Katok Moktsa Incarnation Line

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Katok Moktsa Incarnation Line (Wyl. rmog tsha) - the successive incarnations of Orgyen Sampal (Wyl. o rgyan bsam 'phel[1], of Katok Monastery.

  1. The First Moktsa Tulku, Rigdzin Namkha Chöwang (Wyl. rig 'dzin nam mkha' chos dbang ) (d.1784?)
  2. The Second Moktsa Tulku, Jikdral Chöying Dorjé (Wyl. jigs bral chos dbyings rdo rje) (b.18th - d.19th)
  3. The Third Moktsa Tulku, Jikdral Tutob Dorjé (Wyl. jigs bral mthu stobs rdo rje po) (b.late 18th - d.19th)
  4. The Fourth Moktsa Tulku, Jikdral Chokyi Langpo (Wyl. jigs bral phyogs kyi glang po) (19th)
  5. The Fifth Moktsa Tulku, Katok Moktsa Rinpoche, Jikdral Lodrö Tenpé Gyaltsen (Wyl. jigs bral blo gros bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan) (b. 20th c.-d.2021)


  1. Orgyen Sampal was a master in the Rigdzin Düddul Dorje lineage of masters who was based at Moktsa Monastery (Source: Ronis M. Jann, ‘Celibacy, Revelations, and Reincarnated Lamas: Contestation and Synthesis in the Growth of Monasticism at Katok Monastery from the 17th through the 19th Centuries’, University of Virginia, 2009, page 164.

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