzhan phan kun khyab
  • gshin po rjes 'dzin cho ga gzhan phan myur lam myong grol ril bu'i sgrub thabs gzhan phan bdud rtsi
  • thub pa gnas bcu'i dbang zin
  • thugs rje chen po padma gtsug tor theg pa dgu 'brel gyi dbang bskur lag len nag 'gros su bkod pa padma'i them skas

Volume 11

  • thugs rje chen po padma gtsug tor gyi chos sde las ston pa nye sras 'khor bcas dgyes pa bkyed pa'i mchod chog kun bzang rnam par rol pa'i sprin chen ldeb
  • chos skyong gzhi bdag la gtor 'bul
  • thugs rje chen po padma gtsug tor las bde gshegs so lnga'i sgo nas ltung ba bshags pa'i cho ga rnam grol shing rta
    • The Confession of Downfalls from the Great Compassionate One’s Lotus Uṣṇīṣa, by Chokgyur Lingpa (ཐུགས་རྗེ་ཆེན་པོ་པདྨ་གཙུག་གཏོར་ལས་བྱུང་བའི་ལྟུང་བཤགས, thugs rje chen po pad+ma gtsug gtor las byung ba'i ltung bshags)
  • sngags byang
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las: 'phags ma sgrol ma'i sgrub thabs 'jigs pa kun sel: phyi 'jigs pa bcu drug gi bar chad sel ba
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las: 'phags ma sgrol ma'i sgrub thabs 'jigs pa kun sel
  • sgrol ma'i zur 'debs 'khor gyi mngon rtogs ldeb
  • gter gser sgrol ma 'jigs pa kun sel las sa yi 'jigs skyob sgom bzlas
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las don thams cad myur du 'grub pa'i sgrol ma'i bsgom bzlas
  • sgrol ma 'jigs pa kun sel dang 'brel ba'i ma??ala gyi cho ga bkra shis char 'bebs
  • sgrol ma 'jigs pa kun sel dan g'brel ba'i maN+Dal gyi cho ga
  • spyod 'jug mchod phreng
  • maN+Dal bsdus pa
  • gtor 'bul
  • rje btsun sgrol ma'i thugs dam gnad nas bskul ba'i gsol 'debs
  • rje btsun sgrol ma 'jigs pa kun sel gyi dbang chog byin rlabs char 'bebs
  • 'khor gyi lha bskyed rgyas pa
  • mchog gling thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi cha lag sgrol ma 'jigs pa kun sel gyi lha so so'i phrin dbang gi lag len mtshams sbyor byin rlabs bcud sbyin
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las sgrol ma 'jigs pa kun sel gyi las bzhi'i me mchod me shel nor bu'i dkyil 'khor
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las mi g.yo ba'i sgrub thabs bdud bzhi zil gnon gter gzhung
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las nang rtsa rlung gi bar chad sel ba mi gyo ba bdud bzhi zil gnon gyi sgrub thabs rgyas par spros pa bdud 'joms rdo rje
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las mi g.yo ba'i bskyed rdzogs kyi sngon 'gro'i rim pa bskyed khrid rim sa bcad bcas
  • sangs rgyas kun 'dus sogs
  • e ma ho spyi bo sogs gsol 'debs
  • skyabs sems
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las mi g.yo ba mthing ga'i gtum mo zhag bdun ma'i man ngag bde trod rab 'bar
  • mi g.yo ba bdud bzhi zil gnon gyi gtum mo zhag bdun ma'i zur rgyan nyin mor byed pa'i snang ba
  • rtsa yi gtso bo gsum gyi ngos 'dzin yid ches sum ldan
  • gtum mo'i khrid yig bdud rtsi'i nying khu
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las mi g.yo ba'i zin bris gzhung don rab gsal lde'u mig ldeb
  • mi g.yo ba mthing ga'i lha khrid tha mal zhen 'dzin bsreg byed gtum mo bde chen rab 'bar
  • mi g.yo ba bdud bzhi zil gnon gyi gtum po mthing ga la brten pa'i bcud len gyi gdams pa dug gsum nad sel mchog gi bdud rtsi
  • mi g.yo ba'i nam mkha'i bcud len gyi zin bris bltas chog tu bkod pa phyogs med ri khrid khrod 'grim pa'i cha rkyen blo gtad gcig chog log 'tsho'i zhen pa rang grol
  • zin bris
  • khrid zin ldeb
  • rtsa tshig ldeb
  • bsnyen zin
  • gtum mo mthing ga'i ras chos bgyi ba'i las tho
  • thugs sgrub rtsa ba'i 'khrul 'khor bsdus pa ye shes rab 'bar
  • mi g.yo ba'i lus sbyong 'khrul 'khor gyi dogs sel zhus pa'i brjed byang
  • thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las tshogs gtum mo'i drod la brten pa'i sad dang kha char srung thabs
  • mi g.yo ba bdud bzhi zil gnon gyi rtsa 'khor bsgom tshul gyi zin tho dang dpe'u ris rab gsal sgron me
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi cha lag mi g.yo ba bdud bzhi zil gnon gyi dbang chog baiDUr+ya'i chu rgyun

Volume 12

  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi cha lag mi g.yo ba rigs bzhi'i dbang zhi drag po'i gtor dbang dang bcas pa ye shes snang ba rab gsal
  • khro rgyal mi g.yo ba'i me dbang gtum mo sbas don kun gsal byin rlabs ye shes me 'od rab 'bar
  • gtum mo'i me dbang sogs kyi skabs su yo byad byin rlabs dbang bskur gyi rim pa
  • khro rgyal mi g.yo ba'i bka' srung dur khrod bdag po yab yum gyi gtor chog las bzhi myur 'grub glog gi phreng ba
  • mi g.yo ba bdud bzhi zil gnon gyi bka' srung mgon dkar dur khrod bdag po yab yum gyi bka' gtad yid bzhin dbang rgyal
  • gter gsar dur khrod bdag po'i bla rdo srog yig bri tshul dpe'u ris
  • gtum mo ser po'i 'khrul 'khor rtsa tshig
  • srung 'khor rdo rje'i 'dug stangs
  • bde stong mi g.yo ba dmar po'i 'khrul 'khor rtsa tshig
  • 'khrul 'khor rtsa tshig dang guru'i dgongs pa zab mo'i 'khrul 'khor gyi zin tho dran pa'i gsal 'debs rig 'dzin mchog gi zhal lung bcas
  • mi g.yo ba'i snyan brgyud dbang lung ma thob pa rnams la gsang ba'i khrid rim yang zab snying po
  • mi g.yo ba drag po k?laya'i rgyun khyer bdud bzhi dam sri mthar byed rdo rje'i zhugs lce
  • bdud bzhi rgab 'dre dam sri mnan pa'i cho ga rab brjid rdo rje'i lhun po
  • khro bo'i rgyal po mi g.yo ba'i smon lam dngos grub char 'bebs
  • smon 'grel
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las gsang bdag rdo rje be con gyi sgrub thabs
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi gsang ba ting nge 'dzin gyi bar chad sel ba gsang bdag rdo rje be con gyi sgrub thabs stong nyid rdo rje/ bka' srung gtor chog phrin las thogs med bcas ldeb
  • gsang bdag rdo rje be con gyi sgrub thabs bdud dpung zil gnon
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi gsang bdag rdo rje be con gyi dbang chog in+ra NI la'i chu rgyun
  • dregs pa'i po nya gsum gyi srog gtad man ngag zab rgya can
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel las/ gsang bdag rdo rje be con gyi gdon 'grol rdo rje bdud rtsi'i chu rgyun
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi sme ba brtsegs pa'i sgrub thabs nyams grib kun sel
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi thun mong nyams grib kyi bar chad sel ba sme ba brtsegs pa'i sgrub thabs nyams grib kun sel bdud rtsi'i bum pa
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi sme ba brtsegs pa'i sgrub thabs khyer bde
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi cha lag/ sme brtsegs nyams grib kun sel gyi sgrub thabs dang /dbang chog zla shel bdud rtsi'i chu rgyun
  • gter thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi cha lag khro rgyal sme brtsegs kyi sgo nas nyams grib me yis sreg thabs sbyin sreg bltas chog tu bkod pa
  • gter chen mchog gyur gling pa yi zab bdun gter mdzod bzhes pa'i tshul lo rgyus ngo mtshar lnga ldan
  • The Wish-Fulfilling Tree: The Life Story of the Master of Uḍḍiyāna, As Found in Padmasambhava’s Sevenfold Cycle of Profundity, by Chokgyur Lingpa (༁ྃ༔ ཟབ་པ་སྐོར་བདུན་ལས༔ ཨོ་རྒྱན་རྣམ་ཐར་དཔག་བསམ་ལྗོན་ཤིང་བཞུགས་སོ༔, zab pa skor bdun las/ o rgyan rnam thar dpag bsam ljon shing)
    • English translation: The Wish-Fulfilling Tree: The Life Story of the Master of Uḍḍiyāna, As Found in Padmasambhava’s Sevenfold Cycle of Profundity, translated by Erik Pema Kunsang and Samye Translations (revised and edited by Oriane Lavolé, Peter Woods, Stefan Mang, and Libby Hogg), 2020. The “Testament Prayer” in Chapter 10 was improved with reference to the version by Rigpa Translations (2015).
    • Colophon: This was the tenth chapter in Padma’s Wish-Fulfilling Tree, my story of liberation, on how I gave my testament and then departed to subjugate the rākṣasas in the southwest. I, Tsogyal, later wrote down this biography and concealed it as a treasure. May it meet with the worthy one endowed with the right karma. Having met with him, may its benefit for beings be boundless. Samaya, seal, seal, seal. I, Orgyen Chokgyur Lingpa, one of the great incarnated revealers of treasure, brought this forth from Akaniṣṭha Karma’s Damchen Drak Cliff.
  • rdor sems rtsa rgyud thugs kyi thig le sogs
  • rdor sems thugs kyi thig le las sgrub thabs rtsa ba nyi zla'i rgya can
  • zab pa skor bdun las/ gzhan don tshom bu tshogs sgrub kyi chings
  • zab pa skor bdun las/ sbyin sreg gi spyi chingsPT NA 31
  • rdor sems thugs kyi thig le'i zhi ba dang khro bo'i brgyud pa'i gsol 'debs sgyu 'phrul rdo rje'i rol mo
  • sngon 'gro byin rlabs bcu gcig
  • dkar gtor
  • skyabs sems yan bdunPT NA 35
  • zab pa skor bdun las phrin las/ sngon 'gro'i spyi chings
  • rdor sems thugs kyi thig le las/ las byang dngos grub rgya mtsho
  • sman mchod
  • rdor sems thugs kyi thig le las las bum sgrub pa
  • zab pa skor bdun las phrin las/phrin las mjug gi spyi chings
  • 'gugs paPT NA 41

Volume 13

  • rdor sems thugs kyi thig le las/ sgyu 'phrul zhi ba'i dbang bskur ba'i cho ga
  • mchog gling zab bdun rgyud zab sgyu 'phrul las/ rgya che ba lcags byang ma'i chos sde'i zhi ba rdo rje byings kyi dkyil 'khor bsgrub cing dbang bskur ba'i cho ga dngos grub rgya mtsho 'dren byed zla ba'i shing rta
  • rdor sems dpa' thugs kyi thig le las/ sgyu 'phrul khro bo'i phrin las
  • rdor sems thugs kyi thig le las/ sgyu 'phrul khro bo'i dbang gi cho ga
  • mchog gling zab bdun rgyud zab sgyu 'phrul las/ rgya che ba lcags byang ma'i chos sde'i khro bo dam pa gyan gyi dkyil 'khor bsgrub cing dbang bskur ba'i cho ga dngos grub rgya mtsho gsal byed nyi ma'i snang ba
  • Vrdor sems thugs kyi thig le las/ tshom bu tshogs sgrub kyi yig chung zur du bkol ba
  • rdor sems thugs kyi thig le las/ bdud rtsi sman gyi sgrub pa
  • zab bdun bdud rtsi sman zab zhi ba bzhi bcu rtsa gnyis sku'i sbyang ba sogs
  • rdor sems thugs kyi thig le las/ bdud rtsi sman gyi byin 'bebs dngos grub chu 'dzin
  • rdor sems thugs kyi thig le las/ sku gsung thugs rten bzhengs thabs
  • rdor sems thugs kyi thig le las/ gshin don bdun tshigs lho sgo'i cho ga
  • rdor sems thugs kyi thig le las na rag bskang bshags kyi cho ga
  • rnal 'byor spyi khrus na rak dong sprugs kyi sgrubs thabs skong bshags gnas lung kyi cho ga bcas khrigs su bsdeb pa bde chen bdud rtsi'i snying po
  • lha bkyed rgyas pa zur gsal ldeb
  • mchog gling zab bdun rgyud zab sgyu 'phrul las rgya che ba lcags byang ma'i chos sde zhi khro yongs dril ngan song dong sprugs kyi dkyil 'khor bsgrub cing dbang bskur ba'i cho ga rgyud don snang byed rab gsal nyi zla'i snang ba
  • zab pa skor bdun las/ dpal ye shes kyi mgon po legs ldan gyi sgrub thabs
  • mchog gter zab pa skor bdun gyi bka' srung legs ldan gyi gtor dbang shog gcig ma mtshams sbyor gyis brgyan pa sa lam bar chad kun sel
  • zab bdun rgyud zab sgyu 'phrul las/ rdor sems thugs kyi sgrub pa
  • zab bdun rgyud zab sgyu 'phrul las don gyi dbang bskur snying po
  • zab bdun rgyud zab sgyu 'phrul las gsang ba'i dbang gsum bskur thabs

Volume 14 (ཕ, pha)

  • zab bdun rgyud zab sgyu 'phrul las/ zangs byang ma'i chos sde rdor sems zhi ba bzhi bcu rtsa gnyis kyi dkyil 'khor du dbang bskur ba'i cho ga ngo mtshar snying po, zab bdun peaceful Vajrasattva mandala empowerment ritual (1-38)
  • zab bdun rgyud zab sgyu 'phrul las khro bo dam pa bsdus pa'i lam sgrub thabs snying por bsdus pa, zab bdun sgyu 'phrul wrathful sadhana (39-61)
  • sgyu 'phrul khro bo'i dbang bskur, zab dun sgyu 'phrul wrathful empowerment (63-65)
  • zab bdun rgyud zab sgyu 'phrul las/ zangs byang ma'i chos sde khro bo dam pa rgyan gyi dkyil 'khor du dbang bskur ba'i cho ga rgyud lung snying po, zab bdun sgyu 'phrul wrathful mandala empowerment ritual (67-87)
  • The Extensive Sadhana of Amitayus - From the Profound Mayajala Tantra, Among the Seven Cycles of Profound [Sadhanas], by Chokgyur Lingpa and Karma Tsepal (ཟབ་བདུན་རྒྱུད་ཟབ་སྒྱུ་འཕྲུལ་ལས༔ ཚོ་སྐོར་ཕྲིན་ལས་རྒྱས་པ་བཞུགས, zab bdun rgyud zab sgyu 'phrul las tshe skor phrin las rgyas pa tshe sgrub zab mo'i sgrub thabs tshe skor gso ba gsum ldan bcas) (89-137)
    • English Translation: In, The Tsekar Drubchen, The Collected Liturgies of The Great Accomplishment Sadhana of White Amitayus (Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling, 2010), translated by S. Lhamo, 2004 with revisions in 2010.
    • Colophon: I, Orgyen Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa, revealed this treasure from within Namkhadzö. Later on, it was established at the supreme holy site, Tsandra Rinchen Drak at Pelpung, the great monastic center of the Lotus-tongued (Jamgön Kongtrül). In due course, it was written down by Karma Tsepal. Sarva Manglam!
  • zab bdun rgyud zab sgyu 'phrul las tshe skor phrin las/ rgyas pa dang 'brel ba'i dbang bskur gsal byed bdud rtsi'i chu rgyun, zab bdun Amitayus cycle empowerment for medium activity (139-154)
  • zab bdun rtsa gsum tshe'i zab pa las/ rtsa gsum kun 'dril snying po'i rgyud bzhi dang dbang bcas gter gzhung, Essential condensation empowerment of zab bdun three roots profound life?? (155-170)
  • The Lotus Lute: A Lineage Prayer for the Sadhana of the Three Roots, From the three roots profound teaching cycle of longevity, by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Tayé (༁ རྩ་གསུམ་ཚེའི་ཟབ་པ་ལས། བརྒྱུད་པའི་གསོལ་འདེབས་པདྨའི་རྒྱུད་མང, rtsa gsum tshe'i zab pa las/ brgyud pa'i gsol 'debs padma'i rgyud mangs) (171-172)
    • English translation: The Lotus Lute: A Lineage Prayer for the Sadhana of the Three Roots, From the three roots profound teaching cycle of longevity, translated by Gyurme Avertin and Marcia Schmidt, and corrected by Zack Beer, Rangjung Yeshe Publications.
    • English translation: The Lotus Sitar, A Lineage Prayer for the Profundity of the Three Roots of Longevity, translated by Samye Translations, 2024 (trans. Maitri Yarnell and Laura Swan, ed. Stefan Mang and Libby Hogg).
    • Colophon: At the command of Öntrul Rinpoché, the custodian of this profound dharma, Pema Garwang Lodrö Tayé, composed this lineage prayer for The Profundity of the Three Roots of Longevity while staying in Palpung Nyingpo Yiga Chödzin. May virtue and excellence abound!
  • The Three Roots Sādhana, from the Sevenfold Profundity, revealed by Chokgyur Lingpa (༁ྃ༔  ༔ཟབ་པ་སྐོར་བདུན་ལས༔ རྩ་བ་གསུམ་གྱི་སྒྲུབ་ཐབས, zab pa skor bdun las/ rtsa ba gsum gyi sgrub thabs) (173-181)
    • English translation: The Sadhana of the Three Roots, From the Seven Profound teaching cycle, translated by Gyurme Avertin and Marcia Schmidt, and corrected by Zack Beer, Rangjung Yeshe Publications.
    • English translation: The Three Roots Sādhana, from the Sevenfold Profundity, translated by Samye Translations, 2024 (trans. Maitri Yarnell and Laura Swan, ed. Monica Thunder, Stefan Mang and Libby Hogg).
    • Colophon: The great treasure-revealer emanation, Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa, decoded this from a piece of parchment inscribed by Orgyen that was found in a meteorite kīla casket that he revealed from behind the shrine of Karmé Damchen Drak.
  • Amṛta Offering for Profound Longevity, by Jamgön Kongtrul (སྨན་མཆོད་ཚེ་ཟབ, sman chod) (183-184)
  • rtsa gsum tshe'i zab pa las rtsa ba'i dbang bskur gyi chog khrigs rin chen myu gu , Ritual arrangement of zab bdun three roots source empowerment (185-205)
  • zab bdun rtsa gsum skor las/ gu ru bde ba chen po'i sgrub thabs, zab bdun three roots guru bde ba chen po sAdhana (207 - 210)
  • zab bdun rtsa gsum skor las/ gu ru bde ba chen po'i phrin las dbang chog dang bcas bde chen bcud 'dren, zab bdun three roots guru bde ba chen po empowerment ritual (211-226)
  • (White Amitayus) Lineage Prayer, by Jamgön Kongtrul (tsho dkar brgyud 'debs) (227-228)
    • English Translation: In The Tsekar Drubchen, The Collected Liturgies of The Great Accomplishment Sadhana of White Amitayus (Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling, 2010), translated by S.Lhamo, 2004 with revisions in 2010.
    • Colophon: In order to create an interdependent link at the start of undertaking "The Approach and Accomplishment of Immortality in Seven Days" [sadhana], Pema Garwang Lodro Thaye composed this, without hindrance, at the king of accomplishment centers, the cavern at Trakmar, Yamalung. May virtuous goodness increase!
  • mtshams sbyor byin rlabs, Compilation of blessings (229-230)
  • Garland of Lotus Blossoms - A guidebook to Immortality, According to the Instruction Cycle of the Three Roots Among the Seven Cycles of Profound [Sadhanas] (Petrang) (Sadhana for White Amitayus), by Chokgyur Lingpa and Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo (ཟབ་བདུན་རྩ་གསུམ་གདམས་སྐོར་ལསས༔ འཆི་མེད་ཚེ་ལས་བྱང་པདྨའི་ཕྲེང་བ་བཞུགས་སོ།, zab bdun rtsa gsum gdams skor las/ 'chi med tshe yi las byang padma'i phreng ba) (231-269)
    • English Translation: In, The Tsekar Drubchen, The Collected Liturgies of The Great Accomplishment Sadhana of White Amitayus (Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling, 2010), translated by S.Lhamo, 2004 with revisions in 2010.
    • Colophon: At sunrise on the 10th day of the 6 month in the Year of the Male Fire Dragon [1857 C.E.] when he was 28 years old, the great treasure-finder Chogyur Lingpa, emanation of Prince Lhasey [son of King Trisong Deutsen], revealed a hidden treasure made of thin copper-colored parchment scroll from within the upper meditation cave of Yeldrak, Namkhadzö which was omniscient Orgyen Rinpoche's sacred place of longevity-accomplishment at the auspicious site of Lhoda Zalmo Gang in Dokham. This was witnessed by seven destined companions. During the waning of the 11th month of that very year, on the holy day that gathers the dakinis, the copyist categorized it. Thus, His Lordship Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo Kunga Tenpa Gyaltsen, whose nectarlike speech brings excellent fortune, wrote it down. May the lotus-like feet of the supreme doctrine-holders remain firm for 10 aeons. May the teachings of this profound treasure spread in all directions and, under all circumstances. flourish and remain for a long time!
  • Amrita Offering, by Jamgön Kongtrul (sman chod), White Amitayus amRta offering, (271-272)
    • English Translation: In, The Tsekar Drubchen, The Collected Liturgies of The Great Accomplishment Sadhana of White Amitayus (Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling, 2010), translated by S.Lhamo, 2004 with revisions in 2010.
    • Colophon: By the power of necessity, [this was composed] by Guna (Jamgön Kongtrül) in the Rock Cavern of Immortal Life at Trakmar, Yamalung.
  • The Lasso of Lotus Flowers to Summon Longevity, belonging to The Profound Longevity of the Three Roots Among the Seven Profound [Cycles], revealed by Chokgyur Lingpa and Jamgön Kongtrul (ཟབ་བདུན་རྩ་གསུམ་ཚོ་ཡི་ཟབ་པ་ལས་ཚེ་འགུགས་པདྨའི་ཞགས་པཔ་ཞེས་བྱ་བ་བཞུགས་སོ༔, zab bdun rtsa gsum tshe'i zab pa las/ tshe 'gugs padma'i zhags pa) (273-284)
    • English Translation: In The Tsekar Drubchen, The Collected Liturgies of The Great Accomplishment Sadhana of White Amitayus (Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling, 2010), translated by Erik Pema Kunsang, Rangjung Yeshe Translations & Publications, 2000.
    • Colophon: This was established from the handwriting of Guru Rinpoche on the copper parchment revealed from the Yelphung Cave on Mt. Namkha Dzö by the emanation of Prince Lhasey, the incarnated great tertön Chokgyur Lingpa. Gradually, Padma Garwang Lodrö Thaye wrote it down during the time of an auspicious constellation, at Künsang Dechen Osel Ling, the upper retreat on the slope of Devi Koti Tsandra Rinchen Drag, which is the eminent place for the mind of qualities among the 25 major sacred places in Kham. Since the auspicious link of goodness was formed with immense virtue, may this be a cause for prolonging the life of the great beings who uphold the Buddhadharma and for myself and all others to be victorious in the battle with obstacles and thus quickly attain the state of indestructible and boundless longevity! Shudha chitam jivantu!
  • The Lotus Essence, the daily practice of the life sadhana of immortality, according to Sabdün Tsasum Damkar, the instruction cycle on the three roots of the sevenfold profoundness, by Jamgön Kongtrul (‘’zab bdun rtsa gsum gdams skor las 'chi med tshe'i phrin las rgyun khyer padma'i snying po) (285-297)
    • English Translation: In, The Tsekar Drubchen, The Collected Liturgies of The Great Accomplishment Sadhana of White Amitayus (Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling, 2010), Translated by Erik Pema Kunsang in 1985, Rangjung Yeshe Translations & Publications (with slight revisions by S.Lhamo in 2009).
    • Colophon: Without making a pretentious distortion of the powerful profound treasure, since the treasure root text sadhana was inconvenient for such things as recitation sessions and daily practice, I supplicated the divine master and, asking for permission, I, Chimey Tennyi Yungdrung Lingpa, composed this on the tenth day of the Saga month at Supreme Speech Lotus Fortress belonging to Dzongshö Deshek Düpa. May virtuous goodness increase!
  • The Excellent Vase of the Self-empowering Elixir of Immortality, from the Three Roots Profoundity of Life (rtsa gsum tshe'i zab pa las bdag 'jug 'chi med bdud rtsi'i bum bzangPT PHA 20) (299-311)
    • English Translation: In The Tsekar Drubchen, The Collected Liturgies of The Great Accomplishment Sadhana of White Amitayus (Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling, 2010), translated by S.Lhamo, 2004
  • Arrangement of sAdhana framework for White Amitayus, by Gyurme Tsewang Drakpa (gyur med tshe dbang grags pa) (sgyu 'phrul dra ba rdo rje tshe'i sgrub khog khrigs su bsdebs pa 'chi med gter mdzod) (313-391)
    • English Translation: The Mayajala’s Systemized Sadhana Scaffold for Vajra-like Longevity, known as, A Treasure Trove of Immortality translated partially by S.Lhamo (2004), in The Tsekar Drubchen, The Collected Liturgies of The Great Accomplishment Sadhana of White Amitayus (Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling, 2010)
  • rtsa gsum tshe'i zab pa'i lha sngags la brten pa'i las bzhi'i sbyin sreg 'chi med bdud rtsi'i snang ba, Fire ritual for the four activities (393-427)
  • zab bdun sgyu 'phrul tshe dkar tshogs sgrub kyi gtong thun 'chi med tshangs chen lha'i rnga sgra, White Amitayus group gtor ma session instructions (429-451)
  • zab bdun rtsa gsum tshe'i zab pa las/ tshe'i dbang chog bdud rtsi'i bum pa, Life empowerment ritual (453-474)
  • zab bdun rtsa gsum tshe'i zab pa las tshe dpag med rigs lnga spyi sgrub kyi dbang bskur mtshams sbyor bdud rtsi'i chu rgyun, Compilation of general accomplishment of five families (475-515)
  • dbang zin, White Amitayus ultimate empowerment notes (517-519)
  • zab bdun rtsa gsum tshe'i zab pa las 'chi med tshe'i don dbang mdor bsdus bdud rtsi'i snying po, White Amitayus ultimate empowerment (521-535)

Volume 15 (བ, ba)

  • rtsa gsum tshe yi zab pa las/ bla ma bka' brgyad kyi brgyud pa'i gsol 'debs rdo rje'i rgyud mangs , bla ma bka' brgyad lineage prayer (1-2)
  • zab pa skor bdun las rtsa gsum tshe'i zab pa'i yan lag bla ma bka' brgyad 'dus pa'i las byang , bla ma bka' brgyad SAdhana (3-21)
  • sman mchod , AmRta offering (23-24)
  • rtsa gsum tshe'i zab pa las/ bla ma drag po bka' brgyad 'dud pa'i dbang bskur gyi cho ga khrigs rdo rje'i myu gu , Ritual arrangement of empowerment ritual for bka' brgyad (25-87)
  • gtsug tor bka' gter chu bo kun 'dus kyi brgyud 'debs nor bu'i phreng ba , Lineage prayer for the treasure and transmission lineages of gtsug tor (89-90)
  • sngon chings , Preliminary outline for Padma gtsug tor (91-92)
  • zab bdun rtsa gsum tshe'i zab pa las/ rdo rje gtsug tor mkha' 'gro'i phrin las rgyas pa , Part of zab bdun Vajra gtsug tor DAkinI activity (93-107)
  • zab bdun rtsa gsum tshe zab kyi cha lag rdo rje gdugs dkar mo'i bsnyen sgrub dzab kyi byang bu , Supplication for recitation of White umbrella goddess (109-111)
  • zab bdun rtsa gsum tshe'i zab pa las/ rdo rje gtsug tor gyi phrin las , Vajra gtsug tor sAdhana (113-120)
  • thugs dam zab pa skor bdun las rdo rje mkha' 'gro gdugs dkar gyi sgrub thabs dbang bcas , Vajra DAkinI White Umbrella Goddess sAdhana and empowerment (121-127)
  • mchog gter gtsug tor dkar mo'i tshe 'gugs , Vajra USNISa life hook ritual (129-130)
  • zab bdun rtsa gsum tshe'i zab pa las rdo rje gdugs dkar mo'i phrin las mjug chings , Vajra DAkinI White Umbrella Goddess activity completion (131-140)
  • mchod bstod , Vajra DAkinI White Umbrella Goddess offering and praise (141-142)
  • 'gugs gzhug , Enemy hook ritual (143-144)
  • rtsa gsum tshe'i zab pa'i cha lag rdo rje mkha' 'gro gdugs dkar mo'i gtor zlog 'gal rkyen kun sel , Vajra DAkinI White Umbrella Goddess gtor ma reversal ritual (145-174)
  • mchog gter gdugs dkar gtor zlog mi mthun gyul rgyal tshangs pa'i 'khor lo phyogs las rnam rgyal , Vajra DAkinI White Umbrella Goddess gtor ma reversal ritual (175-201)
  • zab bdun rtsa gsum cha lag las/ rdo rje gtsug tor dang 'brel ba'i mdos kyi cho ga srid gsum zil gnon , Vajra gtsug tor thread cross ritual (203-242)
  • zab bdun rtsa gsum tshe'i zab pa'i cha las/ rdo rje mkha' 'gro gdugs dkar mo'i dbang chog gsal bar bkod pa chu shel bum bzang , White Umbrella Goddess empowerment ritual (243 -250)
  • zab bdun las/ rin chen mkha' 'gro so sor 'brang ma'i sgrub thabs dbang bcas , Ratna DAkinI sAdhana (251-255)
  • zab bdun rtsa gsum tshe'i zab pa las/ rin chen mkha' 'gro'i sor 'brang ma'i dbang chog gsal bar bkod pa gser gyi bum bzang , Ratna DAkinI empowerment ritual (257-264)
  • Kurukulla Preliminaries: the Easily Applied Sadhana and Preliminaries for Padma Dakini according to the 'Profundity of Longevity' within the Seven Profound Teachings , by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Thaye (ཟབ་བདུན་རྩ་གསུམ་ཚེའི་ཟབ་པ་ལས་པདྨ་མཁའ་འགྲོའི་ཕྲིན་ལས་སྔོན་འགྲོ་ཁྱེར་བདེ་ལྡེབ།,zab bdun rtsa gsum tshe'i zab pa las pad+ma mkha' 'gro'i phrin las sngon 'gro khyer bde ldeb) (265-269)
    • English translation: Kurukulla Preliminaries: the Easily Applied Sadhana and preliminaries for Padma Dakini according to the 'Profundity of Longevity' within the Seven Profound Teachings, translated by Erik Hein Schmidt, Rangjung Yeshe Publications 1990, 2012.
    • Colophon: In accordance with the wish of the supreme Chöying, the Nirmanakaya of Palnge, this was written by Chimey Tennyi Lingpa, directly as it came to mind. By the virtue of this, may personal experience be brought under power. May virtuous goodness increase.
  • The Sadhana of the Lotus Dakini for Magnetizing Activity According to the Three roots ‘Profundity of Longevity', Among the Seven Profound Teachings revealed by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa (ཟབ་བདུན་རྩ་གསུམ་ཚེའི་ཟབ་པ་ལས་དབང་གི་ལས་སྦྱོར་པདྨ་མཁའ་འགྲོའི་སྒྲུབ་ཐབས།, zab bdun rtsa gsum tshe'i zab pa las dbang gi las sbyor padma mkha' 'gro'i sgrub thabs) (271-276)
    • English translation: The Sadhana of the Lotus Dakini for Magnetizing Activity According to the ‘Profundity of Longevity' Among the Seven Profound Teachings, translated by Erik Hein Schmidt, Rangjung Yeshe Publications 1990, 2012.
    • Colophon: I, Orgyen Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa, took this out of Yelphug Namkha Dzo in the company of the destined Sukha.
  • The Secret Sadhana of the Magnetizing Dakini, According to the Three roots ‘Profundity of Longevity’, from among the Seven Profound Teachings by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa (ཟབ་བདུན་རྩ་གསུམ་ཚེའི་ཟབ་པ་ལས་དབང་གི་མཁའ་འགྲོའི་གསང་སྒྲུབ་ལྡེབ,zab bdun rtsa gsum tshe'i zab pa las dbang gi mkha' 'gro'i gsang sgrub ldeb) (277-279)
    • English translation: The Secret Sadhana of the Magnetizing Dakini, According to the ‘Profundity of Longevity’, from among the Seven Profound Teachings, translated by Gyurme Avertin and Marcia Schmidt, and corrected by Zack Beer, Rangjung Yeshe Publications.
    • Colophon: I, Chokgyur Lingpa, retrieved this terma from Yelpuk Namkha Dzö guided by Sukha.
  • The Torma Offering and Praise of the Lotus Dakini and Enjoining the Activities revealed by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa (gtor 'bul) (281-293)
    • English translation: The Torma Offering and Praise of the Lotus Dakini and Enjoining the Activities, translated by Erik Hein Schmidt, Rangjung Yeshe Publications 1990, 2012.
    • Colophon: In this way, beseech her one-pointedly for the desired aims. Samaya, seal. This is a genuine profound terma revealed by Orgyen Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa at Yeldrag Namgyal Dzö.
  • Fire offering of the Lotus Ḍākinī, from the Three Roots Profundity of Long life, from among the Seven Profound Cycles revealed by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa (ཟབ་བདུན་རྩ་གསུམ་ཚེའི་ཟབ་པ་ལས་པདྨ་མཁའ་འགྲོའི་སྦྱིན་སྲེག་ལྡེབ,zab bdun rtsa gsum tshe'i zab pa las pad+ma mkha' 'gro'i sbyin sreg ldeb) (285-293)
    • Colophon: Revealed by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa at Yelpuk Namkha Dzö
  • Instructions for Making a Wind-driven Mantra Wheel & Making Tsatsas, an Application of Activity for the Lotus Ḍākinī , revealed by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa (པདྨ་མཁའ་འགྲོ་ལས་སྦྱོར་རླུང་འཁོར་སཱཙྪའི་ལས་སྦྱོར,,padma mkha' 'gro'i las sbyor rlung 'khor sAccha'i las sbyor bcas) (287-288)
    • Colophon: Revealed by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa at Yelpuk Namkha Dzö
  • A Manual for Blessing Magnetizing Substances of the Lotus Ḍākinī, According to the Three Roots Profundity of Longevity, from among the Seven Profound Cycles revealed by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa (ཟབ་བདུན་རྩ་གསུམ་ཚེའི་ཟབ་པ་ལས་པདྨ་མཁའ་འགྲོའི་དབང་སྡུད་རྫས་སྒྲུབ་ལྡེབ,zab bdun rtsa gsum tshe'i zab pa las padma mkha' 'gro'i dbang sdud rdzas sgrub) (289-290)
    • Colophon: Revealed by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa at Yelpuk Namkha Dzö
  • A Manual for Granting the Empowerment of the Lotus Ḍākinī, According to the Three Roots Profundity of Longevity, from among the Seven Profound Cycles revealed by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa (ཟབ་བདུན་རྩ་གསུམ་ཚེའི་ཟབ་པ་ལས་པདྨ་འཁའ་འགྲོའི་དབང་བསྐུར་ལྡེབ,zab bdun rtsa gsum tshe'i zab pa las pad+ma 'kha' 'gro'i dbang bskur) (291-292)
    • Colophon: Revealed by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa at Yelpuk Namkha Dzö
  • The Essence of Magnetizing: An Additional Manual for the Lotus Dakini within the Seven Profound Teachings by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa (ཟབ་བདུན་པདྨ་མཁའ་འགྲོའི་གུད་བྱང་དབང་གི་ཐིག་ལེ་གནད་བྱང་ཚིག་བརྒྱུད་མ་བཅས་ལྡེབ,zab bdun pad+ma mkha' 'gro'i gud byang dbang gi thig le gnad byang tshig brgyud ma bcas) (293-296)
    • English translation: The Essence of Magnetizing: An Additional Manual for the Lotus Dakini within the Seven Profound Teachings, translated by Erik Hein Schmidt, Rangjung Yeshe Publications 1990, 2012.
    • Colophon: This additional hidden praise and invocation of the Lotus Dakini was translated from the secret dakini script by Chokgyur Lingpa. In the victorious year of the wood horse, it was combined from the handwriting of the great terton by a khenpo disciple (Karma Khenpo Rinchen Dargye) of the terton himself. May it be virtuous.'
  • Music to Delight the Dakinis The Condensed Feast Offering and Concluding Activities of the Lotus Dakini According to the Three Roots ‘Profundity of Longevity’ within the Seven Profound Teachings by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Tayé (zab bdun rtsa gsum tshe'i zab pa las padma mkha' 'gro'i tshog mchod sogs rjes kyi las rim snying por dril ba mkha' 'gro dgyes pa'i rol mo,) (297-305)
    • English translation: Music to Delight the Dakinis The Condensed Feast Offering and Concluding Activities of the Lotus Dakini According to the ‘Profundity of Longevity’ within the Seven Profound Teachings, translated by Erik Hein Schmidt, Rangjung Yeshe Publications 1990, 2012.
    • Colophon: This arose in my experience although I have not untied the dakinis’ seal of entrustment. For whatever I may have mistaken I beg the gurus and dakinis their forgiveness. Through this virtue, may we attain the form of the Lord of Display. When separately practicing the Lotus Dakini of the New Treasures, Tersar Pema Khandro, I saw the need for and felt the wish to compose an easily applied accessory text and thus I, Padma Gargyi Wangchuk Tsal, spontaneously wrote this at Tsandra Rinchen Drak. May virtuous goodness increase. This is especially entrusted to the guardian of the teachings and his consort so that unworthy people may not even see the text.
  • The Delightfulness of Great Bliss: The Fulfillment Liturgy for the Lotus Dakini and the Guardians of the Tersar by Jamgon Kongtrul (གཏེར་གསར་པདྨ་མཁའ་འགྲོ་བཀའ་སྲུང་བཅས་པའི་སྐོང་བ་བདེ་ཆེན་རབ་དགྱེས་ལྡེབ,gter gsar pad+ma mkha' 'gro bka' srung bcas pa'i skong ba bde chen rab dgyes) (307-312)
    • English translation: The Delightfulness of Great Bliss: The Fulfillment Liturgy for the Lotus Dakini and the Guardians of the Tersar, translated by Erik Hein Schmidt, Rangjung Yeshe Publications 1990, 2012.
    • Colophon: Because of being encouraged by the command and accompanying present of silver from Ongtrül Rinpoche, the charioteer of the teachings of the Practice Lineage who possesses a great aspiration for the welfare of others, Padma Garwang Dewey Dorje wrote this in the pleasant gardens of Devikoti. May virtuous goodness increase.
  • A Heap of Jewels: Instructions on how to Perform the Outer, Inner and Secret Sadhanas of the Lotus Ḍākinī, According to the Three Roots Profundity of Longevity , by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Thaye (རྩ་གསུམ་ཚེའི་ཟབ་པ་ལས་པདྨ་མཁའ་འགྲོའི་ཕྱི་ནང་གསང་སྒྲུབ་ཇི་ལྟར་བྱ་བའི་ཚུལ་པདྨ་རཱ་གའི་ཆུན་པོ་ལྡེབ,rtsa gsum tshe'i zab pa las padma mkha' 'gro'i phyi nang gsang sgrub ji ltar bya ba'i tshul pad+ma rA ga'i chun po) (313-324)
  • A Fire Offering of the Magnetizing Lotus Ḍākinī: A Magnet Attracting the Iron of Beings and the World, from the Three Roots Profundity of Longevity by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Thaye (རྩ་གསུམ་ཚེའི་ཟབ་པ་ལས་དབང་བྱེད་པདྨ་མཁའ་འགྲོའི་མེ་མཆོད་བརྟན་གྱོའི་ལྕགས་ཕྱེ་སྡུད་པའི་ཁབ་ལེན་ལྡེབ,rtsa gsum tshe'i zab pa las dbang byed pad+ma mkha' 'gro'i me mchod brtan gyo'i lcags phye sdud pa'i khab len) (325-336)
  • A Padma Rāga Ruby Vase: An Arrangement of the Empowerment Ritual of the Lotus Ḍākinī Magnetizing Goddes, from the Three Roots Profundity of Longevity by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Thaye (རྩ་གསུམ་ཚེའི་ཟབ་པ་ལས་པདྨ་མཁའ་འགྲོའི་དབང་གི་ལྷ་མོའི་དབང་བསྐུར་བའི་ཆོ་ག་ཁྲིགས་སུ་བསྡེབས་པ་པདྨ་རཱ་གའི་བུམ་པ་ལྡེབ,rtsa gsum tshe'i zab pa las pad+ma mkha' 'gro'i dbang gi lha mo'i dbang bskur ba'i cho ga khrigs su bsdebs pa pad+ma rA ga'i bum pa ldeb) (337-348)
  • Dharma Protectors of the Magnetizing Ḍākinī, from the Three Roots Profundity of Longevity, from the Seven Profound Teaching Cycles revealed by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa (ཟབ་བདུན་རྩ་གསུམ་ཚེའི་ཟབ་པ་ལས་དབང་གི་མཁའ་འགྲོའི་བཀའ་སྲུང་ལྡེབ,zab bdun rtsa gsum tshe'i zab pa las dbang gi mkha' 'gro'i bka' srung) (349-357)
    • English translation: Dharma Protectors of the Magnetizing Ḍākinī, provisional translation by Han Kop and David Teasdale. With thanks to Lopön Tashi Tseten from Namdroling.
    • Colophon: Since this text is profound and should not be taken lightly, the seal of secrecy should be kept strictly. Chokgyur Lingpa revealed this from [Yelpuk] Namkha Dzö
  • Invoking the Activity of Lord Mahadeva and Consort, by the third Neten Chokling Pema Gyurme (ལྷ་ཆེན་དབང་ཕྱུག་ཡབ་ཡུམ་ལས་ལ་བསྐུལ་བ་ལྡེབ,lha chen dbang phyug yab yum las la bskul ba) (359-361)
    • English translation: Invoking the Activity of Lord Mahadeva and Consort, translated by Erik Hein Schmidt, Rangjung Yeshe Publications 1990, 2012.
    • Colophon: This torma offering to Mahadeva, the guardian of the teachings of the Lotus Dakini within the Seven Profound Teachings, aimed at the particular object of invocation, through combining a sequence of termas, was arranged in the hidden valley of Sikkim by Pema Gyurme. May virtuous goodness increase!'
  • A Stream of Sindūra: An Empowerment Ritual for Mahādeva, Dharma Protector of the Magnetizing Ḍākinī, from the Three Roots Profundity of Longevity, from the Seven Profound Teaching Cycles. Sealed with secrecy. by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Thaye (ཟབ་བདུན་རྩ་གསུམ་ཚེའི་ཟབ་པ་ལས་པདྨ་མཁའ་འགྲོའི་བཀའ་སྲུང་ལྷ་ཆེན་གྱི་དབང་ཆོག་སིནྡྷཱུ་བ་རའི་ཆུ་རྒྱུན་ཞེས་བྱ་བ་བཀའ་རྒྱ་ཅན་ལྡེབ,zab bdun rtsa gsum tshe'i zab pa las pad+ma mkha' 'gro'i bka' srung lha chen gyi dbang chog sin+d+hU ba ra'i chu rgyun zhes bya ba bka' rgya can) (363-372)
  • zab bdun rtsa gsum tshe'i zab pa las cha lag las kyi mkha' 'gro , Karma DAkinI gter ma text (373-379)
  • zab bdun cha lag las kyi mkha' 'gro rdo rje sder mo'i rgyun khyer rdo rje'i go cha , Karma DAkinI daily practice (381-384)
  • zab bdun rtsa gsum tshe'i zab pa'i cha lag las kyi mkha' 'gro' rdo rje sder mo'i dbang chog gsal bar bkod pa gyu'i bum bzang , Vajra Claw empowerment ritual through Karma DAkinI (385-394)
  • zab bdun rtsa gsum tshe'i zab pa las/ nor sgrub kun 'khyil mched gsum , kun 'khyil mched gsum gter ma text (395-401)
  • zab bdun rtsa gsum tshe'i zab pa las nor sgrub kun 'khyil mched gsum gyi rjes gnang gi cho ga dge legs 'dod rgu'i char 'bebs Wealth practice of kun 'khyil mched gsum empowerment ritual (403-417)
  • gshin rje'i gshed kyi rgyud kyi rtsa dum shog dril dang po gtsug lag dpal dge'i thugs bcud shog dril gnyis pa gsum pa bcas Lord of death gter ma text (419-425)
  • 'jam dpal tshe bdag nag po'i brgyud pa'i gsol 'debs mthu stobs dpung skyed Black MaJjuzri Lord of Death lineage supplication (427-428)
  • sngon 'gro zab bdun preliminary lineage supplication (429-430)
  • gshin rje tshe bdag nag po las shog dril bzhi pa Fourth scroll for Black Longevity Lord of Death (431-436)
  • sman mchod Longevity Lord AmRta offering (437-438)
  • zab pa bdun 'jam dpal gshin rje tshe bdag nag po'i sngags byang Black MaJjuzri Lord of Death mantras (439-440)
  • zab bdun 'jam dpal gshin rje tshe bdag nag po'i thun gtor Black MaJjuzri Lord of Death session gtor ma offering (441-442)
  • 'jam dpal phyag rgya zil gnon gyi skong ba bsdus pa yang rdzong ma Black MaJjuzri Lord of Death samaya mending ritual (443-445)
  • 'gugs pa Hook ritual for spirits (447-448)
  • gshin rje tshe bdag nag po las shog dril lnga pa drug pa bcas Young corpse accomplishment by the fifth scroll Black MaJjuzri Lord of Death (449-454)
  • 'jam dpal tshe bdag nag po las shog dril bdun pa Seventh scroll Black MaJjuzri Lord of Death gter ma text empowerment (455-464)
  • gshin rje tshe bdag nag po las shog dril brgyad pa nas nyi shu'i bar la ldeb Eighth scroll Black Lord of Death activity ritual (465-502)
  • gshin rje tshe bdag nag po las/ shog dril nyer gcig nas nyer bzhi'i bar Twenty first scroll Black Lord of Death protector ritual (503-512)
  • zab pa skor bdun las gshin rje tshe bdag nag po'i smin byed mtshams sbyor gyis brgyan pa stong srog 'khor lo'i bcud 'bebs Black Lord of Death root empowerment (513-539)
  • 'khor lo gsum gyi dbang bskur man ngag gsal byed lha khrid 'khor lo'i rgya can/ bskyed rim gyi mdzod rang gsang snying gi tha ram bskyed rim mdzod kyi tha ram 'byed pa'i lde'u mig rlung sngags bzla ba rtsa rlung rang gsang gi tha ram padma'i rgya can rtsa rlung mdzod kyi tha ram 'byed pa'i lde'u mig lta ba'i 'khor lo rdzog pa chen po'i mdzod rdo rje'i rgya can rdzog rim mdzod kyi tha ram 'byed pa'i lde'u mig bcas bdun po 'di 'khor lo drug gi gdams skor rnams bka' rgya'i skor zur du bshugs pa * las mkhyen par tshal lo mchog gter drang srong gza' bdud khra tsha zin phung las gshin bka' gtad bcas Black Lord of Death protector entrustment (541-552)

Volume 16

  • zab bdun drag sngags gshin rje las/ gnam lcags zhun dril gyi skor
  • gu ru'i thugs dam zab pa skor bdun las/ stong srog gsum gyi man ngag yang zab gser byang ma
  • thugs dam zab pa drag sngags zab pa gshin rje yi sgrub thabs 'khor lo rol pa dbang bcas
  • zab pa skor bdun las/ drag sngags zab pa gshin rje'i gshed mah?yoga ltar sgrub pa'i dbang bskur 'khor lo rol pa'i bcud 'dren
  • zab bdun gshin rje tshe bdag gi yang gab sngags bsdebs kyi dregs pa'i srog gtad sbas don rab gsal
  • zab bdun tshe bdag nag po'i thun mtshams gtor 'bul
  • 'jam dpal gshin rje'i rtsang zlog king kang thog gi bu yug dam sri 'byung po tshar gcod
  • guru'i thugs dam zab pa skor bdun las/ drags sngags kyi zab pa gshin rje tshe bdag gi bsnyen yig mdor bsdus dngos grub snying poPT MA 8
  • gter gsar zab pa skor bdun gyi nang tshan drag sngags kyi zab pa 'jam dpal tshe bdag phyag rgya zil gnon gyi bsnyen sgrub las gsum gyi zin tho khrag 'thung dgyes pa'i rol mtsho
  • gshin rje'i 'don zin
  • rta mgrin dbang gi zab pa las brgyud pa'i gsol 'debs bde chen rab 'bar
  • zab pa skor bdun las/ dbang chen 'dus pa'i rtsa ba'i sgrub thabs
  • sman mchod
  • dbang chen 'dus pa rta mgrin yang phyung dmar po'i skong ba dben rtsa ma
  • zab bdun dbang dang dngos grub kyi zab pa rta mgrin dbang chen gyi gtor zlog gi rim pa gnam lcags thog mda'
  • zab bdun rta mgrin gyi bskyed rim lha khrid zin bris
  • gter gsar rta mgrin yang phyung dmar po'i bsnyen sgrub kyi zin bris nyung ngu rnam gsal
  • zab bdun dbang zab rta mgrin las/ rta mgrin snying po don 'dus dbang bcas gter gzhung
  • The Condensed, Essential Hayagrīva Visualization and Mantra Recitation, revealed by Chokgyur Lingpa (༁ོཾ༔ རྟ་མགྲིན་སྙིང་པོ་དོན་བསྡུས་ཀྱི་བསྒོམ་བཟླས་བཞུགས།, rta mgrin snying po don 'dus bsgom bzlas)
  • zab bdun rta mgrin dbang gi zab pa las/ smin byed snying po gtor ma'i dbang bskur gyi yi ge padma'i zil thigs
  • dpal yang dag thugs kyi snying po'i rgyud kyi rtsa dum sku gsum nyi zla 'bar ba
  • gu ru'i thugs dam zab pa skor bdun gyis dpal yang dag thugs kyi snying po las shin tu zab pa gyu byang ma gnad byang tshig gcig ma bcas
  • yang dag brgyud 'debs
  • dpal yang dag thugs kyi snying po las/ phrin las dngos grub char 'bebs
  • bdud rtsi sman mchod
  • bka' ma'i mchod phrin
  • dpal yang dag thugs kyi snying po las/ nyams chags skong ba'i cho ga
  • zab bdun mchog zab las/ dpal yang dag thugs kyi snying po'i phrin las dngos grub char 'bebs dang / tshom bu tshogs kyi sgrub pa/ nyams skong gi cho ga bcas dkyus gcig tu bkod pa grub gnyis dpyid kyi thig le
  • zab pa skor bdun las/ yang dag thugs kyi snying po'i smin byed bltas chog tu bkod pa ye shes mchog sbyor
  • dpal yang dag thugs kyi snying po'i 'chi med tshe'i sgrub pa'i nyams len rgyun khyer mdor bsdus bde chen rdo rje'i bcud len
  • zab pa skor bdun las/ yang dag thugs kyi snying po'i tshe sgrub dbang bskur bcas khrigs su bkod pa grub gnyis bdud rtsi'i bcud len
  • mchog gling zab bdun yang dag gser byang ma'i smin grol 'bog pa'i lag len gser sdong g.yu byang gi me tog gnad byang yid bzhin nor bu'i snying pos spras pa
  • dpal yang dag heruka'i bskyed rdzogs kyi man ngag khrigs su bsdebs pa bde chen myur lam

Volume 17

  • zab bdun mchog zab yang dag gi: sgrub pa man ngag cig dril
  • zab bdun mchog zab yang dag gi: sgrub chen lnga bcu rtsa brgyad
  • zab bdun mchog zab yang dag las/ sgrub chen lnga bcu rtsa brgyad dang 'brel ba'i dbang bskur rgyas pa bla ma heruka dpal gyi zhal lung bde chen mchog gi myur lam
  • yang gsang thugs kyi phur gcig gi rgyud kyi rtsa dum phur bzhi don chen dam pa'i rgyun sogs
  • yang gsang thugs kyi phur gcig gi brgyud 'debs byang chub lam bzang
  • sngon gtor
  • skyabs sems
  • yang gsang thugs kyi phur gcig las las byang phrin las 'dus pa
  • rdzas phur byin rlabs
  • sman mchod
  • zab bdun mngon spyod phur ba las: bstod bskul rdo rje'i thog 'bebs
  • dzab khang dbye ba
  • sngags byang
  • yang gsang thugs kyi phur gcig las tshe 'gugs
  • zab bdun mngon spyod phur pa las: bka' srung sgrub pa'i phrin las
  • zab bdun mngon spyod phur pa las: bka' srung shwa na chen po sgrub pa'i phrin las
  • zab bdun mngon spyod phur pa las: phur srung shwa na chen po'i gtor chog
  • dpal chen rdo rje phur ba'i skong ba bdud 'dul sngags gling ma
  • zab bdun mngon spyod phur pa las: bka' srung shwa na chen po'i bskang ba'i las rim
  • yang gsang thugs kyi phur gcig gi bdag 'jug bde chen rab 'bar ldeb
  • zab pa skor bdun las: yang gsang thugs kyi phur gcig go khog dbub dngos grub gter mdzod
  • dpal yang gsang thugs kyi phur gcig gi smad las e khrom gyi phrin las gtor zlog dang 'brel ba'i gdab kha bdud dpung 'joms pa'i mtshon cha
  • zab bdun mngon spyod phur pa las: shwa na chen po'i bzlog pa'i phrin las

Volume 18

  • zab pa skor bdun gyi las bzhi'i sbyin sreg gi cho ga grub pa'i zhal lung las phur ba'i zhi ba'i sbyin sreg zhur phyungs nur 'gros su bkod pa
  • yang gsang thugs kyi phur gcig gi rgyas pa'i sbyin sreg grub gnyis rab 'bar
  • yang gsang thugs kyi phur gcig gi dbang gi sbyin sreg nor bu'i lcags kyu
  • yang gsang thugs kyi phur gcig gi drag po me'i las sbyor bskal pa'i me chen rab 'bar
  • zab bdun mngon spyod phur ba las: gri 'dul gyi cho ga
  • zab pa skor bdun las/ yang gsang thugs kyi phur gcig gi smin byed khyer bde rnam gsal du bkod pa rig mchog gsang ba'i bcud 'bebs
  • zab bdun thugs kyi phur gcig las tshe gyang dpal gyi be'u
  • zab bdun mngon spyod phur ba las/ bstan srung shwa na chen po'i yongs rdzogs gtor ma'i dbang chog mthu rtsal nus pa'i bcud 'bebs
  • yang gsang thugs kyi phur gcig gi lha khrid gsal bar bkod pa rig pa 'dzin pa'i shal lung
  • gu ru'i thugs dam zab pa skor bdun las mngon spyod drag po'i las kyi zab pa yang gsang thugs kyi phur gcig gi spyi don rnam bshad rig 'dzin rtsal 'chang rnam gnyis kyi zhal lung zab don bang mdzod
  • phur ba'i rig 'dzin byin 'bebs bka' gter chu bo kun 'dus byin rlabs dngos grub kyi rgya mtsho'i 'grel ba legs bshad ngo mtshar rgya mtsho mi zad gter gyi 'byung gnas
  • dpal mngon rdzogs rgyal po las brgyud pa'i gsol 'debs rtag pa'i rgyal mo'i dgyes glu
  • mngon rdzogs rgyal po las kal+pa dum bu'i rgyud
  • kha skong
  • gres byang
  • zab pa skor bdun las/ dpal mngon rdzogs rgyal po'i dkyil 'khor du dbang bskur ba'i cho ga bsgrigs rig 'dzin rol pa'i dga' ston
  • dpal mngon rdzogs rgyal po'i kalpa dum bu'i rgyud kyi zin bri nyung gsal

Volume 19

  • thugs dam zab pa skor bdun las: bka' srung dregs pa'i sgrub thabs
  • phyag mchod bstod pa'i byang bu
  • thugs dam zab pa skor bdun las: bka' srung dregs pa'i mchod
  • thugs dam zab pa skor bdun las/ 'jig rten mchod bstod kyi dkyil 'khor du dbangbskur ba'i cho ga phyag bzhen bkod pa mthu stobs bcud kyi zhun thigs
  • thugs dam zab pa skor bdun las gsang bdag dregs 'dul sgrub thabs
  • zab pa skor bdun las gsang bdag dregs pa kun 'dul gyi phrin las dbang bskur dang bcas pa rdo rje'i bcud kyi zhun thig
  • drag sngags brgyud 'debs
  • thugs dam zab pa skor bdun las bka' srung drag sngags sgrub pa
  • bskur rlabs drangs bzhugs phyag mchod byang bu
  • sman mchod
  • bstod pa ldebPT DZA 11
  • thugs dam zab pa skor bdun las bka' srung rmod pa'i dbang bskur
  • zab pa skor bdun las dmod pa drags snags kyi dkyil 'khor du dbang bskur ba'i cho ga phyag bzhes bzhin bkod pa drag rtsal bcud kyi zhun thigs
  • drang srong rig sngags la brten nas rmod pa'i mthu nus sgrub pa dbang bcas
  • zab pa skor bdun las drang srong dri med zhi khro'i phrin las dbang bskur dang bcas bklag chog tu bkod pa rig sngags bcud kyi zhun thig
  • thugs dam zab pa skor bdun las bka' srung mgon po'i phrin las nas dbang bskur bar gter gzhung
  • tshe 'gugs dag pa sum ldan mi 'gyur srog gi thig le
  • thugs dam zab pa skor bdun las: dpal mgon legs ldan gyi zlog pa rdo rje pha lam mtshon cha'i 'khor lo
  • zab bdun bka' srung legs ldan tshogs kyi bdag po'i dbang cho ga ngo mtshar gsang ba rab 'byed
  • gu ru'i thugs dam zab pa skor bdun las ye shes mgon po phyag bzhi pa'i gsol ka sgrub thabs dbang bskur las mtha' bcas
  • zab bdun bka' srung ye shes mgon po phyag bzhi pa'i dbang bskur bltas chog tu bkod pa byin rlabs sgo 'phar rab 'byed
  • zab bdun bka' srung las mgon gyi sgrub thabs dbang bskur sogs
  • dpal ldan sras mchog ma mgon lcam dral gyi smin byed cho ga mthu dbang drag rtsal rab 'byed
  • zab bdun dka' srung skor bdag las ru mtshon 'bul ba'i cho ga
  • dregs pa sde lnga'i lhan thabs
  • zab pa skor bdun las gter srung dregs pa sde lnga'i gtor chog
  • mchog gter dregs pa sde lnga'i srog gtad zin tig
  • rtsa ba'i thugs sgrub dgongs pa kun 'dus kyi brgyud pa'i gsol 'debs ye shes snang ba
  • rtsa ba'i thugs sgrub dgongs pa kun 'dus las bskyed rdzogs kyi phrin las gzhung bsrang ba snying po phrin las gcig tu bsdams pa ye shes kun 'dus
  • bla ma sku gsum zhi khro'i rtsa ba'i thugs sgrub las: sgrub khog lam gyi rim pa

Volume 20

  • rtsa ba'i thugs sgrub dgongs pa kun 'dus las: dbang bzhi don khrid bsgrag pa
  • rtsa ba'i thugs sgrub dgongs pa kun 'dus kyi dbang bskur bklags chog tu bkod pa grub gnyis bdud rtsi'i bcud 'bebs
  • thugs sgrub dgongs pa kun 'dus kyi bsnyen sgrub zab mo bgyi tshul
  • gtong thun gsal ba'i sgron me byin rlabs char 'bebs
  • bdud 'dul rgyal po'i sgrub thabs shog gcig ma
  • gter chen mchog gyur gling pa'i gter byon zab chos bdud 'dul rgyal po'i sgrub thabs kyi lhan thabs
  • rgyal kun spyi gzugs padma bdud 'dul rgyal po'i don dbang byin rlabs mchog ster
  • guru bde ba chen po'i sgrub thabs shog gcig ma
  • gnyis pa thugs rje chen po yid bzhin 'khor lo las bdag gi rnal 'byor bsdus pa/ bum bskyed bsdus pa/ rjes gnang bcas man ngag don tig zab mo yan lag mtha' rgyas las sbyor dbang zin gzhan don bum pa'i las tshogs bcas
  • bod khams bde thabs chos bcu las 'gro don ma'i bskul dbyangs yid 'khor gzungs ring sad srung sprin gyi go cha bcas
  • The Essence of Cintāmaṇi, A Daily Practice of the Great Compassionate One, Wish-fulfilling Wheel, by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo (ཐུགས་རྗེ་ཆེན་པོ་ཡིད་བཞིན་འཁོར་ལོའི་རྒྱུན་ཁྱེར་ཙིནྟཱ་མ་ཎིའི་སྙིང་པོ་ཞེས་བྱ་བ་བཞུགས་སོ།་,་ thugs rje chen po yid bzhin 'khor lo'i rgyun khyer tsin+tA ma Ni'i snying po)
    • English translation: The Essence of Cintāmaṇi, A Daily Practice of the Great Compassionate One, Wish-fulfilling Wheel, Samye Translations, 2023 (trans. Laura Swan, ed. Libby Hogg).
    • Colophon: Pema Ösel Dongak Lingpa, joyful servant of the Lake-Born Guru, arranged this liturgy for recitation in accordance with the intent of the root treasure text. May the virtue of having done this be a cause for all beings to enjoy every benefit and bliss, exactly as they wish! Sarvadā su-śreya-siddhir-astu
  • thugs rje chen po yid bzhin 'khor lo las gzhan don gter bum sgrub pa'i las byang dgos 'dod 'byung gnas
  • thugs rje chen po yid bzhin 'khor lo las/ gzhan don bum sgrub kyi rjes gnang phrin las dang bcas pa don gnyis 'byung gnas
  • thugs rje chen po yid bzhin 'khor lo las/ 'gro don las tshogs bum pa lnga'i dbang gi cho ga phan bde'i 'byung gnas
  • thugs rje chen po yid bzhin 'khor lo las bka' srung ye shes mgon po he ru ka smug po'i sgrub pa
  • thugs rje chen po yid bzhin 'khor lo las bka' srung gsang ba ye shes mgon po smug po'i dbang chog khrigs bsdebs su bkod pa dngos grub 'dod rgu'i dpal ster
  • lung lugs thugs kyi phur gcig rtsa ba'i sgrub pa
  • lung lugs thugs kyi phur gcig gi dbang gi mtshams sbyor
  • mchog gling gter byon lung lugs phur ba'i bsnyen sgrub tshad ldan gtong tshul byin rlabs rab 'bar
  • gzhan yang gdams pa sna tshogs las zab mo mkha' 'gro'i sgrub thabs sogs gter gzhung ldeb
  • gdams zab be bum mkha' 'gro gsang ba ye shes kyi brgyud 'debs bde chen sprin phung
  • gdams zab be bum kyi dmar byang mkha' 'gro gsang ba ye shes kyi phrin las 'dod pa kun 'grub dbang dang las tshogs
  • chos skyong zab mo skor dgu'i sgrub thabs las tshogs dang bcas pa dregs pa'i srog gtad gtor dbang sogs gter gzhung
  • rgyug byang
  • 'gres byang
  • chos skyong zab mo skor dgu las/ ye shes mgon po phyag drug pa phyi sgrub gtor ma'i byin rlabs dngos grub thig le
  • mchog gling chos skyong zab mo skor dgu las/ bka' srung ye shes mgon po phyag drug heruka gsang mgon smug po'i phrin dbang gi mtshams sbyor lag len dpag bsam ljon pa'i phreng ba
  • mchog gling bka' srung zab mo skor dgu'i nang sgrub kyi yan lag mgon po dkar ser dang 'khor gyi sgos sgrub rnams kyi dbang dang srog gtad kyi lag len dpag bsam ljon pa'i yal 'dab

Volume 21

  • zab mo rdzogs chen sde gsum gyi cha lag: 'jam dpal rdzogs pa chen po
  • zab mo rdzogs chen sde gsum gyi cha lag: padma gar dbang snying tig
  • zab mo rdzogs chen sde gsum gyi padma gar dbang snying tig
  • zab mo rdzogs chen sde gsum gyi rigs gsum bskyed rdzogs khog phub
  • zab mo rdzogs chen sde gsum gyi rigs gsum sgyu 'phrul 'dus pa'i phyag 'tshal
  • zab mo rdzogs chen sde gsum gyi rigs gsum 'gro 'dul phrin las
  • zab mo rdzogs chen sde gsum gyi rigs gsum 'dus pa'i las tho
  • zab mo rdzogs chen sde gsum gyi rigs gsum 'dus pa'i srung ma'i mchod byang
  • zab mo rdzogs chen sde gsum gyi rigs gsum 'gro 'dul phrin las kyi skabs su mkho ba'i smre bshags dang klong bshags
  • tshul khrims rnam dag gzungs
  • 'jam dpal sgyu 'phrul dra ba'i rdo rje'i tshig gi dum bu mthar thug rdzogs pa chen po ltar bkral ba tshig don snying po
  • zab mo rdzogs chen sde gsum gyi rigs gsum 'dus pa'i bstod pa rgyud sde las phyungs ba
  • rigs gsum snying thig las/ dbang bskur spyi dang bye brag so so'i gshom dang dbang sgrub phyogs gcig tu bkod pa ye shes rdo rje'i bum bzang
  • rigs gsum snying thig las dbang bskur spyi dang bye brag so so'i cho ga phyogs gcig tu bkod pa ye shes bdud rtsi'i chu rgyun
  • rdzogs pa chen po rigs gsum snying tig gi lta ba'i don khrid rigs gsum mgon po'i zhal lung
  • rdzogs pa chen po rigs gsum snying thig las thod rgal sbyang ba'i rim pa rigs gsum mgon po'i dgongs rgyan
  • rigs gsum snying tig gi theg dgu'i sgom rim gyi zin bris rgyud lung man ngag gi snying po rig pa 'dzin pa'i dga' ston
  • 'phags pa thugs rje chen po 'khor ba dong sprugs kyi bsnyen sgrub phrin las dang bcas pa gzhan phan mkha' khyab
  • rigs gsum snying thig las rgyud mah?yoga 'jam dpal rdo rje phyag rgya gcig pa ye shes mchog gi dpal ster
  • zab mo rdzogs chen sde gsum gyi rigs gsum 'dus pa'i snying tig gi bka' srung ma gcig dud sol lha mo'i mchod phrin rgyas pa phrin las yongs 'du'i dga' tshal
  • zab mo rten 'brel cho ga las bla ma'i thugs sgrub skor gsum gyi gsang sgrub rdo rje drag rtsal dbang bcas gter gzhung
  • mchog gling rten 'brel chos bcu'i bla ma'i thugs sgrub skor gum gyi gsang sgrub rdo rje drag rtsal gyi phrin dbang gi zur rgyan bklags chog tu bkod pa pha lam rdo rje'i lhun po
  • bod khams bde thabs chos bcu las rten 'brel zab mo'i sgrub thabs cho ga bka' chems mdo chings bcas
  • The Guru Yoga of Blessings, from the Seven Pith Instructions of Distilled Awakened Wisdom, by Chokgyur Lingpa (༁ྃ༔ མན་ངག་ཐུགས་ཀྱི་ཡང་ཞུན་ཆོས་བདུན་ལས༔ བྱིན་རླབས་བླ་མའི་རྣལ་འབྱོར་བཞུགས་སོ, man ngag thugs kyi yang zhun chos bdun las byin rlabs bla ma'i rnal 'byor thugs rje chen po'i rgyun gyi rnal 'byor bcas)
    • English translation: The Guru Yoga of Blessings, from the Seven Pith Instructions of Distilled Awakened Wisdom, Samye Translations (trans. Nata Sönam Wangmo and Oriane Lavolé; ed. Libby Hogg), 2023.
    • Colophon: I, Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa, along with Khandro Dekyi and numerous other companions, withdrew this terma from the practice cave on Mount Yegyal Namkha Dzö in Dokham. It consisted of a Guru ‘representative’ (kutsab) statue and a maroon copper casket full of terma scrolls. Among these was this terma scroll, five fingers long and two fingers wide. Tulku Rabzang from Kyodrak, having offered a khata, a turquoise, and a sheet of paper, expressed the need for a practice manual of the Guru from Uḍḍiyāna. Thus, with this clear request, the auspicious conditions were assembled to allow for the transcription of the terma scroll revealed a few days earlier. Therefore, the Tulku, having arrived at his uncle’s house, quickly wrote this down by candlelight.
  • man ngag thugs kyi yang zhun chos bdun las byin rlabs bla ma'i rnal 'byor gyi smin grol gzhan la 'bog tshul

Volume 22

  • rdzogs pa chen po sde gsum las mdo byang rab tu gsal ba
  • dam chos rdzogs pa chen po sde gsum las lo rgyus snying gi tika
  • rdzogs pa chen po sde gsum las shrI sing+ha'i man ngag gnad gdams
  • shrI seng bla sgrub
  • dam chos rdzogs pa chen po sde gsum las spyi la gces pa rig 'dzin bla ma'i zab dbang
  • rdzogs pa chen po sde gsum las phyi skor bla ma'i sgrub thabs
  • dam chos rdzogs pa chen po sde gsum las phyi skor bla ma'i bskyed rim dang byang bu khrigs su bsdebs pa
  • rdzogs pa chen po sde gsum las phyi skor bla ma'i sgrub dbang
  • dam chos rdzogs pa chen po sde gsum las shrI siM ha'i rdo rje'i glu
  • dam chos rdzogs pa chen po sde gsum las phyi skor bla ma rnams kyi rdo rje'i glu
  • rdzogs pa chen po sde gsum las: phyi skor yi dam sgrub pa
  • rdzogs pa chen po sde gsum las phyi skor khrid kyi byin rlabs
  • rdzogs pa chen po sde gsum las phyi skor dngos gzhi'i khrid rim dang bsdus don
  • dam chos rdzogs pa chen po sde gsum las nang skor rig 'dzin bla ma'i sgrub thabs
  • rdzogs pa chen po sde gsum las nang skor khrid kyi byin rlabs dang dngos gzhi rjes 'brel bcas
  • dam chos rdzogs pa chen po sde gsum las bod kyi rig 'dzin rnams kyi rdo rje'i glu
  • zab mo rdzogs pa chen po sde gsum las man ngag gdams pa ma bu ldeb
  • rdzogs pa chen po sde gsum las nang skor yi dam zhi sgrub dang dbang bskur bcas
  • rdzogs pa chen po sde gsum las nang skor yi dam khro do'i sgrub pa dang sngags byang la
  • rdzogs pa chen po sde gsum las rtsa ba mngon rdzogs rgyal po dang yan lag dgu bsgril dbang
  • dam chos rdzogs pa chen po sde gsum las nang skor yi dam khro bo'i bskyed rim dang byang bu khrigs bsdebs ldeb
  • mngon rtogs
  • rdzogs chen sde gsum nang skor yi dam khro bo'i bdag 'jug
  • sman sgrub ngag 'don
  • rdzogs pa chen po sde gsum las myong grol rdzas kyi sgrub pa
  • dngos grub len pa
  • rdzogs pa chen po sde gsum las bdud rtsi sman gyi tshe lung
  • dam chos rdzogs pa chen po sde gsum las nang skor mkha' 'gro'i sgrub thabs
  • dam chos rdzogs pa chen po sde gsum las gsang skor bla ma'i sgrub thabs
  • dam chos rdzogs pa chen po sde gsum las gsang skor bla ma rig 'dzin yongs rdzogs dbang chog
  • dam chos rdzogs pa chen po sde gsum las gsang skor khrid kyi byin rlabs
  • dam chos rdzogs pa chen po sde gsum las gsang skor khrid kyi rim pa dang rjes 'brel
  • dam chos rdzogs pa chen po sde gsum las gsang skor bla ma rnams kyi rdo rje'i glu
  • zab mo rdzogs pa chen po sde gsum las gsang skor yi dam zhi sgrub
  • rdzogs pa chen po sde gsum las gsang skor yi dam zhi ba'i sgrub thabs drag po gnas 'gyur
  • dam chos rdzogs pa chen po sde gsum las gsang skor yi dam zhi ba'i dbang bskur ldeb
  • dam chos rdzogs pa chen po sde gsum las gsang skor yi dam bskyed rim dang byang bu khrigs bsdebs
  • sman mchod
  • nang skor yi dam khro bo'i bzlas dmigs
  • dam chos rdzogs pa chen po sde gsum las gsang skor bka' brgyad rdzong 'phrang gi brgyud 'debs
  • dam chos rdzogs pa chen po sde gsum las gsang skor yi dam khro bo'i dbang chog
  • rdzogs pa chen po sde gsum las bka' srung ye shes pa'i sgrub thabs
  • dam chos rdzogs pa chen po sde gsum las bka' srung dregs pa pho mo'i sgrub thabs
  • rdzogs chen sde gsum gyi gter srung mchod thabs
  • dam chos rdzogs pa chen po sde gsum las phrin las gsal byed byang bu'i skor
  • gshin po rjes 'dzin
  • dam chos rdzogs pa chen po sde gsum las dbang gi gnas mchog padma shel phug gi dkar chag
  • zhi rgyas sbyin sreg ngag 'don
  • rab gnas
  • rdzogs chen sde gsum gyi mdo byang
  • dam chos rdzogs pa chen po sde gsum las lung bstan gces pa'i lde'u mig
  • brgyud 'debs
  • rdzogs chen sde gsum brgyud 'debs bsdus pa
  • dbang zin bcas bsham
  • rig 'dzin dgongs nyams kyi glu
  • bum dbang dag brjod
  • rngubs mchu'i gdams pa bco brgyad
  • bcas tshan gsum bka' ma las zur phyung nang skor rig 'dzin bco lnga'i bskyed rim byang bu
  • bskyed rim dang sgom pa'i byang bu
  • rdzogs chen ston pa gcu gnyis dbang bskur zur rgyan
  • rdzogs chen ston pa bcu gnyis 'das rjes pha rgyud lta ba klong yangs las khol du phyung ba

Volume 23

  • dam cho rdzogs chen sde gsum gyi dbang bskur zin bris 'od gsal snying po'i mdzes rgyan
  • sde gsum dzab bskul
  • ston pa bcu gnyis dbang bskur zur rgyan
  • rdzogs pa chen po sde gsum gyi rtsa gsum kun bzang don gyi phrin las kyi byang bu spyi'i bskang ba rin chen snang ba bkod pa'i sprin chen
  • sde gsum rtsa gsum spyi'i bskang bshags ye shes rol mo
  • bsang chu sgrub pa bgegs gtor bsngo ba
  • klong sde'i tshugs shing la bri rgyu
  • sde gsum nang skor khro bo'i dzap dmigs 'bring po bde chen 'bar ba'i thig le
  • dzap dmigs bsdus pa mchog gi thig le
  • thugs srog dpe'u ris
  • gsang skor bka' brgyad kyi bzlas dmigs cung zad spros pa'i ngag 'don
  • gsang skor bla ma'i bskyed rim bsdu pa
  • gsang skor bla ma'i sngags byang
  • rdzogs pa chen po sde gsum las gsang skor yi dam khro bo'i dbang bskur bltas chog tu bkod pa ye shes klong yangs
  • sems sde'i rig 'dzin nyer brgyad rtsa 'khor la bsgom tshul dpe'u ris
  • nang skor yi dam khro bo'i dkyil 'khor bslang thabs dpe'u ris
  • phyi skor bla ma'i blos bslangs dpe'u ris
  • sde gsum nang skor yi dam khro bo mngon rdzogs rgyal po'i dkyil 'khor bsdus pa'i lha gnas bkod tshul
  • nang skor klong sde'i mkha' 'gro'i sgrub rten nang dkyil lus la bkod pa cakra'i dpe'u ris ldeb
  • rdzogs pa chen po sde gsum las phyi skor sems sde lus dkyil lha'i gsal byed nang skor lha khrid zur rgyan rin chen phra tshom nang skor mkha' 'gro'i reg zegs rang zhal blta ba'i dwangs shel bcas
  • sems sde'i nyams len a don rab gsal klong sde brda bzhi'i nyams len bde gsal mi rtog rab 'bar man ngag sde'i nyams len snying po sgron ma rab gsal bogs 'don nyams dbyangs byin rlabs char 'bebs bla ma chos sku'i don khrid snying po sangs rgyas mdzub tshugs ?r?si? zhal gdams kyi dris lan bcas ldeb
  • dam chos rdzogs pa chen po sde gsum las bka' srung gsol mchod phrin las kun khyab bkra shis char 'bebs ldeb
  • bka' srung ye shes pa'i dbang bskur byin rlabs ye shes yongs su grub pa'i thig le
  • rdzogs chen sde gsum srung ma'i bka' gtad grub gnyis skal ldan shing rta
  • sde gsum gter srung bka' gtad rnam gsum srog gi thig le
  • rdzogs pa chen po sde gsum las bka' gter sung ma'i zur rgyan
  • Vairocana'i thugs thig rdzogs chen sde gsum gter srung gtor 'bul rgyun khyer
  • gtor ma'i dpe'u ris
  • sde gsum smon lam grub gnyis rin chen gru char

Volume 24

  • dga' rab rdo rje'i snying thig las/ yi dam zhi ba rdo rje sems dpa'i brgyud 'debs bde chen sprin phung
  • dga' rab rdo rje'i snying thig las/ yi dam zhi ba'i sgrub pa
  • dga' rab rdo rje'i snying thig las yi dam zhi ba'i sgrub thabs dang phrin las kyi byang bu khrigs su bsdebs pa bde chen myur lam
  • dga' rab rdo rje'i snying thig las/ yi dam zhi ba'i dbang chog ye shes bdud rtsi'i rgyun 'bebs
  • dga' rab rdo rje'i snying thig las yi dam zhi sgrub rdor sems bskyed rdzogs nyams len snying por dril ba bde chen thig le
  • dga' rab rdo rje'i snying thig las/ yi dam khro bo'i sgrub pa
  • dga' rab rdo rje'i snying thig las yi dam khro bo'i dbang chog rdo rje bdud rtsi'i rgyun 'bebs
  • dga' rab snying thig zin tho
  • gter kha bcu gcig pa dpa' bo dbang chen brag nas bzhes pa bod kyi gnas chen rnams kyi mdo byang dkar chag o rgyan gyi mkhas pa padma 'byung gnas kyi bkod pa
  • mdo khams gnas chen nyer lnga yan lag dang bcas pa'i mdo byang gi gsal byed zin thun nyung ngu
  • lci stod ra tsha rdzong mgo sogs kyi gnas yig
  • bka' 'dus brgyud pa'i gsol 'debs byin rlabs rdo rje'i phreng ba
  • lung chen rdo rje bkod pa las bka' 'dus chos kyi rgya mtsho yi sgrub thabs rgyun gyi nyams len
  • sman mchod
  • lung chen rdo rje bkod pa las rnal 'byor rgyun gyi nyams len
  • lung chen rdo rje bkod pa las na rak dong nas sprugs pa'i thabs bka' 'dus zhi khro'i bskang bshags ldeb
  • lung chen rdo rje bkod pa las bka' 'dus chos kyi rgya mtsho yi bdud rtsi sman gyi sgrub pa rab gnas sbyin sreg bzlog pa mdos tshe sgrub gter bum bcas gter gzhung
  • lung chen rdo rje bkod pa las sgrub khog nam mkha' klong yangs
  • lung chen rdo rje bkod pa las smin byed dbang gi rim pa
  • lung chen rdo rje bkod pa rtsa ba'i dkyil 'khor du dbang bskur ba'i cho ga rdo rje bdud rtsi'i chu rgyun
  • lung gi mdo mdo lung chen po lnga yi dgongs pa rgyun gyi rnal 'byor phyi lam phyag rgya gcig pa
  • lung gi chos mdo lung chen po lnga yi dgongs pa dbang bskur ba'i man ngag phyag rgya gcig pa'i don dbang bskur ba
  • mdo lung chen po lnga yi dgongs pa phyag rgya gcig pa'i don dbang gi cho ga lung chos bdud rtsi'i zhun thig
  • dam chos shog sde drug pa las dung shog dkar po'i skor seng chen gnam brag gi gyas phyogs brag ri rin chen brtsegs pa'i tho byang dang gal po che'i zhal gdams

Volume 25 (ར,ra)

  • rdor sems thugs kyi snying po , Varjasattva gter ma text (1-20)
  • dam chos shog sde drug pa las rdor sems thugs kyi snying po'i dbang gi cho ga 'od gsal snying po, Varjasattva empowerment ritual (21-37)
  • dam chos shog sde drug pa las dbang bzhi gter gzhung lugs su bskur ba'i mtshams sbyor 'od gsal mkha' khyab , Compilation of Vajrasattva empowerment (39-52)
  • rdor sems thugs kyi sgrub pa las na rak dong sprugs kyi sgrub thabs dbang bskur gnas 'dren bcas gter gzhung , Vajrasattva na rak dong sprugs sAdhana (53-82)
  • bka' 'dus brgyud pa'i rig 'dzin bla ma rnams la gsol ba 'debs pa byin rlabs rdo rje'i phreng ba sogs sngon chos la , bka' 'dus chos kyi rgya mtsho lineage prayer (83-88)
  • rdor sems thugs kyi sgrub pa las gsungs pa'i zhi khro na rak dong sprugs kyi sgrub thabs Extended Vajrasattva na rak dong sprugs sAdhana (89-136)
  • sman mchod , Peaceful and wrathful na rak dong sprugs amRta offering (137-138)
  • rjes chog , na rak dong sprugs concluding ritual (139-140)
  • zhi khro na rak dong sprugs kyi bskang bshags thugs rje'i zla 'od , Peaceful and wrathful na rak dong sprugs amendment confession (141-175)
  • zhi khro na rak dong sprugs kyi sgo nas gshin po rjes 'dzin thugs rje'i lcags kyu , Peaceful and wrathful na rak dong sprugs acceptance of the dead (177-197)
  • zhi khro na rak dong sprugs kyi cha lag rigs drug gnas 'dren thugs rje'i zhags pa , Peaceful and wrathful na rak dong sprugs guidance ritual for the six classes (199-231)
  • bla ma'i gdung khrus chas gzhug bya tshul dang sreg sbyang bcas , Peaceful and wrathful na rak dong sprugs corpse burning ritual instructions (233-262)
  • zhi khro na rak dong sprugs kyi dbang chog bdud rtsi'i gang+ga , Peaceful and wrathful na rak dong sprugs empowerment ritual (263-287)
  • zhi khro na rak dong sprugs kyi dbang gi mtshams sbyor bdud rtsi'i rlabs phreng , Peaceful and wrathful na rak dong sprugs empowerment ritual (289-319)
  • zhi khro na rak dong sprugs kyi mgyogs dbang thar lam myur 'dren nyin byed shing rta , Peaceful and wrathful na rak dong sprugs fast empowerment (321-327)
  • zhi khro na rak dong sprugs kyi sgom rim , Peaceful and wrathful na rak dong sprugs meditation commentary (329-471)
  • gter kha bcu bdun pa 'dzin smad mkha' 'gro shel phug nas spyan drangs pa'i gnas de'i dkar chag , Description of mkha' 'gro shel phug (473-474)
  • The lineage prayer of the new treasure, The Great Compassionate One who Churns the Depths of Samsara, by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Tayé (གཏེར་གསར་ཐུགས་རྗེ་ཆེན་པོ་འཁོར་བ་དོང་སྤྲུགས་ཀྱི་བརྒྱུད་པའི་གསོལ་འདེབས་བཞུགས, gter kha bcu dgu pa thugs kyi yon tan gnas mchog mkha' 'gro 'bum rdzong padma dbang phug nas spyan drangs pa'i thugs chen khor ba dong sprugs kyi skor la thugs rje chen po 'khor ba dong sprugs kyi brgyud 'debs )
    • English translation: The lineage prayer of the new treasure, The Great Compassionate One who Churns the Depths of Samsara, Translated and published by Lhasey Lotsawa Translations & Publications.
    • Colophon: Lodrö Thayé wrote this at the request of the monk Karma Lhapel. May virtue ensue!
  • The Essential Sadhana, From the Guru’s Heart Practice, Shaker of Samsāra From its Depths, by Chokgyur Lingpa (གུ་རུའི་ཐུགས་དམ་འཁོར་བ་དོང་སྤྲལག་ལསཿ སྒྲུབ་ཐབས་སྙིང་པོར་དྲིལ་བ་བཞུགས་སོ gu ru'i thugs dam 'khor ba dong sprugs las sgrub thabs snying por dril ba sogs gter gzhung )
    • English translation: Partially translated in The Essential Sadhana, From the Guru’s Heart Practice, Shaker of Samsāra From its Depths, Translated and published by Lhasey Lotsawa Translations & Publications.
    • Colophon: Whoever connects with this Compassionate One sādhana, they will be liberated. The future generations should practice this. This dharma of benefit to the whole land of Tibet, I entrust to those with karmic fortune. Samaya. Seal. Seal. Seal. Örgyen Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa invited this out from Pema Wangpuk (Mighty Lotus cave) at the tip of Khandro Bumdzong in Dokham in the midst of a crowd.
  • The Self-liberation of Samsara and Nirvana, a ritual of Avalokiteshvara who Churns the Depths of Samsara (Korwa Dongtruk), by Chokgyur Lingpa (སྤྱན་རས་གཟིགས་འཁོར་བ་དོང་སྤྲུགས་ཀྱི་ཆོ་ག་བླ་མེད་ལུགས་བལྟས་ཆོག་ཏུ་བཀོད་པ་འཁོར་འདས་རང་གྲོལ་ཞེས་བྱ་བ་བཞུགས་སོ, spyan ras gzigs 'khor ba dong sprugs kyi cho ga bla med lugs bltas chog tu bkod pa 'khor 'das rang grol)
    • English translation: The Self-liberation of Samsara and Nirvana, a ritual of Avalokiteshvara who Churns the Depths of Samsara (Korwa Dongtruk) arranged in a way that clearly shows how to proceed according to the tradition of the unsurpassable yoga, translated by Padmakara, November 2012
    • Colophon: This treasure, “He who Churns the Depths of Samsara,” rediscovered by Chogyur Lingpa, is of great and timely benefit for beings, so it is indispensable for the great accomplishment and so on. It was for this reason that, at the request of Pema Sachü Ringmo, and more recently the repeated requests accompanied by offerings of Mati Shrimana Bhadra, a practitioner of “He who Churns the Depths of Samsara,” and finally the exhortations of Dharma, a diligent practitioner from Kyer Changchub Ling, in a letter saying that he needed to complete the sadhana with preliminary sections, and sections for the ganachakra offering and taking the accomplishments—in reply to all these, I, Karma Düldzinpa,44 a close disciple of the great treasure discoverer, completed the sadhana with sections taken from the Chenresik Pema Garwang Gyutrul Drawa, arranging it into a ritual that is clear and easy to follow. May it become the cause for setting beings in the level of the Great Compassionate One. Svasti bhavantu
  • thugs rje chen po spyan ras gzigs 'khor ba dong sprugs kyi dbang rgyas pa sgrub thabs 'dro don kun khyab , khor ba dong sprugs detailed empowerment sAdhana (517-529)
  • thugs chen 'khor ba dong sprugs kyi mgyogs dbang , Method for 'khor ba dong sprugs fast empowerment (531-536)
  • A highly condensed purification ritual connected with the vase ritual of the Great Compassionate One who Churns the Depths of Samsara, by Chokgyur Lingpa (ཐུགས་རྗེ་ཆེན་པོ་འཁོར་བ་དོང་སྤྲུག་གི་བམ་ཆོག་དང་འབྲེལ་བའི་བྱང་ཆོག་ཤིན་ཏུ་བསྡུས་པ་བཞུགས་་སོ thugs chen 'khor ba dong sprugs kyi bum chog dang 'brel ba'i byang chog bsdus pa)
    • English translation: A highly condensed purification ritual connected with the vase ritual of the Great Compassionate One who Churns the Depths of Samsara, translated by Padmakara, November 2012
    • Colophon: Chogyur Lingpa wrote this for his immediate needs when he was travelling in Riwoche on the bank of the River Ngomchu. May it become the cause for all those who have a connection with it being cared for by the Great Compassionate One.་Note: for the name-card, although the detailed empowerment may be given, there is no fault in omitting to do so. It is sufficient simply to give the vase empowerment.་When drawing the deceased person out of the six realms, the seed syllables of the six realms may be marked as follows: A in between the eyebrows, Su on the neck, Nri on the heart centre, Tri on the navel, Pre on the secret centre, and Du on each of the soles of the feet.
  • The Ocean of Skilful Means for Benefiting Others, an instruction on transference threads (’pho skud) related to the method of liberation through contact, one of the six teachings for benefiting beings in the cycle of The Great Compassionate One who Churns the Depths of Samsara. (ཐུགས་རྗེ་ཆེན་པོ་འཁོར་བ་དོང་སྤྲུགས་ཀྱི་འགྲོ་དོན་ཆོས་དྲག་གི་ བཏགས་གྲོལ་ལས་བྱང་བའི་འཕོ་སྐུད་ཀྱི་གདམས་པ་ཐབས་མཁས་གཞན་ཕན་རྒྱ་མཚོ་ཞེས་བྱ་བ་བཞུགས་སོ, thugs chen 'khor ba dong sprugs kyi 'gro don chos drug gi btags drol las byung ba'i 'pho skud kyi gdams pa thabs mkhas gzhan phan rgya mtsho)
    • English translation: The Ocean of Skilful Means for Benefiting Others, an instruction on transference threads (’pho skud) related to the method of liberation through contact, one of the six teachings for benefiting beings in the cycle of The Great Compassionate One who Churns the Depths of Samsara, translated by Padmakara, November 2012
    • Colophon: At the repeated requests of Karpo Geshe Sachu, who said that transference threads for the dead were indispensable and that he needed a text related to our new treasure tradition, I, Duldzinpa, happily accepted the difficulties in doing so and wrote this. May it lead all beings to the state of freedom. Jayantu

Volume 26

  • thugs rje chen po 'khor ba dong sprugs kyi sgrub pa'i khog phub gzhan phan kun 'byung
  • gter kha nyer gcig pa 'bum rdzong gsang ba'i brag phug nas spyan drangs ba'i zur bza'i thugs dam skor drug la bla sgrub thugs kyi yang snying
  • zur bza'i thugs dam skor drug las bla sgrub thugs kyi yang snying gi dbang bskur byin rlabs chu rgyun mtshams sbyor gyis brgyan pa
  • sgrib sbyong ye shes chu rgyun rdo rje sems dpa'i sgrub thabs las tshogs bcas gter gzhung
  • rdor sems sgrib sbyong ye shes chu rgyun gyi dbang bskur zur 'debs zla shel me long
  • zur bza'i thugs dam skor drug las mkha' 'gro sgrub pa'i skor rnams gter gzhung
  • brgyud 'debs byin rlabs sprin phung dang sman mchod bcas ldeb
  • zur bza'i thugs dam skor drug las yang gsang dbyings phyug ??ki ye shes mtsho rgyal gyi phrin las rim gnyis bde chen zung 'jug
  • zur bza'i thugs dam skor drug las de kho na nyid mtsho rgyal gyi nyams len rgyun gyi rnal 'byor
  • zur bza'i thugs dam skor drug las rgyun khyer nyams len snying por dril ba grub gnyis 'dod 'jo
  • mkha' spyod mkha' 'gro'i lam rim smon lam rdo rje'i zam pa
  • zur bza'i thugs dam skor drug las mkha' 'gro'i sgrub thabs lnga'i spyi dbang mtshams sbyor gyis brgyan pa bde chen 'khyil pa
  • zur bza'i thugs dam skor drug gi bka' srung chig brgyud dbyings kyi rgyal mo sngags srung ekajaTI'i gsang sgrub kyi gtor chog dang 'brel ba'i srog gtad bya tshul tsit+ta 'bar ba'i thig le
  • bod yul gnas chen nyer lnga'i thugs kyi yon tan gyi gnas mchog 'bum rdzong gi dkar chag gsal ba'i sgron me
  • yang gter gnas de nyid nas lhan chig tu spyan drangs pa'i thugs rje chen po padma sgyu 'phrul dra ba'i skor la thugs rje chen po'i gter 'byung lo rgyus chos kyi them byang lde'u mig
  • thugs chen spyan ras gzigs kyi sgrub thabs zab mo'i lo rgyus
  • padma'i snying po'i rgyud 'phags pa 'jig rten dbang phyug gi rgyud bde ba'i snying po'i rgyud padma rol pa'i rgyud bcas
  • bka' 'grel snying po don bsdus yang 'grel rin chen phreng ba bcas
  • thugs rje chen po phyi yi dbang bskur nang gi dbang bskur gsang ba'i dbang bskur dbang bzhi rdo rje'i spyi blugs bcas
  • 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs kyi phyi sgrub nang sgrub bcas
  • gar dbang spyan ras gzigs kyi gsang sgrub
  • thugs rje chen po'i phyi sgrub kyi mngon rtogs
  • spyan ras gzigs kyi nang sgrub mngon rtogs phrin las
  • thugs chen phrin las 'gro don phyi'i smin grol nang gi smin grol bcas
  • thugs rje chen po'i pra khrid rnam bzhi rdzogs rim bde chen rang 'bar zab pa'i rdzogs rim man ngag thod rgal thabs bcas
  • thugs rje chen po'i phrin las mkha' khyab kyi 'gro don las tshogs skor

Volume 27

  • thugs rje chen po las las tshogs chen mo sbyin sreg gi rim pa
  • skye ba rjes 'dzin
  • rgud pa rjes 'dzin
  • nad pa rjes 'dzin
  • 'chi ba gshin po rjes 'dzin
  • thugs chen chos spyod lam gyi rim pa
  • bka' srung nag po chen po phyag drug pa'i phrin las
  • lha chen dbang phyug gi phrin las
  • rdo rje legs pa lcam dral gyi phrin las
  • chog khrigs skor thugs chen spyan ras gzigs padma gar dbang sgyu 'phrul dra ba'i phyi sgrub bsnyen pa'i byang bu padma'i myu gu
  • thugs chen padma gar dbang gi brgyud 'debs 'gro kun thar lam dren pa'i sgron mo
  • thugs chen pad gar phyi sgrub nye bsnyen gyi las byang khrigs su bsdebs pa rgyal ba'i sras kyi 'jug ngog padma'i lcugs ma
  • sman mchod
  • thugs chen pad gar brgyud 'debs padma'i sa bon
  • sngon chos
  • thugs chen pad gar sgyu dra'i nang sgrub kyi las byang bltas chog tu bkod pa padma'i 'dab phreng .
  • pad gar sgyu dra'i bskang ba ratna dmar po'i phreng ba
  • thugs chen pad gar sgyu dra'i gsang ba tshogs sgrub chen mo'i lag len khrigs su bsdebs pa rnam grol sgo chen padma'i snying po
  • thugs chen sgrub pa'i cha lag chos spyod 'grigs chags su bkod pa byang chub lam gyi rim pa
  • thugs chen pad gar sgyu dra'i zhi ba'i sbyin sreg bklags chog tu bkod pa padma'i 'dzum phreng
  • thugs chen pad gar sgyu dra'i rgyas pa'i sbyin sreg bklags chog tu bkod pa padma'i dga' tshal
  • thugs chen pad gar sgyu dra'i dbang gi sbyin sreg bklags chog tu bkod pa padma'i lcags kyu
  • thugs chen pad gar sgyu dra'i drag po'i sbyin sreg bklags chog tu bkod pa padma'i 'od rnon
  • gshin don rus chog bsdus pa
  • thugs chen pad gar sgyu dra'i 'gro don phyi'i smin grol gsal bar byed pa 'brel tshad don ldan
  • thugs chen pad gar sgyu dra'i 'gro don nang gi smin grol gyi phrin las gsal bar byed pa grol ba bzhi ldan
  • thugs chen pad gar sgyu dra'i dbang bzhi rdo rje spyi blugs su bskur ba'i gsal byed zab pa kun dril

Volume 28

  • thugs rje chen po padma gar dbang sgyu 'phrul dra ba'i phyi nang gsang sgrub dang 'brel ba'i phan nus zab mo'i smin grol 'bog pa'i lag len mtshams sbyor dang bcas padma'i phreng ba
  • thugs chen pad gar sgyu dra'i las tshogs rgud pa rjes 'dzin gyi nang tshan tshe nyams rgud pa gso ba'i phrin dbang gi mtshams sbyor padma'i zil mngar
  • thugs rje chen po padma gar dbang sgyu 'phrul dra ba'i ye shes mgon po phyag drug pa'i bka' gtad byin rlabs lcags kyu
  • thugs rje chen po padma gar dbang sgyu 'phrul dra ba'i lha chen dbang phyug chen po'i bka' gtad dbang gi lcags kyu
  • thugs rje chen po padma gar dbang sgyu 'phrul dra ba'i dam can lcam dral gyi bka' gtad gsal byed phrin las lcags kyu
  • ma mo spyi bsdus 'don zin
  • brgyud 'debs
  • dpal ma mo rol pa spyi bsdus las las kyi byang bu rnams phyogs gcig tu bsdebs pa bde chen 'khyil ba
  • sman mchod
  • dpal ma mo rol pa spyi bsdus las sgrub thabs dngos grub rgya mtsho
  • dpal ma mo rol ba spyi bsdus las spyi la gces pa mdos kyi khog phub rten sgrub mchod pa'i snying mdos
  • dpal ma mo rol pa spyi bsdus las sku'i sgo nas cho 'phrul bzlog pa'i mdos
  • ma mo rol pa spyi bsdus las gsung drag sngags 'khor lo'i sgo nas byad kha bzlog pa'i mdos
  • dpal ma mo rol pa spyi bsdus las thugs kyi sgo nas rnam rtog bzlog pa'i mdos
  • dpal ma mo rol pa spyi bsdus las yon tan rdzogs pa spyi mdos chen mo
  • dpal ma mo rol pa spyi bsdus las phrin las rnam bzhi'i mdos
  • dpal ma mo rol pa spyi bsdus las mdos 'phyung sde lnga
  • 'gres byang
  • dpal ma mo rol pa spyi bsdus las bdud rtsi sman la brten pa'i bshags mdos
  • dpal ma mo rol pa spyi bsdus las gtor ma la brten pa bskang ba'i mdos
  • dpal ma mo rol pa spyi bsdus las rakta la brten pa'i zlog mdos
  • dpal ma mo rol pa spyi bsdus las gdab pa'i kha tshar
  • srid pa ma mo rol pa spyi bsdus las dam rdzas sgrub pa'i yan lag ma mo lus la rdzogs tshul bcas
  • dpal ma mo rol pa spyi bsdus las smin byed dbang gi rim pa bum bzang gter mdzod
  • ma mo rol pa spyi bsdus kyi phrin dbang gi mtshams sbyor dngos grub bum bzang mdzes byed nor bu'i rgyan phreng
  • gnas chen nyer lnga'i gsung gi gnas chog 'og min karma'i gnas yig
  • thugs sgrub yid bzhin nor bu las lo rgyus shel gyi phreng ba
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub yid bzhin nor bu lta bu'i man ngag bcu gsum gter gzhung

Volume 29 (ཧ, ha)

  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub yid bzhin nor bu las/ bsnyen sgrub kyi khog dbub (1-14)
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub yid bzhin nor bu las dbang chog bum ba bzang po (15-49)
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub yid bzhin nor bu las nyon mongs dug lnga rang grol gyi zab dbang (51-83)
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub yid bzhin nor bu las bka' srung klu btsan 'bar ba spun bdun gyi sgrub thabs (85-97)
  • Splendid Treasure of the Two Accomplishment, The Lineage Prayer for the Guru’s Heart Practice, Wishfulfilling Jewel, by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Tayé (།བླ་མའི་ཐུགས་སྒྲུབ་ཡིད་བཞིན་ནོར་བུ་ལས། བརྒྱུད་པའི་གསོལ་འདེབས་གྲུབ་གཉིས་དཔྱིད་སྟེར་ཞེས་བྱ་བ་བཞུགས, brgyud 'debs) (99-100)
  • The Fulfiller of All Wishes, The Ritual Manual from The Wish-Fulfilling Jewel Guru Heart-Practice, by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo and Chokgyur Lingpa (༁ྃ༔ བླ་མའི་ཐུགས་སྒྲུབ་ཡིད་བཞིན་ནོར་བུ་ལས༔ ཕྲིན་ལས་དགོས་འདོད་ཀུན་འབྱུང་ཞེས་བྱ་བ་བཞུགས་སོ, bla ma'i thugs sgrub yid bzhin nor bu las phrin las dgos 'dod kun 'byung) (101-139)
    • English translation: The Fulfiller of All Wishes, The Ritual Manual from The Wish-Fulfilling Jewel Guru Heart-Practice, Samye Translations, 2023 (trans. Laura Swan and Ryan Conlon, ed. Libby Hogg, Lisbeth Miller, and Stefan Mang).
    • Colophon: In the presence of Chokyur Dechen Lingpa, the great treasure-revealer and tamer of beings, who is the timely emanation and indisputable incarnation of the glorious prince (Lhasé), Yeshé Rölpa Tsel, I, the joyful servant of the Lake-Born Guru, Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo, repeatedly experienced lucid and definitive visions regarding this treasure teaching. I then recited many prayers and, as a result of the profound auspicious conditions thereby created, the circumstances arose for revealing the treasure. Thus, from the cliff face of Norbu Pünsum in Dokham, where the Tsiké river converges, at sunrise on the auspicious tenth day of the tenth month of the Earth Horse year of the fortieth sexagenary cycle, I extracted and revealed the regent and representation of the guru—the Ngödrub Palbar (Glory of Accomplishment) statue of the Guru of Great Bliss. Together with this, I extracted the magical scroll of five amṛtas containing the writing of Orgyen Rinpoche himself that liberates upon sight. Having done so, in that same year on the tenth day of the eleventh month, in the vast pleasure grove of Chimé Dorjé Köpa (Deathless Vajra Array), in the northern pure realm Changlochen, situated above the palace of the great Dharma King of Dergé in Dokham, I deciphered and gradually transcribed this teaching in full. May this goodness cause the spontaneous fulfillment of all wishes, for the benefit and bliss of sentient beings, infinite in number!
  • Amṛta Offering, For The Guru’s Heart-Practice, Wish-Fulfilling Jewel, by the Fifteenth Karmapa (སྨན་མཆོད་ནི།, sman mchod) (141-142)
    • English translation: Amṛta Offering, For The Guru’s Heart-Practice, Wish-Fulfilling Jewel, translated by Samye Translations, 2023 (trans. Laura Swan and Ryan Conlon, ed. Libby Hogg, Lisbeth Miller and Stefan Mang).
    • Colophon: This amrita offering for The Wishfulfilling Jewel Guru Heart Practice that cites the masters by name was written by the Karmapa for the needs of producing mendrup (accomplished medicine).
  • The Accomplishment of All Wishes and Aims, The Medium-length Sādhana of The Wish-fulfilling Jewel that Accomplishes the Guru’s Wisdom Mind, revealed by Chokgyur Lingpa (།བླ་མའི་ཐུགས་སྒྲུབ་ཡིད་བཞིན་ནོར་བུ་ལས། ཕྲིན་ལས་འབྲིང་པོ་བསམ་དོན་ཀུན་གྲུབ་བཞུགས, bla ma'i thugs sgrub yid bzhin nor bu las phrin las 'bring po bsam don kun 'grub ldeb) (143-156)
    • English translation: The Accomplishment of All Wishes and Aims, The Medium-length Sādhana of The Wish-fulfilling Jewel that Accomplishes the Guru’s Wisdom Mind, translated by Lhasey Lotsawa with reference and grateful acknowledgement to Rangjung Yeshe Translations for their previous translations.
    • Colophon: This was extracted from The Thirteen Oral Instructions revealed by Orgyen Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa from the Blazing Jewel at Tsiké Drak.
  • The Essential Daily Practice, From The Wishfulfilling Jewel Guru Heart Practice, revealed by Chokgyur Lingpa (བླ་མའི་ཐུགས་སྒྲུབ་ཡིད་བཞིན་ནོར་བུ་ལས༔ རྣལ་འབྱོར་རྒྱུན་གྱི་སྙིང་པོ་བཞུགས༔, bla ma'i thugs sgrub yid bzhin nor bu las rnal 'byor rgyun gyi snying po) (157-160)
    • English translation: The Essential Daily Practice, From The Wishfulfilling Jewel Guru Heart Practice, Rangjung Yeshe & Lhasey Lotsawa Translations (trans. Erik Pema Kunsang, checked against the Tibetan and edited by Laura Dainty and Oriane Sherap Lhamo, reedited by Libby Hogg), 2019. Revised with many thanks to Lama Öpak and Nata Kryvolapchuk, 2020.
    • Colophon: This text was extracted from a treasure revealed by the incarnated great treasure revealer Chokgyur Lingpa. Pema Ösel Do-ngak Lingpa perfectly transcribed the treasure text, which was then abridged and supplemented with vajra words by Pema Wangchen Lerap Dorjé.
  • The Prayer to Guru Rinpoche that Spontaneously Fulfils All Wishes (Sampa Lhundrupma), From The Guru’s Heart Practice: The Wish-Fulfilling Jewel, revealed by Chokgyur Lingpa (༁ྃ༔ ༔བླ་མའི་ཐུགས་སྒྲུབ་ཡིད་བཞིན་ནོར་བུ་ལས༔ གསོལ་འདེབས་བསམ་པ་ལྷུན་གྲུབ་བཞུགས་སོ༔, bla ma'i thugs sgrub yid bzhin nor bu las gsol 'debs bsam pa lhun grub) (161-166)
  • A Concise and Essential Offering Ritual for the Guardians of the Doctrine, from The Wishfulfilling Jewel Guru Heart Practice (བཀའ་སྲུང་མཆོད་པའི་ཕྲིན་ལས་ མདོར་བསྡུས་སྙིང་པོར་དྲིལ་བ་བཞུགས་སོ, bla ma'i thugs sgrub yid bzhin nor bu las bka' srung mchod phrin mdor bsdus (167-169)
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub yid bzhin nor bu las rtsa ba'i dbang bskur rgyas pa'i cho ga bklags chog tu bkod pa yid bzhin dpal 'byung (171-240)
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub yid bzhin nor bu las rtsa ba'i dbang bskur 'bring po'i cho ga bklags chog tu bkod pa yid bzhin dpal 'bar (241-283)
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub yid bzhin nor bu las smin byed bsdus pa byin rlabs gtor ma'i dbang bskur ba'i tshul yid bzhin dpal ster (285-297)
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub yid bzhin nor bu las 'chi med tshe'i dbang skur ba'i lag len yid bzhin dpal 'dzin (299-311)
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub yid bzhin nor bu'i cha lag nyon mongs dug lnga rang grolgyi zhal gdams dang 'grel ba'i thabs grol lam gyi zab dbang bskur ba'i phrin las dbang khrigs kyi mtshams sbyor dang bcas pa ye shes rang shar (313-350)
  • bsam lhun rtsa bsnyen mdor bsdus zin tho
  • rgyal chen sku lnga'i gsol mchod mdor bsdus rgyal bcu tshangs pa'i 'brug sgra
  • gter kha nyer bzhi pa de'i yan lag go stod 'od 'bar brag nas spyan drangs pa dam rdzas myong grol phrin las rol pa dang mthong grol sku tshab rnam gnyis kyi lo rgyus go stod gnas kyi mdo byang zhi ba'i snying po bcas ldeb
  • go stod gnas kyi ngo sprod
  • Namsey Sadhana, revealed by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa and written by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo (རྒྱལ་ཆེན་རྣམ་སྲས་སྒྲུབ་ཐབས་ཡིད་བཞིན་ནོར་བུ་ལས༔ ཕྲིན་ལས་འདོད་དགུའི་ཆར་འབེབས་བཞུགས་སོ, rgyal chen rnam sras sgrub thabs yid bzhin nor bu las phrin las 'dod rgu'i char 'bebs sogs gter gzhung ldeb) (405-449)
    • English Translation: Activity that Showers Down all Desirables, from the Wishfulfilling Jewel Sadhana of Great King Vaishravana translated partially by S.Lhamo (2004), in The Tsekar Drubchen, The Collected Liturgies of The Great Accomplishment Sadhana of White Amitayus (Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling, 2010)
    • Colophon: On the 29th day of the 12th month in the Year of the Male Earth Horse, the incarnated great treasure-revealer, Drödül Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa, extracted this parchment of the Five Samaya Nectars from Goto’s Blazing Light Rockface in glorious Lhudrub Teng, Derge north of Changlocan. At the great undying Vajra-arrayed Palace, it was gradually codified by Khyentse Wangpo, the servant who delights the Lake-born Guru. Having transcribed these precious teachings, hereafter, may they sustain benefactors and bring about complete victory over the discordant demons of welfare. Sarva dikobhaya bi dza yantu.
  • rgyal chen rnam sras kyi gtor 'bul rgyun khyer yid bzhin dngos stsol
  • rgyal chen rnam sras srog 'khor bri thabs dang gtor ma'i zin bris bcas
  • gsang thig skyabs sems
  • skyabs sems
  • gsang thig snying po'i skor las rdo rje sems dpa' phyag rgya gcig pa'i sgrub thab ldebPT HA 26
  • gsang thig snying po'i skor las rdor sems phyag rgya gcig pa'i phrin las gnas lung dang bcas pa ye shes bcud thig
  • gsang thig snying po'i skor las rdor sems phyag rgya gcig pa'i bum dbang gi cho ga zhi ba'i thig le
  • gsang thig snying po'i skor las rdor sems phyag rgya gcig pa'i cho ga'i zur 'deb spar khab
  • gsang thig snying po'i skor las rdo rje sems dpa' phyag rgya gcig pa'i bskyed rdzogs kyi gnad 'chad par byed pa rdo rje sems dpa'i zhal lung

Volume 30

  • gsang thig snying po'i skor las/ yang dag heruka phyag rgya gcig pa'i sgrub thabs
  • gsang thig skor gsum las yang dag phyag rgya gcig pa'i tshogs mchod bde chen bcud thig
  • gsang thig snying po'i skor las yang dag phyag rgya gcig pa'i gtor dbang gi cho ga 'bar ba'i thig le
  • gsang thig snying po'i skor las yang dag gi dmigs rim mdor bsdus
  • gsang thig snying po'i skor las rdo rje gzhon nu phyag rgya gcig pa'i sgrub thabs
  • gsang thig snying po'i skor las rdo rje gzhon nu phyag rgya gcig pa la gong 'og gi phrin las cung zad kyis bcings pa phrin las shing rta
  • Vajrakīlaya Tsok Prayer, from 'The Essential Drop of Enlightened Activity: A Tsok Offering for the Single-Mudrā Form of Vajrakumāra, revealed by Chokgyur Lingpa and Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Tayé (གསང་ཐིག་སྐོར་གསུམ། རྡོ་རྗེ་གཞོན་ནུ་ཕྱག་རྒྱ་གཅིག་པའི་ཚོགས་མཆོད་ཕྲིན་ལས་བཅུད་ཐིག་ལས, gsang thig snying po'i skor las rdo rje gzhon nu phyag rgya gcig pa'i tshogs mchod phrin las bcud thig)
  • rdo rje phur ba'i lha tshogs rnams gtor ma 'bul ba'i cho ga phrin las myur 'grub
  • phur srung shwa na mu kha'i gsol mchod bsdus pa dgra bgegs tshar gcod phrin las myur 'grub
  • gsang thig snying po'i skor las rdo rje gzhon nu la brten pa'i phur zlog shin tu bsdus pa khyer bde zhing mkho che ba phrin las mtshon cha
  • rtsang bzlog dam sri tshar gcod
  • phur ba'i drag bsreg bsdus pa ldeb
  • gsang thig snying po'i skor las rdo rje gzhon nu phyag rgya gcig pa'i gtor dbang gi cho ga rdo rje'i thig le ldeb
  • gsang thig snying po'i skor las rdo rje gzhon nu phyag rgya gcig pa'i lha khrid rab gsal khrag 'thung dgyes pa'i gad rgyangs ldeb
  • gsang thig phur ba'i dmigs rim gnad sdus grub gnyis thig le
  • gsang thig snying po'i skor las thugs kyi gnas mchog tsa 'dra rin chen brag gi dkar chag
  • heruka dgyes pa'i gnas kyi yang byang 'od gsal thig le
  • bon rtsis phra men skor rnams las dbang drag 'bar ba'i sgrub thabs
  • brgyud 'debs
  • bon rtsis phra men skor rnams las rma rgyal spom ra'i sgrub thabs
  • dbang gi zur 'debs
  • gter kha nyer drug pa sga stod rme seng rin chen shel brag nas spyan drangs pa gnas chog rin chen shel brag gi gnas yig
  • phrin las 'gro ba 'dul ba'i gnas brgyad las zhi ba 'dul mdzad rdo ti gangs kyi ra ba'i gnas yig
  • phrin las 'gro 'dul rgyas pa'i gnas lag gru 'dzin ri bo'i gnas yig
  • snang rtse gru 'dzin ri bo'i gnas kyi ngo sprod nyung gsal
  • gzhan yang zhar byung du bzhag pa gyung drung rnam par bkod pa'i zhing khams chen po'i gnas kyi mdo byang mthong bas grol pa'i yi ge
  • shar phyogs 'dzing yul gyung drung dpal ri gtso 'khor rnams kyi gnas mdo byang don gyi snying po ldeb
  • zla rgyud gnas mchog a dor gnas yig mdor bsdus
  • bod khams bde thabs chos bcu yi bstan pa srung ba'i skor bzhi gshin rje 'jigs byed rol pa rta mgrin bskal pa'i me phung phur ba khro rgyal stobs 'dus mgon po gnam lcags thog mda' bcas
  • phur ba khro rgyal stobs 'dus kyi srung bzlog snying po'i dmigs thun
  • bka' brgyad bde gshegs kun 'dus las che mchog rtsa ba'i sgrub pa sogs
  • che mchog gsung gi gsang sngags sogs
  • che mchog snang srid bdud rtsi rnam dag gi dgongs pa
  • bskyed rdzogs 'bring po'i dbang bskur sogs gter gzhung le tshan bdun
  • sgrub chen bka' brgyad bde gshegs kun 'dus kyi brgyud pa'i gsol 'debs smin grol dpal skyed ldeb
  • sgrub chen bka' brgyad bde gshegs kun 'dus kyi phrin las bsdus pa snying po don gsal khrigs su bsdebs pa ye shes rol pa
  • sgrub chen bka' brgyad bde gshegs kun 'dus kyi bskyed rdzogs 'bring po'i dbang bskur bklag chog tu bkod pa ye shes thig le
  • yang gyu 'bal brag nas spyan drangs pa rdzogs pa chen po bka' 'dus las rtsa sgrub snying po don bsdus sogs gter gzhung ldeb

Volume 31 (ཀི, ki)

  • bde mchog he ru ka dal gyi sgrub thabs bye am rdo rje'i zam/ gzhn lam bstan zab mo'i chos
  • lung lugs mi g.yo ba rdo rje zam pa'i phrin las kyi byang bu bde chen dgyes dbyangs
  • lung lugs mi g.yo ba rdo rje zam pa'i dbang bskur bklags chog tu bsdebs pa bde chen myu gu ldeb
  • yang gyu 'bal brag gi gter byon rdzogs chen gser zhun ma kun bzang thugs tig la rdzogs pa chen po kun bzang thugs tig las brgyud 'debs 'od gsal rang shar ldeb
  • rdzogs pa chen po gser gyi zhun ma kun bzang thugs tig las thun mong zhi khro'i las byang snying po don gsal
  • rdzogs pa chen po gser gyi zhun ma kun bzang thugs tig las don khrid yid bzhin nor bu'i snying po dgongs pa rang gsal
  • rdzogs pa chen po gser gyi zhun ma kun bzang thugs tig las thun mong dbang gi rim pa sdig sgrib kun 'joms dang don dbang yid bzhin nor bu yid bzhin nor bu'i snying po sogs
  • rdzogs pa chen po gser gyi zhun ma kun bzang thugs tig las smin dgrol yongs rdzogs kyi mtshams sbyor nor bu snang yangs rgyan gyi nam mkha'
  • dbang zin
  • rdzogs chen gser zhun ma'i khregs chod byin rlabs 'pho ba'i byin 'bebs ye rdzogs kun gsal thig le
  • gser zhun kun bzang thugs tig gi thod rgal byin rlabs 'pho dbang
  • rdzogs pa chen po gser zhun gyi sngon 'gro nge legs lam bzang ldeb
  • rdzogs pa chen po gser gyi zhun ma kun bzang thugs tig las thun mong zhi khro'i las byang zur rgyan nyams chag bshags skong dang tshogs mchod gshin po rjes 'dzin gyi cho ga bcas thugs rje'i phrin las
  • rdzogs pa chen po gser gyi zhun ma kun bzang thugs tig las bka' srung ma gza' dam gsum mchod pa'i thabs mi bzad glog gi phreng ba
  • mchog gter kun bzang thugs tig gi zab khrid don bsdus rab gsal
  • 'od gsal rdzog pa chen po gser zhun ma kun bzang thugs tig gi lam yongs rdzogs kyi khrid rim gnad 'dus su spel ba kun bzang dgongs rgyan
  • tshe sgrub rdo rje'i phreng ba las tshe bdag yab yum sras gsum gyi phyi sgrub rgyud kyi phrin las
  • tshe sgrub rdo rje'i phreng ba las nang sgrub lung gi byang bu
  • tshe sgrub rdo rje'i phreng ba las gsang sgrub man ngag sgom rim
  • Lineage supplication to the gurus of tshe sgrub nyi zla kha sbyor, by Wangchok Dorje (tshe sgrub nyi zla kha sbyor gyi bla ma brgyud pa'i gsol 'debs mi shigs nAda'i sgra dbyangs) (339-340)
    • English Translation: The Sweet Sound of Immutable Nada, Lineage prayer for The Union of Sun and Moon Long-life Sadhana, in, The Tsekar Drubchen, The Collected Liturgies of The Great Accomplishment Sadhana of White Amitayus (Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling, 2010), translated by S.Lhamo, 2004 with revisions in 2010.
    • Colophon: In response to the request of Sabchu and Yönten, this was [composed] by the renunciant, Wangchok Dorjé.
  • Long Life Practice, by Chokgyur Lingpa (ཆེ་རྒྱུད་འཆི་མེད་བདུད་རྩི་འཁྱིལ་པ་ཡི༔སྒྲུབ་ཐབས་ཟབ་མོ་ཐབས་ཤེས་ཉི་ཟླ་ཁ་སྦྱོར་ལས༔ ལས་བྱང་ཕྱོགས་གཅིག་ཏུ་བསྡེབས་པ་རྡོ་རྗེའི་ཕྲེང་བ་བཞུགས་སོ༔, tshe rgyud 'chi med bdud rtsi 'khyil pa yi sgrub thabs zab mo thabs shes nyi zla kha sbyor las las byang phyogs gcig tu bsdebs pa rdo rje'i phreng ba) (341-366)
    • English Translation: A Rosary of Linked Vajras, a practice manual according to the Profound Sadhana of the Life-Lineage Pool of Everlasting Elixir, The Union of Means & Knowledge Sun & Moon (Dotreng), partially translated by S.Lhamo in 2004 (with revisions in 2010). Found in The Tsekar Drubchen, The Collected Liturgies of The Great Accomplishment Sadhana of White Amitayus (Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling, 2010).
    • Colophon: Having reached mastery based on this sadhana, one will swiftly accomplish the supreme and ordinary siddhis. Samaya! Thus, this Union of Sun and Moon Sadhana, condensed from the Profound Life-lineage Pool of Everlasting Elixir, has been arranged for the benefit of fortunate ones and concealed in the grotto of Namkhadzö. Having met with destined practitioners, may it benefit sentient beings for a long time! Even when one exerts oneself in this for seven days, one will definitely elude untimely death. Meditating one-pointedly upon this for six months, one will achieve a lifespan of 100 years. If one practices this accurately for three years, one will accomplish the form of undying primordial wisdom. Samaya Seal! Treasure Seal! Concealment Seal! Seal of Secrecy! Seal of Entrustment! Seal of Profundity! Samaya Seal Seal Seal! In his 21" year of age, Wangchok Dorje clearly transcribed this text based on the [terma-treasurel manuscript of his Lordship, Terchen Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa, who extracted this from Tsezhal Rock- cave atop the snowy peak of Lawa Kangchik, Yegyal Namkhadzö south of Kham.
  • Short sAdhana for long life (ཚེ་སྒྲུབ་རྡོ་རྗེ་ཕྲེང་བ་ལས༔ཡོངས་རྫོགས་འཆི་མེད་སྙིང་ཐིག་བཞུགས་སོ༔, tshe sgrub rdo rje phreng ba las yongs rdzogs 'chi med snying thig) (367-384)
    • English Translation: Partial translations found in appendix of, The Tsekar Drubchen, The Collected Liturgies of The Great Accomplishment Sadhana of White Amitayus (Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling, 2010), translated by S.Lhamo, 2005 with revisions in 2007.
  • yongs rdzogs 'chi med snying thig dang 'phags ma'i snying tig gi gtor ma'i pra khrid 'chi med 'dod pa 'jo ba'i dga' ston
  • dam chos snying po skor lnga las bla ma dgongs 'dus snying po
  • bla ma dgongs 'dus snying po'i brgyud 'debs bde chen snang ba
  • dam chos snying po skor lnga las bla ma dgongs 'dus snying po'i phrin las kyi byang bu ye shes grub pa
  • dam chos snying po skor lnga las bla ma dgongs 'dus snying po'i smin byed bklags chog tu bkod pa byin rlabs yang snying
  • dam chos snying po skor lnga las yi dam bka' 'dus snying po
  • dam chos snying po skor lnga las yi dam bka' 'dus snying po'i phrin las bde chen grub pa
  • dam chos snying po skor lnga las yi dam bka' 'dus snying po'i dbang gi cho ga dngos grub yang snying
  • dam chos snying po skor lnga las mkha' 'gro dgong 'dus snying po
  • dam chos snying po skor lnga las mkha' 'gro dgongs 'dus snying po'i dbang chog phrin las yang snying
  • dam chos snying po skor lnga las chos skyong dgongs 'dus snying po
  • dam chos snying po skor lnga las chos skyong dgongs 'dus snying po'i dbang chog gnam lcags yang zhun
  • dam chos snying po skor lnga las zhal gdams snying po 'dus pa

Volume 32

  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub rdo rje drag rtsal las zhal gdams lam rim ye shes snying po
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub rdo rje drag rtsal las zhal gdams lam rim ye shes snying po'i 'grel ba ye shes snang ba rab tu rgyas pa
  • on tan yongs rdzogs rdzong shod bde gshegs 'dus pa'i gnas chen gtso bo rnams kyi mdo byang 'od kyi snying po
  • 'chi med padma shel ri'i gnas kyi mdo byang nyi ma'i snying po

Volume 32

  • bde mchog sangs rgyas mnyam sbyor las slob ma lhag gnas rin chen snying po sogs
  • he ru ka 'dus pa'i thugs tig bde mchog sangs rgyas mnyam sbyor las phrin las chog bsgrigs rin chen 'od kyi snang ba
  • he ru ka 'dus pa'i thugs tig bde mchog sangs rgyas mnyam sbyor las smin byed dbang gi cho ga gsal bar byed pa rin chen thig pa
  • bde mchog sangs rgyas mnyam sbyor gyi bskyed rdzogs rim lnga rin chen phreng ba'i bsdus don
  • yon tan gnas gtso ru dam gangs kyi ra ba'i sbas gnas chen po'i lo rgyus 'gro don mtha' yas
  • zhar byung rdzong chen khams phug 'od gsal grub pa'i gnas kyi ngo sprod dran pa'i me long
  • zhi byed bdun gyi man ngag bdud rtsi bum pa gter gzhung
  • zhi byed lha mo bdun gyi phrin las kyi byang bu bklags chog tu bkod pa yid 'od zla ba'i me long
  • zhi byed lha mo bdun gyi dbang bskur ba'i cho ga'i gsal byed yid 'ong zla ba'i bdud rtsi
  • zhi byed skor bdun gyi las tshogs sbyin sreg byabs khrus/ byad dkrol/ 'chi bslu rnams gsal bar bkod pa mu tig chun po
  • dgongs gter sgrol ma'i zab tig las slob ma rjes su bzung ba
  • dgongs gter sgrol ma'i zab tig las phyi sgrub rgyas bsdus rig gtad dang bcas pa'i cho ga tshogs gnyis snying po
  • dgongs gter sgrol ma'i zab tig las legs so gsum gyi don khrid gsal bar bkod pa grub gnyis thig le
  • dgongs gter sgrol ma'i zab tig las legs so gsum gyi don khrid kyi bsdus don
  • gnubs kyi kha pho king kang gza' 'gyed ldeb
  • gter chen mchog gyur bde chen gling pa'i zab gter rnams kyi rdo rje'i dbyangs kyi rim pa gsal bar byed pa'i ye ge tshangs chen rdo rje'i rgyud man
  • thugs sgrub phrin las snying po'i gar 'chams dran grol snying po'i rgyab chos lo rgyus phan yon dang bcas la ldeb
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi gar 'chams chi med dran grol snying po'i zin bris nyung ngu
  • gter gsar mi g.yo ba'i gtum mo'i 'khrul 'khor sogs kun la gces pa rtsal sprugs rnam dgu'i zin bris rtsa 'grel

Volume 34

  • rdzogs chen ma rgyud mkha' 'gro gsang ba lam khyer las bla ma gsang ba'i bka' babs nang gi lo rgyus
  • rdzogs chen ma rgyud mkha' 'gro gsang ba lam khyer las: gter gyi byung khung sbas tshul gsang ba'i lo rgyus dang gsang ba'i rnam thar khrid gzhung chen mo
  • rdzogs chen ma rgyud mkha' 'gro gsang ba lam khyer las gsang dbang gi lag len
  • rdzogs chen ma rgyud mkha' 'gro gsang ba lam khyer las zhe sdang dro rje'i shog dril
  • rdzogs chen ma rgyud mkha' 'gro gsang ba lam khyer las 'dod chags rdo rje'i shog dril
  • rdzogs chen ma rgyud mkha' 'gro gsang ba lam khyer las gti mug rdo rje'i shog gril
  • rdzogs chen ma rgyud mkha' 'gro gsang ba lam khyer las phrag dog rdo rje'i shog dril
  • rdzogs chen ma rgyud mkha' 'gro gsang ba lam khyer las nga rgyal rdo rje'i shog dril ldeb
  • rdzogs chen ma rgyud mkha' 'gro gsang ba lam khyer gyi phrin las baiDUr+ya'i za ma tog
  • rdzogs chen ma rgyud mkha' 'gro gsang ba lam khyer las dbang gi cho ga baiDUr+ya'i do shal
  • bi ma sbying tig
  • bi ma la mi tra'i yang tig ye shes gsang lam sogs gter gzhung
  • slob dbon bi ma la mi tra'i sgrub thabs lam zab snying po'i dbang bskur byin rlabs gter mdzod
  • dag snang Vima yang tig gi bskang ba ye shes char 'bebs
  • yang gsang mkha' 'gro'i phrin las gud du sbas pa
  • bi ma'i bla sgrub lam zab snying po las/ yang gsang mkha' 'gro'i gtor zlog gi phrin las rdo rje'i me char
  • Spontaneous Accomplishment of the Fourfold Activity That Bestows the Splendour of the Two Siddhis, A Sādhana of Noble Gesar, Accomplisher of All Aims, revealed by Chokgyur Lingpa and compiled by the Second Tsikey Chokling Rinpoche (གེ་སར་སྐྱེས་བུ་དོན་འགྲུབ་ཀྱི་སྒྲུབ་ཐབས་གྲུབ་གཉིས་དཔྱིད་སྟེར་ལས་བཞི་ལྷུན་གྲུབ་ཅེས་བྱ་བ་བཞུགས་སོ, ge sar skyes bu don 'grub kyi sgrub thabs grub gnyis dpyid ster las bzhi lhun grub)
    • English translation: Spontaneous Accomplishment of the Fourfold Activity That Bestows the Splendour of the Two Siddhis, A Sādhana of Noble Gesar, Accomplisher of All Aims, Samye Translations, 2023 (trans. Laura Swan and Lowell Cook; ed. Libby Hogg).
    • Colophon: At the repeated request of the bard Rau Amyé Zhönu, when Chokgyur Lingpa was in the north of Eastern Tibet at the slow flowing river bank of Sharda, the area which contains the birthplace of Noble Gesar and the ruins of the castle of the thirty siblings, at the gathering place Taktang Tramo, on the ḍākinī day of the waning phase of the Monkey month in the year of the Rabbit at the beginning of the fifteenth sexagenary cycle, this text was committed to writing. Recently, at the request of the accomplished yogi Sherab Dorjé, I, Pema Künkhyab Yeshé Nyingpo, bearer of the crown of the great treasure-revealer’s name, compiled this text, combining the upper and lower parts of the root treasure text and adding clarifications and some minor appendices, and adding the feast-offering amendment by means of the blessed vajra speech of the great masters.
  • dag snang ge sar skyes bu don 'grub kyi dbang chog phrin las kun khyab
  • snyan brgyud ati zab don snying thig gi gter zhung
  • dbang zin
  • snyan brgyud ati zab don snying thig gi gur drag ye shes zil gnon gyi smin grol lag len mtshams sbyor ye shes snying po'i rgyan
  • gnam chos skor la gsol 'debs skor
  • drag po k?laya las drag po rbad pa'i sgrub thabs
  • thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi rim pa dang po'i khrid kyi zin bris lha rdzas me tog

Volume 35

  • mchog gter bstan srung rnams kyi phrin las dngos grub rgya mtsho 'dod rgu'i 'byung gnas
  • mchog gter bstan srung rnams kyi phrin las dngos grub rgya mtsho 'dod rgu'i 'byung gnas kyi rjes 'brang gi phrin las phyogs gcig tu bsdebs pa
  • mchog gter srung ma rnams kyi drag bskul gnam lcags thog mda'
  • srung ma spyi'i gtor ma'i cho ga nyung ngur bsdus pa gsang gsum dgyes rol
  • chos skyong dgongs pa kun 'dus rtsa ba dang yan lag gi phrin las khrigs su bsdebs pa dam can yongs 'du'i dga' tshal
  • o rgyan mchog gyur gling pa'i zab gter rnams kyi mtshams sbyor khol phyung du bkod pa nor bu'i rgyan phreng

Volume 36 (ཆི, chi)

  • A Shower of Precious Blessings, by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa (བླ་མ་ཆོས་དབྱིངས་དང་སྒྲུབ་པ་ཡོན་ཏན་གྱིས་བསྐུལ་བའི་གསོལ་འདེབས, skyabs kun 'dus zhal guru rin po che'i gtsos rtsa gsum brgyud par bcas la gsol 'debs kyi phreng ba byin rlabs nor bu'i gru char ldeb) (1-29)
    • Chariot of Faith, from A Shower of Precious Blessings, by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa (དད་པའི་ཤིང་རྟ) (9-10)
      • English translation: Chariot of Faith, from A Shower of Precious Blessings, translated by Samye Translations, 2024.
      • Colophon: I, Chokgyur Lingpa, wrote this prayer to Guru Rinpoche entitled Chariot of Faith for my younger brother, Wangdrak, so that he might turn to virtue. May this bring goodness!
    • Prayer for Ngawang Rinchen, from A Shower of Precious Blessings, by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa (ངག་དབང་རིན་ཆེན་གྱིས་བསྐུལ་བའི་གསོལ་འདེབས) (11-13)
      • English translation: Prayer for Ngawang Rinchen, from A Shower of Precious Blessings, translated by Samye Translations, 2024.
      • Colophon: At the request of my close student and aide Ngawang Rinchen, this song of yearning was written by the mantradhara Chokgyur Lingpa at Yarkyil Residence. May it always bring about goodness!
    • Prayer for Lama Chöying and Yönten, from A Shower of Precious Blessings, by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa (བླ་མ་ཆོས་དབྱིངས་དང་སྒྲུབ་པ་ཡོན་ཏན་གྱིས་བསྐུལ་བའི་གསོལ་འདེབས, skyabs kun 'dus zhal guru rin po che'i gtsos rtsa gsum brgyud par bcas la gsol 'debs kyi phreng ba byin rlabs nor bu'i gru char ldeb) (13-14)
    • Prayer for Nyindzong Geshe, from A Shower of Precious Blessings, by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa (ཉིན་རྫོང་དགེ་བཤེས་ཀྱིས་བསྐུལ་བའི་གསོལ་འདེབས) (14-15)
    • Prayer for Orgyen Rinpoche, from A Shower of Precious Blessings, by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa (ཨོ་རྒྱན་རིན་པོ་ཆེའི་གསོལ་འདེབས) (15)
    • Prayer for Pema Sachu, from A Shower of Precious Blessings, by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa (པདྨ་ས་བཅུས་བསྐུལ་བའི་གསོལ་འདེབས) (15-16)
  • gnas brtan bcu drug la gsol ba 'debs pa dge legs gN+Di sogs sdom rgyun gsol 'debs skor , Supplication to the 16 Arhats (31-48)
  • bla ma'i rnal 'byor gdod ma'i ye shes myur 'char sogs , General Guru Yoga (49-68)
  • The Essential Amrita of Profound Meaning: Oral Instructions and Practical Advice Bestowed Upon Fortunate Followers, Eye-opener to What is to be Adopted and Abandoned, by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa (རྗེས་འཇུག་སྐལ་བཟང་རྣམས་ལ་བསྩལ་པའི་ཞལ་གདམས་སྐོར, rjes 'jug skal bzang rnams la stsal ba'i zhal gdams skor) (69-119)
    • The Source of Permanent Benefit and Bliss, by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa (རྣམ་ཀུན་ཕན་བདེ་འབྱུང་པའི་བསླབ་སྟོན།, rnam kun phan bde 'byung pa'i bslab ston) (70-76)
      • English translation: The Source of Permanent Benefit and Bliss, translated by Samye Translations, 2023.
      • Colophon: Chokgyur Lingpa gave this oral advice, explaining the source of permanent benefit and bliss, to his retinue and followers in Dzözhol Gyurme Ling (Unchanging Sanctuary). Losal Karma Drupchok transcribed it.
    • Advice for Patrons of the Dharma, by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa (ཡོན་བདག་རྣམས་ལ་གདམས་པ, yon bdag rnams la gdams pa) (77-79)
      • English translation: Advice for Patrons of the Dharma, translated by Samye Translations, 2023.
      • Colophon: Orgyen Chokgyur Lingpa spoke this to faithful male and female patrons, as he was taking his leave.
    • Some Advice to Take to Heart, by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa (ཐུགས་ལ་བཞག་དགོས་པའི་ཞལ་གདམས།, thugs la bzhag dgos pa'i zhal gdams) (79-80)
      • English translation: Some Advice to Take to Heart, translated by Samye Translations, 2023.
      • Colophon: Chokgyur Lingpa wrote this at Evam Dharma Camp.
    • Pithy Advice on Checking One's Progress on the Path, by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa (ཆོས་ལམ་དུ་སོང་མ་སོང་ཤེས་པའི་མན་ངག, chos lam du song ma song shes pa'i man ngag) (80-81)
    • Words of Advice, by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa (ཞལ་གདམས།, zhal gdams) (80-82)
      • English translation: Pithy Words of Advice, translated by Samye Translations, 2023.
      • Colophon: This was written by Chokgyur Lingpa at the request of Chödar, head of the Zhendzong monastery. May this bring goodness!
    • The Fivefold Practice, by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa (ལྔ་ལྡན་ཉམས་ལེན, lnga ldan nyams len) (82)
      • English translation: The Fivefold Practice, translated by Samye Translations, 2023.
      • Colophon: This was written by the Drikung follower, Könchok, Also known as Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa.
    • Advice for Disciples, by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa (སློབ་མ་ལ་གདམས་པ།, slob ma la gdams pa) (82-91)
      • English translation: Advice for Disciples, translated by Samye Translations, 2023.
      • Colophon: In response to the request made by Kyiga, companion to the mother of Dechen Chödrön, a ḍākinī emanation, and by Drölma and her son at the mountain hermitage at Gyamgyal Gang Gül Yutso, I, Chokgyur Lingpa, wrote these words at Khala Rongo, the sacred place of the Great Glorious One. May they bring goodness!
    • A Teaching on the Essence of Dependent Origination, by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa (རྟེན་འབྲེལ་གྱི་སྙིང་པོ་ཆོས་བཤད, rten 'brel gyi snying po chos bshad) (91-94)
    • Advice for Kyilu , by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa (སྐྱིད་ལུས་བསྐུལ་ངོར་གདམས་པ, skyid lus bskul ngor gdams pa) (95)
      • English translation: Advice for Kyilu, translated by Samye Translations, 2023.
      • Colophon: This was written by Chokling, in response to Kyilu's request, In the glorious forest near the southern Yelphuk Cave.
    • Advice for Könchok Paldrön, by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa (དཀོན་མཆོག་དཔལ་སྒྲོན་ལ་གདམས་པ, dkon mchog dpal sgron la gdams pa) (96)
    • Advice for Tashi Lhamo, by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa (བཀྲ་ཤིས་ལྷ་མོ་, bkra shis lha mo la gdams pa) (96-98)
      • English translation: Advice for Tashi Lhamo, translated by Samye Translations, 2023.
      • Colophon: While going to build the temple at Kela Norbu Phünsum, At the request of Tashi Lhamo, The realized one, Chokgyur Zhikpo Lingpa, The slightly crazed man whose delusion has collapsed, Spoke this in common verse, easy to understand, In the temple of Tsalapön. It was then hastily written down by Mati Ratna. May all who encounter it be born in the realm of sambhogakāya, the body of perfect enjoyment!
    • Heart Advice in a Nutshell, by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa (གདམས་ངག་གནད་དྲིལ།, gdams ngag gnad dril) (98-101)
    • Advice in Brief, by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa (ཞལ་གདམས་མདོར་བསྡུས་བཞུགས།, zhal gdams mdor bsdus bzhugs) (101-102)
      • English translation: Advice in Brief, translated by Samye Translations, 2023.
      • Colophon: This was written by Chokgyur Lingpa, the direct disciple of Pema Tötreng Tsal (Mighty Skull-Garlanded Lotus, Guru Rinpoché).
    • Advice for Bumthang Lama, by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa (བུམ་ཐང་བླ་མ་ལ་གདམས་པ, bum thang bla ma la gdams pa) (102-103)
      • English translation: Advice for Bumthang Lama, translated by Samye Translations, 2023.
      • Colophon: This heart advice was given by Chokgyur Lingpa, To Bumthang Lama of Mön. May it bring goodness!
    • Advice for Göndrak, by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa (མགོན་དྲག་ལ་གདམས་པ, mgon drag la gdams pa) (103)
      • English translation: Advice for Göndrak, translated by Samye Translations, 2023.
      • Colophon: This was written by Chokgyur Lingpa at the request of Göndrak.
    • Advice for the Mantra-Holder Wanglu, by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa (སྔགས་འཆང་དབང་ལུ་ལ་གདམས་པ, sngags 'chang dbang lu la gdams pa) (103-105)
      • English translation: Advice for the Mantra-Holder Wanglu, translated by Samye Translations, 2023.
      • Colophon: I, Chokgyur Lingpa wrote this at the request of the elder Wanglu and other mantradharas who beseeched me to give them some advice. May it bring goodness!
    • Advice for the Mantra-Holder Sang-Ngak, by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa (སྔགས་འཆང་གསང་སྔགས་ལ་གདམས་པ, sngags 'chang gsang sngags la gdams pa) (105)
      • English translation: Advice for the Mantra-Holder Sang-Ngak, translated by Samye Translations, 2024.
      • Colophon: Chokgyur Lingpa wrote this at the request of the mantradhara Sang-Ngak (Secret Mantra).
    • Advice on Meditation, by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa (སྒོམ་ཚུལ་གྱི་བསླབ་བྱ, sgom tshul gyi bslab bya) (105-106)
      • English translation: Advice on Meditation, translated by Samye Translations, 2024.
      • Colophon: Chokgyur Lingpa wrote this. May it bring goodness!
    • Advice for the Elder Mantra-Holder Wangden, by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa (སྔགས་འཆང་བགྲེས་པ་དབང་ལྡན་ལ་གདམས་པ, sngags 'chang bgres pa dbang ldan la gdams pa) (106-107)
      • English translation: Advice for the Elder Mantra-Holder Wangden, translated by Samye Translations, 2023.
      • Colophon: At the request of the glorious, elderly, lay mantradhara Wangden (Powerful), at the Evam Dharma Camp in the sanctuary of Yangdzong Sky Treasury, I (Chokgyur Lingpa) sang whatever came to mind as a song.
    • Advice for the Faithful of Upper Trindu, by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa (འཁྲི་འདུ་སྟོད་ཀྱི་དད་ལྡན་ལ་གདམས་པ, 'khri 'du stod kyi dad ldan la gdams pa) (107-108)
      • English translation: Advice for the the Faithful of Upper Trindu, translated by Samye Translations, 2024.
      • Colophon: At the request of the faithful of Upper Trindu, Chokgyur Lingpa spoke this, And the old man called Drön (Guest) transcribed it.
    • Advice for Könchok Tenzin, by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa (དཀོན་མཆོག་བསྟན་འཛིན་ལ་གདམས་པ, dkon mchog bstan ‘dzin sgron la gdams pa) (108-111)
      • English translation: Advice for Könchok Tenzin, translated by Samye Translations, 2024.
      • Colophon: A physician clothed in red who was enjoying the meadows placed a pouch full of stones in front of me. He offered a piece of raw copper, and said he needed a supplication. But then, absorbed in the children’s game of stones, for a while I didn’t respond. Then, since the secretary Lama Chögyal kept on asking me, pleading so much that my ears began to ache, in the midst of these intelligent people, I finally spoke whatever came to mind in verse, laughing all the while, and Khenpo Rinchen Dargyé acted as the scribe.
    • Advice for Vidyādhara Khyunggö Tsal, by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa (རིག་འཛིན་ཁྱུང་རྒོད་རྩལ་ལ་གདམས་པ, rig 'dzin khyung rgod rtsal la gdams pa) (113-117)
      • English translation: Advice for Vidyādhara Khyunggö Tsal, translated by Samye Translations, 2024.
      • Colophon: This letter, together with inviolate, supreme samaya substances, completely trustworthy precious accomplished medicine, and a silken white scarf, is offered by Chokgyur Lingpa.
    • Advice on the Three Sets of Vows, by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa (སྡོམ་པ་གསུམ་གྱི་བསླབ་བྱ, sdom pa gsum gyi bslab bya) (117-119)
      • English translation: Advice on the Three Sets of Vows, translated by Samye Translations, 2023.
      • Colophon: Written by Chokgyur Lingpa. May it bring auspiciousness!
  • o rgyan guru padma 'byung gnas kyis sprul pa'i gter ston chen mor stsal ba'i bslab bya dang dag snang dris len sogs , Collection of pure vision teachings and various questions and answers (121-173)
  • Radiant Sunlight of the Victorious Ones' Teachings: A Brief, First-Hand Account of the Liberating Life-Story of the Great Emanated Treasure Revealer, Along With Some Accounts of Treasure Origins and Discussions of Various Topics, by Chokgyur Lingpa (།སྤྲུལ་པའི་གཏེར་སྟོན་ཆེན་མོའི་རྣམ་ཐར་གྱི་ས་བོན་ཞལ་གསུང་མ་དང་། གཏེར་འབྱུང་འགའ་ཞིག་འབེལ་གཏམ་སྣ་ཚོགས་བཅས་ཕྱོགས་བསྡོམས་རྒྱལ་བསྟན་ཉིན་བྱེད་འོད་སྣང་ཞེས་བྱ་བ་བཞུགས་སོ, sprul pa'i gter ston chen mo'i rnam thar gyi sa bon zhal gsung ma dang gter 'byung 'ga' zhig 'bel gtam sna tshogs sogs bcas la) (175-230)
    • Radiant Sunlight of the Victors’ Teachings, A Brief, First-Hand Account of the Liberating Life-Story of the Great Emanated Treasure Revealer, by Chokgyur Lingpa (།སྤྲུལ་པའི་གཏེར་སྟོན་ཆེན་མོའི་རྣམ་ཐར་གྱི་ས་བོན་ཞལ་གསུང་མ་དང་། གཏེར་འབྱུང་འགའ་ཞིག་འབེལ་གཏམ་སྣ་ཚོགས་བཅས་ཕྱོགས་བསྡོམས་རྒྱལ་བསྟན་ཉིན་བྱེད་འོད་སྣང་ཞེས་བྱ་བ་བཞུགས་སོ, sprul pa'i gter ston chen mo'i rnam thar gyi sa bon zhal gsung ma dang gter 'byung 'ga' zhig 'bel gtam sna tshogs sogs) (175-180)
    • Advice on Nonsectarianism, by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa (སྤྲུལ་པའི་གཏེར་སྟོན་ཆེན་མོའི་རྣམ་ཐར་གྱི་ས་བོན་ཞལ་གསུང་མ་དང, sprul pa'i gter ston chen mo'i rnam thar gyi sa bon zhal gsung ma dang) (191-198)
      • English translation: Advice on Nonsectarianism, translated by Samye Translations (trans. Oriane Lavolé and Laura Swan, ed. Libby Hogg), with many thanks to James Gentry for kindly providing suggestions and clarifications.
      • Colophon: In this, the Fire Rabbit year of the fifteenth year-cycle (1867–68), may these words spread forth from Orgyen Samten Chöling at Rudam Snowy Ridge, the main sacred site of wisdom qualities, and may they bring goodness!
  • sgrub brgyud bstan pa'i spyi mes mthing dmar cod pan 'chang ba zung gi gtsos skyes mchog 'ga' zhig gi skye srid ngos 'dzin skor (231-251)
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub rnam pa gnyis kar sbyor rung gi zhi khro'i 'don zin Peaceful and wrathful chanting instructions for both thugs sgrub cycles (253-264)
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi phrin las snying po'i rnal 'byor gyi sgo nas bsnyen sgrub las gsum bya ba'i yig chung sogs , Approach, accomplishment and activity instructions for the short sAdhana of the bar chad kun sel cycle (265-306)
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi bla ma longs sku'i las tshogs 'od dpag zhing sbyong , 'od dpag med ritual from bar chad kun sel sambhogakAya guru activity ritual(307-340)
  • sku gsum zhing smon las chos sku'i zhing smon sogs , Aspirations of the three kayas (341-357)
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi sangs rgyas sman bla mchod pa'i cho ga chu bo 'thung grol , Medicine Buddha ritual from bar chad kun sel 3rd chapter (359-388)
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi smra ba'i seng ge'i sgrub thabs blo gros dpal ster sogs , smra ba'i seng ge sAdhana from bar chad kun sel 6th chapter (389-401)
  • bla ma'i thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi bde chen rgyal po'i rdzogs rim phyag chen don khrid , Bde chen rgyal po completion (403-420)
  • bka' brgyad bde 'dus rgyun gyi rnal 'byor zab don 'dus pa , Daily practice for the eight sAdhana sections (421-429)
  • 'phags ma yid bzhin 'khor lo'i sgrub thabs 'ci med padma'i zhal lung , White TArA sAdhana (431-446)
  • snga 'gyur bka' ma'i 'dus mdo'i rig 'dzin byin 'bebs , Bringing down resplendence from the rnying ma bka' ma (447-460)

Volume 37 (ji)

  • dpal chen rdo rje phur ba'i lha tshogs la gtor ma 'bul ba'i cho ga phrin las myur 'grub sogs
  • rdo rje'i gar gyi mdo chings bde chen rab spel skor
  • chos bro byin rlabs dpal 'bar yid bzhin nor bu'i skor
  • rgyam gangs ri shel gyi mchod rten gyi lo rgyus phan yon mdor bsdus sogs gnas yig skor
  • ge sar skyes bu don 'grub dang rje'i mgul lha bcu gsum gyis gtsos gzhi gnas bdag po rnams la gsol mchod gyi rim pa 'dod don phrin las myur 'grub skor
  • bsangs gsol brngan gyi cho ga dngos grub char 'bebs
  • gtsang ma lha bsangs zhi ba dkar po'i cho ga
  • skyes lha rnams kyi bsangs mchod 'dod rgu myur 'grub
  • rgyam rgyal padma shel ri'i bsang mchod bde legs kun 'byung
  • gser ri'i stod kyi gzhi bdag rnams kyi bsang mchod 'dod rgu'i sprin phung
  • gnod sbyin gyi rigs 'dzin jo bo sgyogs chen gdong ra'i gsol mchod
  • go dbye'i bsang gsol bsam don kun 'grub
  • yul dpe med kyi lte ba'i gzhi bdag rnams kyi bsang mchod bde legs kun 'byung
  • gzhi bdag gnas su bcos pa'i bum gter sba thabs

Volume 38 (nyi)

  • bde chen gling pa'i rnam thar bkra shis dbyangs kyi yan lag gsal byed

Volume 39 (ti)

  • sprul pa'i gter chen mchog gyur gling pa'i rnam thar gsol 'debs bkra shis 'khyil pa'i dbyangs snyan
  • gter chen mchog gyur gling pa'i rnam thar gsol 'debs kyi bsdus don bkra shis dbyangs kyi yan lag
  • The Breeze That Carries the Auspicious Melody, Replies to Questions Arising from the Life Story of the Great Treasure-Revealer, Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa, by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo (གཏེར་ཆེན་རྣམ་ཐར་ལས་འཕྲོས་པའི་དྲིས་ལན་བཀྲ་ཤིས་དབྱངས་སྙན་བསྐུལ་བའི་དྲི་བཞོན་ཅེས་བྱ་བ་, gter chen rnam thar las 'phros pa'i dris lan bkra shis dbyangs snyan bskul ba'i dri bzhon)
    • English translation: The Breeze That Carries the Auspicious Melody, Replies to Questions Arising from the Life Story of the Great Treasure-Revealer, Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa, translated by Samye Translations (trans. Oriane Lavolé and Paul Thomas, ed. Peter Woods, Stefan Mang and Libby Hogg), 2023.
    • Colophon: This was written in response to insistent written requests and encouragement from the eminent Karma Rinchen Dargyé, the vow-holder and great upholder of both Tripiṭaka and Tantra, the preceptor of Tupten Ewam Chögar. It was written by Mañjughoṣa,[49] who is but a lowly reflection of an uninvolved renunciant. It is a mere seed, based on whatever I have heard and whatever I know, without exaggeration or denigration. May it bring virtuous goodness!. Sarvadā kalyāṇaṃ bhavatu. May there always be auspiciousness!
  • rje rig pa 'dzin pa gter chen mchog gyur gling pa'i skyes rabs kyi gsol 'debs mu tig dmar po'i phreng ba
  • skyes rabs gsol 'debs mu tig dmar po'i phreng ba'i zin thun baiDUr+ya'i mdo 'dzin
  • gter chen mchog gyur gling pa'i/ thun mong phyi'i rnam thar/ bkra shis skye ba lnga pa'i dbyangs snyan
  • rje gter chen bla ma dbus phebs skor gyi lam yig mdor bsdus bkra shis dpyid kyi rgyal mo'i dbyangs snyan
  • sku gsum rigs 'dus zab tig las brgyud 'debs byin rlabs thig le
  • sku gsum rigs 'dus zab tig las phrin las bde chen thig le
  • sku gsum rigs 'dus bzlas dmigs
  • sku gsum rigs 'dus zab tig las skong bshags dngos grub thig le
  • sku gsum rigs 'dus zab tig las rnam dag zhing smon kun dga'i thig le
  • bla sgrub sku gsum rigs 'dus zab tig dang 'brel ba'i rdo rje theg pa'i gso sbyong rdor sems zhal lung nyung ngur bsdus pa bdud rtsi'i thig le
  • sku gsum rigs 'dus zab tig las snying po don gyi gtor dbang gi mtshams sbyor mdor bsdus ba bde chen myu gu
  • sku gsum rigs 'dus zab tig las dbang chog bde chen bum bzang
  • sku gsum rigs 'dus zab tig las rtsa ba'i dbang skur rgyas pa bde chen bum bzang bklag chog tu bkod pa ngo mtshar mchog gi snang ba
  • gter chen mchog sprul padma 'gyur med theg mchog bstan 'phel gyi rnam thar gsol 'debs ngo mtshar skye lnga'i sgra dbyangs
  • mchog gling sku phreng gsum pa'i gsung skor sprul pa'i gter chen o rgyan mchog gyur gling pa'i zab gter chos mdzod chen po'i brgyud pa'i gsol 'debs
  • brgyud gsum rig 'dzin bla ma'i thugs dam bskul ba'i gdung dbyangs mos gus dad pa'i tam bu ra
  • gu ru'i sku tshab grol ba bzhi ldan gyi bka' bsgo byin rlabs rig pa rtsal gyi 'pho dbang bcas skur ba'i cho ga
  • shrI seng ha'i bla sgrub
  • mchog gling bla sgrub ye shes dpyid kyi thig le
  • padma ye shes rdo rje yi bla sgrub byin rlabs mchog sbyin
  • mahA gu ru padmasambhava dang bla ma ye shes rdo rje dbyer med sgrub thabs rgyun khyer skal bzang 'dod pa 'jo ba'i bdud rtsi'i dwangs m
  • rang gi byung ba brjod pa thang dkar lding glu
  • bla ma'i rnal 'byor bde chen rab 'bar gyi 'grel ba grub gnyis mchog sbyin
  • yang gsang mkha' 'gro'i thugs tig las seng gdong rgyun gyi nyams len
  • bla mgon dbyer med rgyun khyer
  • gter chen bla sgrub bsdus pa sogs la
  • mtsho padma'i gnas srung gsol mchod
  • padma'i eva? chos sgar gnas srung bswe yi skyes bu'i gsol mchod ldeb
  • gter gsar dgra chos bsdus ba
  • 'chi med rig 'dzin 'grub pa'i smon lam ldeb
  • kha skong skor la bla ma smra ba'i seng ge'i khrid rim mkhyen rab rnam bkra'i kun gsal me long
  • e ma ho snying dbus dad pa'i sogs rgyang 'bod dang thugs sgrub dgra bzlog bsdus pa myur mgyogs me lce thog 'bebs

Further Reading

  • The Great Gate, translation Erik Pema Kunsang, Rangjung Yeshe Publications, Hong Kong, 1985, 1989, 2008.
  • Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche, Blazing Splendor: The Memoirs of Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche (Boudhanath, Hong Kong, Esby: Rangjung Yeshe Publications, 2005)

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